Welcome to all the new snowflakes and congrats on your BFPs!
Today I think I might have controlled my nausea better through my diet. I forced myself to eat properly, NO CRAP! And lo and behold I don't feel as bad. I'm still EXHAUSTED and achy and have these weird headaches but definitely much easier to deal with nausea. Also have indigestion. AGAIN! I think it's down to the orange juice (got a massive craving today). I'm totally off fruit and veg: can't do it! Was same with my DD. So best thing I did today was whizz up some banana, strawberries and pineapple and make a delicious smoothie. Feel proud of myself! Also, roasted some peppers, onions and tomatoes, whizzed it up and hey presto! Homemade pasta sauce. That doesn't even look like veg!
The challenge comes tomorrow: can I keep it up?!
Also, haven't taken my sickness bands off for three days - could actually be them?!
Had first MW appt today. No bloods, no weighing. Just dipped a stick in my pee and said "see you in 9 weeks for your 16 week appointment." OK!
Hope everyone's enjoying the sunshine! xx