I'm about 99% sure baby dropped yesterday! Might sound crazy but I feel VERY different and honestly quite strange now. My bump feels lower too. Yesterday I was having really bad pain in my muscles under my belly, suddenly felt like I had to waddle to move too. Last night any time baby moved it was super low, I mean VERY low. Felt like she was coming through my "lady garden" (to use lolly's great term) or my butt! I actually was in so much pain trying to go to sleep last night. Baby kept moving and hurting those muscles. I'm still very sore this morning. I dreamt again that I was in labor very early with baby. Oh ya! The thing that convinced me was when I was lying on my side and could breathe easily! Didn't feel like I was constantly short of breath, feel more normal in the lung area, but in lots of pain down below. Not sure what was worse!