*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Hi lovely ladies.... I am lying beside my little snowflake!!

Seth Michael arrived at 254pm via c section. Weighing a whopping 10.2 lbs and 55 cm long! All went well although he was fairly sure he wanted to stay inside and ob had to use forceps to get him out. He is divine (biased). Will post pic when home. Bit sore but on cloud nine.

Will catch up on news tom. Hope your all going ok. :) xx
Wow munch - Congratulations on your not so little snowflake! Just delighted for you. Rest up. We'll all look forward to your photos x
Toothfairy - good luck this afternoon. Let us know how it goes.

Well, after all last night's excitement - nothing! I'm sure my body knows what it is up to but I haven't got a clue.... Guess it wasn't my time :( going to use my day productively and get some Christmas wrapping and tidying done. I've also been reading "what to expect-the first year" - there's so much I don't know! Keep cheerful ladies x
I'm still here too, due date tomorrow and also a sweep planned, no physical signs of impending labour so in just not thinking about it now and counting down till the 23rd when ill be induced, fx it happens sooner than that but I have a very open mind and am expecting to be here for the long haul!!
38 week appointment today, OH is off work so he's coming with :)

Did anyone's birth plan get used? They've asked me to bring it in today x
I've got my ob appt today, curious to see how things are compared to last week (was dilated at 2cm, she didn't mention effacement or station). I think I also just had a couple real contractions, as they were more of a wave that radiated from my back. My birthday is tomorrow and honestly won't be surprised if he decides to come then, since that's what I don't want him to do :haha:
OceanPearl mine did. When we got to labour suite my midwife asked about the birth plan, to verify what was essential and what we were flexible about if needs be. I heard her say to the other midwife whilst I was pushing 'don't tell them the sex, daddy to tell mummy' it was great.
Yay munch!!!!! Well done huge congratulations!!!!

I'm back from hospital. Had a growth scan and baby is a lovely 8lb 2oz ish so no concerns about his growth now. Fluid and placenta looked ok too. I didnt get to speak to consultant as they were mad busy but midwife at hospital said they wouldn't consider earlier induction as he is doing well. I suppose I can't argue with that really!!! I suppose if he is still good it's better he comes when he is ready? I see own midwife tomorrow for 3rd sweep!! Will see if that budges him and see how my BP is behaving!!
Your LO is just too cosy, toothfairy! Glad all is well. You are right. The most important thing is that he is ok. Fingers crossed that it will be 3rd time lucky with your sweep!
Happy Birthday for tomorrow, daydream x
Uuugghhh, I'm definitely feeling my hard work last night today. I coudn't even sleep in my bed, had to get up and sleep in the recliner in the living room because I can't roll out of bed today. My hips/back hurt so bad, I feel like I got run over by a bus. I'm so sick of being pregnant :(:( I also have an OB appt today, so an hour in the car on crap roads both ways. Great.
Sorry about the roads samj, that's the worst, especially now.

Munch congrats!

Bean my induction date will be the 28th too if nothing happens until then!!! (Although I have been doing stairs and squats and last night started rubbing my foot on DH's leg and he said, "You don't actually want to DTD you just want to go into labor" :blush: he got me there! LOL).
Munch, huge congrats hun :flower: Wow, Seth's a good size bless him :)you guessed his weight spot on too, well done mama!!

Ocean, I didn't have a written birth plan but I told my MW exactly what I wanted (didn't have many requests - just delayed cord clamping really!) and she asked me how long I wanted to leave it unclamped etc and then did exactly what I said.

Toothfairy, glad your little man is a good weight and doing ok :thumbup: now you can chill (or try anyway!) and enjoy your last few baby free day(s)!

Good luck ladies :flower:
Well just got back from my OB appt. Still 2cm, cervix is thin, but baby is still not engaged. Looks like there will be more waiting over here.
Had my mw appointment and baby is now 3/5 engaged compared to 4/5 at 36 weeks, so he is getting lower, need to keep at the bal bouncing!
Bean my induction date will be the 28th too if nothing happens until then!!! (Although I have been doing stairs and squats and last night started rubbing my foot on DH's leg and he said, "You don't actually want to DTD you just want to go into labor" :blush: he got me there! LOL).


I'm about to leave for my 38 week appointment. Doing NST and scan. I really hope I get to see something this time! Scan's are so awkward and clinical here.

I had my fourth baby dream last night. And again I dreamed it was a boy. Weird I've had so few dreams about the baby. I am SO curious now!!
2 cm dialated, 80% effaced, and baby is at minus one station. How long am I going to be like this?

Also I just drank castor oil. I know a lot of women on here say not to, but I have nobody to DTD with so :shrug: If nothing else, I really am constipated :haha:
Bean I actually haven't had an NST or even an internal. Congrats on your mom getting into town! Mine won't be visiting until about three weeks after the baby is born. She's very insistent that DH and I have our own private time with the baby.

I've also had very few baby dreams. My last one I woke up from and told DH that all I remember is her having big gorgeous blue eyes.
Had my 38 week appt today, doctor didn't check my cervix. They did last week and said it was soft high and closed. They said if I wanted to be check they would, but it made me feel pretty crappy the rest of the day last week and I had to work, so I chose to wait until next week. I will say that there's quite a bit of pressure down there all of a sudden today, and it kind of feels like baby is just gonna fall out! Also been having on and off pain near the bottom of my bump, and some shooting pains in the nether reigons. Hope that means things are progressing!
:cry: Now they want to induce me on Christmas day!!!! I tried to tell her no ways. I won't even be 41 weeks and I absolutely REFUSE to have my baby on Christmas!!:growlmad:

My doctor set me up on the NST and then went off to do her thing and forgot about me!! The alarm went off at one stage so I phoned her and she came and sorted it out. Then told me because the baby had moved she'd leave me for another ten minutes. That's when she forgot about me. I ended up being there for an hour in total. I eventually texted her and said my back is killing me, please come back! Shame, she did feel bad though.

Scooby I have been having the exact same symptoms! And every time I stand up I have to go and pee because of the pressure! I told my dh I'm too scared to go out for too long in case I can't find a toilet!! :dohh:

Lilly I haven't had any internals either. I think I'm kind of glad though because for one the lack of privacy here would mean that a whole bunch of unnecessary would end up seeing my vajayjay and two I'd probably end up disappointed if there was a lack of progress.

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