*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Ok, wierd... today it seems like baby keeps going sideways nearly! Her bum feels like it's to one side and she's sticking her foot out on the other! I can't figure out where the heck she is in there!
One good thing about it is that she must not be overly big! She's still shifting around a lot!
same here juless! my baby keeps kicking me on the rightside of my ribs and hes punching or head butting me in my lower left side like hes sideways... mabey bc my cervix is originally tilted to the left and babys engaged... idk:shrug:
Any news blu??

I ended up getting my hopes up again this evening for what appears to be another big fat nothing!!!! Been having quite strong BHs but they were actually getting quite painful. I could feel them pulling tight from top of bump right to cervix and through to back. Bump was rising up too. Haven't had one for 45 mins now though. This does get annoying doesn't it!!!! Going for a clary sage bath now. Am fancying a gin and tonic or a glass of cider too!!!
Ive been really cramp tonight.. also have the feeling like my cervix is being scratched at (its really sore) and when i stand up feels as if i have groin strain also loads of discharge like the clear stretchy stuff you have around ovulation and ive had horrendous diarrhea again today, anyone experiencing anything similar
Hi all they have decided to induce me and will be getting the date on Wednesday but should be about 13 days from now really scary and exciting at the same time x
@ Jules : My baby is moving alot too! He was back to back and when i sleep sometimes he is on my left side if i sleep on my leftside and samething with my rightside.
I do think he goes back to back to back .
I Must say he has been quite today except for now i feel im alot moving downlow...

@Tootfairy : It sucks to have false alarm!
I went to toilet on tuesday and i dont know what it was but i thought it was mucus plug even though there was no blood in it.
I had loose stool early this week and diarrhea this couple days..
People will say ooh that means its happening soon ( well yeah duhh i got 1week left)

Mygosh i went out today and went eating somewhere and to go to toilet sobadly
I swear it was like something wanted come out of it i just pushed a bit harder hahaha..
such a strange feeling.. i thought that must be the baby but he coulndt be hanging soo looww he just started engaging
Lol scooby - I had knee-kles!!!

Jules - you sound so close!!

Blu - I feel for you do much - fx'd this is over for you soon

Big hugs and thanks to everyone for the kind, loving support. We had Summer's 1 week check today and she has finally gained weight!!! She is up 4 oz since Wednesday, and only has to gain 4.5oz to get back to birth weight. Doc says once that happens, we can start to feed her on her cues rather than so scheduled!

That...will be Heaven.
Gen, thanks for sharing your story. Was wonderful to read something so real.

Blu hope your last weekend is good. Monday will be here soon enough!

I really think I'm going to be the last to go :cry: I'm not even that big but I'm uncomfortable and so tired of trying to find a good way to sit or lie.
TMI alert - I have a strange feeling down there. The only thing I can compare it to is having had a very vigorous :sex: session or possibly being with a well-endowed man. Like I've been stretched :blush: But dh and I haven't dtd in two weeks so its definitely not that. Anyone else feeling like this?
Good morning guys! (at least, it's morning here!) I woke up at 6am and lost my mucus plug! Big ol' gross blob of yellow cm. TMI I'm sorry, and very gross, but I wiped and somehow it flung onto the floor! LOL!! Don't ask me how that happened!!
Went back to bed, but I couldn't sleep because I was getting periody crampy feelings in my lower belly and a bad ache in my lower back. That seems to have gone away now that I got up and am moving around a bit. I just feel very strange and exactly like I do when my period is starting. Okay, so just as I type that I start getting another cramp, lol! I'm really thinking something is happening, as it's so different from anything else that's been happening with me. Pains were pretty bad in bed, not so bad now so we'll see.
What's really got me surprised is how I'm feeling emotionally right now! I've been wanting SO badly to go into labor on my own instead of having to have the c-section, and now that things feel like that might actually happen (if not today then soon), I am seriously freaking out. I am so scared that baby is really big and will get stuck, or I'll go through what I did last time. I am almost considering just going in and saying, give me a section! I think I could do that if I chose, since I had one previously. I think what I'll do is go in, explain my last birth, and tell them that if when they check me they think baby is large again or might not come out to please give me a section. It was so stressful and worrying last time I don't want to do that again. It's not the thought of contractions and pushing her out that scare me, it's what might go wrong. I feel like I don't know what to do...

Oh, and Gen, so glad Summer is gaining weight!! :D
Oh jules!! I really really hope this is it for you!! Come on baby!! Snow snow snow!!! :) xxxx think the emotional side is a good sign too! Looks like your hormones are kicking in!
jules - this really does sound promising for you. I think your plan is a sensible one. Just be open about how you feel and take it from there. Good luck!

genY - thanks for sharing your story and the gorgeous photos. You are already such a wonderful Mummy and great news that Summer is gaining weight. Keep going!

blu - you are nearly there. Your snowflake is nearly here. Hang on in there, honey x

bean - yay! Hospital sorted. This sounds like a much better option. What a relief for you.

Expatttc - enjoy your reunion!
Bean, I can't say I've been feeling like that but I am in general just sore and swollen a lot down there. My SPD doesn't help matters either :dohh:

OMG juless, it sounds like this is the beginning! Definitely call or go get checked and let us know what happens :yipee: good luck hun!

AFM, nothing to report! I had a bad night's sleep with my SPD and getting up to pee constantly, then our stupid cat decides to sit outside our bedroom door miaowing insanely loud at 5am :wacko: so I'm achey and grumpy! OH suggested getting a massage so I've just booked in to a spa for 2pm today to have a maternity 90 min massage and some treatments, so feeling a LOT happier now!
Jules -- I'm soooo excited for you!!!! Yay for progress!
Lolly - what a good DH you have -- enjoy that massage! Ask the masseuse to do some acupressure just above your inner ankles...that is supposed to get labor going!

I'm just sitting here at 3:30am after giving Summer her bottle and now pumping away like a cow...which is so boring. I HIGHLY recommend to anyone who might pump that you get a hands-free pumping bra...at least I can stalk around online while I'm being milked :)
Oooh thanks for that tip Gen, I'll ask :thumbup:

I've never seen hands free breast pumps before, will have to look into those!
It isn't a hands free pump (wouldn't that be amazing!)...just a hands-free pumping bra:
Thanks guys! Hoping it is something, though still freaked out if it is, lol! Cramping is barely happening now though, but still getting lots of lower back ache. I mainly just feel strange. Going to assume it's nothing though. Probably just prep for the real thing! OH had to run into work to do something super quick and hopefully will be back soon, just in case!
Gen, that pump looks awesome! So convenient!
Ahhh I see, well the bustier bra thing looks amazing! I love the picture of the model casually wearing it whilst chatting on the phone :haha:

Juless, I think you could possibly be in early labour. I hope things pick up, and quickly! Not until your DH is home though!

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