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December Snowflakes - 2011 Babies - IT IS FINALLY OUR MONTH!

Yesterday I had shooting pains in my girly bits & was getting excited. I went to bed and had the best night sleep ever in awhile.

I went to the midwife today and she told me I'm 4/5ths engaged. (last week she was floating free) hehe!

I'm now awake at 3.38am... where I can't sleep as i'm getting serious period pains.. maybe she's getting engaged more? got a big head? or tricking me again lol. I also feel really sick..Ahh!

The night before I had holly was the best nights sleep I'd had in ages!! I didn't even wake up for a pee! And it all started with period pains for me, so maybe your getting somewhere :) xx
I am finding it hard to get to sleep the last few nights. Last night was hard to get sleep cus was aving pain all evening. Me and OH DTD that help me go sleep lol but i thought it might help things along but nothing yet. Still got a bit of pelvic pain but not as bad. Wish he would stop teasing me
I had another "did my waters just break?" moment last night.
BUT I think it might have been DD leaking through her nappy somehow?!!

DD is poorly atm and woke up crying, so I took her out of her cot for a cuddle and sat on her toddler bed as I cant stand for too long with her atm as it kills my back. Anyway, I was sat with her on my lap (kinda) and just had this MAJOR warm trickle run down my leg. DD's sleepsuit felt wetter than my pants did but her nappy was dry?!? So I have no idea if it was her wee, my wee or my waters lol!!

I'm gonna keep an eye on it today, I might have to go in to get checked though??

Missed my MW appointment today as we slept in as we were both up all night.
DD seems a bit better this morning atm though :)
id wear a pad today and keep an eye on any moisture,
i thought mine had gone at one point last night but No luck lol
im seriously debating putting an exersize dvd on and seeing if it starts some decent BH or pressure or something :rofl: EJ would enjoy it, DH just hasnt gotten the pump out for me to inflate my ball so i cant sit on it without doing a job on my hips
morning ladies, well i slept like a baby, not slept so well in blaming ages!!!

feeling great for it if a bit stiff......

MA has been back paid so i'm off to get me some trousers seeing as i have bugger all to wear. living with 2 tracksuit bottoms is not easy and if my waters break wearing one i'll need to wash them both i think so i need a spare
WOW!! I just called MA to see how my claim is going.
I only posted it the Monday before last so they've only had it for about 5/6 working days and the lady said its being processed and I should hear back from them by next week!!!!
well got a few crampy BH on the walk to nursery for the pickup but nothing since lol gonna have to do the stairs misson soon to put the boys in bed for their naps then i'll finish hanging up the laundry and maybe fold and put away the clean stuff , ooooooooooorrrr i could sit down and read Breaking Dawn lol
I'm so tired I may well die!! lol!!
DD was up all night and only napped for an hour so I haven't had a chance to rest and I know tonight is going to be just like last night!!!!!

BUT DD is such a cutie she makes it all okay, she is currently feeding bread sticks to her bunny :)
from start to finish posted 7th Nov, paid 24th Nov..

not bad at all, i've just been nappy shopping.... well there goes 100 quid
lol i really need to grab a pack of sposies and get a few nappy wraps in i only have 1 btp wrap and all the rest are 15lb + ones lol
from start to finish posted 7th Nov, paid 24th Nov..

not bad at all, i've just been nappy shopping.... well there goes 100 quid

Thats pretty good :)

Do you still want the trail package from me?? As I'll have to get it ready soon if you do :)
nope but i did post on your champo wall on facebook

wanting to order a few wraps but the website is refusing to let me add it to my basket, can i order through you?
Ahh was that you!! I did reply, just pm me what you want and I'll pop the order through :)
We hosted Thanksgiving at our house today. My parents were here almost all day. Between cooking jags, Mom helped me de-tag and unpackage all of the blankets, sheets, baby clothes, etc that I've received over this pregnancy. We did 3 loads of wash, now all folded and organized away.

My feet hurt from all the cooking and washing, but it was a good day with the family. I've noticed a little bit of clearish/yellowish plug loss and plenty of BH's, but nothing real to report.
I didnt do the kitchen in end just tidied it. DD wouldnt go sleep she kept crying :( so by time i got her sleep it wa 22-10 and i was tired so went to bed
My plug is still firmly(?) intact, which surprises me as I had already lost it by now with DD.

I don't know why but I do think this baby will come early but thats probably only because I'm so unprepaired lol!!
I was down on my hands and knees last night scrubbing the kitchen floor, it wasn't dirty....I just needed to satisfy my lemon cif craving lol :blush:
I had my little boy on the 23/11/11 at 1:58pm weighing 4lbs 8oz :D

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