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December Snowflakes - 2011 Babies - IT IS FINALLY OUR MONTH!

Just thought I would share our completed nursery! We haven't got a cot yet, going to wait untill we need one to get one! xx

I have the same Moses basket, swing & car seat hehe :) lovely room x
I'm excited for you Amber!! I think you're the first regular poster to have their due date!! Let us know how you get on :)
well no sign of baby this morning , i skipped the nursery run since half the kids wont be in due to the strike and half the school being shut an DH being in b'ham i dont want to push it till closer to the end of the day caus if i went into labour this morning he wont be back till near 7 tonight and could miss it all and id have nobody to collect Nate or watch the kids
well i'm off at noon for my BP check and a natter about how best to get bubs out
im off to the MW later and got a friend minding the boys while i do that which is great
I'm excited for you Amber!! I think you're the first regular poster to have their due date!! Let us know how you get on :)

Thanks hun :) I will keep you updated! My cousin is due on the 20th december..i have a feeling she will have her baby before me as shes already been in hospital this week with some pains! I bet alot of you who are due after me will have your little people before me and i'll be pregnant forever :rofl:

No signs today :( xxx
Well I think my uncle is convinced I'm having my baby this weekend?! lol.
He has driven down from swansea to stay with my mum just incase she needs a lift to the hospital to see Pudding as she has just had an op and can't drive for a few weeks.
And this morning when I sent him a text saying happy birthday (its his bday today lol) he texted back saying he hopes the birth goes well and me and baby are okay lol!
Omg haha!! He would LOVE it if he was right! :haha: My friend thinks i'll have baby on my due date (friday) i highly doubt it! Plus ive planned to go xmas shopping sunday (40+2) :rofl: xx
well MW tried to do a sweep but cervix is closed and still a little posterior but it is soft so their is progress...... next sweep monday
lucky thing getting sweeps early lol, i should wake the boys my friend will be here to watch them soon while i have my appointment ( doctors surgery is right over the road ) fingers crossed the MW is nice and decides since im soo desperate she will do a sweep for me since i really want to have this LO at home
My midwife won't give me a sweep until the 13th, I asked her if she could do it next week when I am 39+4 but she said she should really wait until I am 41 weeks so we agreed 40+4 as I am due to be induced on the 19th anyway. Really hoping he comes before then though!
i really do not want to be induced but consultant is insisting upon it if she's not here by the 12th....

the consultant also wrote in my notes to do a sweep as soon as possible so they've started today, and if it fails one on monday..... i really do not want to be induced
Im getting my sweep on the 7th at 40+1 im soooooooooooooooo happy and the MW is coming here to do it as its the final slot of clinic that day. in the meantime im having sex every night to get this baby out lol and will be doing jumping jacks if i think it will help
I got the absolute worst charley horse (calf cramp) of my life last night around 3:30am. It came in about 4 or 5 waves. Just when I thought it was over, it restarted. I ended up getting up to walk around the bedroom (and stop by the toilet) for a few minutes. My leg still hurts this morning. I guess I need to up my water intake again (I've been slacking a little).

I had my weekly appointment this morning. OBGYN said that I was 1cm dilated and she could feel the baby's head. She also said that she thought that she'd be seeing me at our weekly Wednesday morning appointment next week. *sigh*.
don't you hate when they do that.... i'll see you next week, well no offence sweety i hope to hell i don't see you next week
don't you hate when they do that.... i'll see you next week, well no offence sweety i hope to hell i don't see you next week

I know, right? A friend suggested that it's much better to hear that she'll be seeing me next week (and have it come true) than to hear over and over that I'll likely deliver in the next few days only to have nothing happen. :dohh:
well our MW's take turns to run the clinic so likely i wont see that one again till after baby is here shes not doing the clinic again till after Christmas lol, unless of course shes on call when i go into labour then i'll see her in my living room lol
I haven't been on this thread in a while and there's loads to catch up on - it's starting to get really busy and exciting in here!

Congrats to all the new mommies/mummies and good luck to those now quickly approaching their due dates.

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