*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

We did it at 22.36 our yellow bump turned blue will add. Details later but he is amazing and weighed 9lb 5oz xx

Wooooo looks all Christmassy here!!!!

ATM had sum cramping his morning well like period pains and its officially one of my due date today out of the 3 I was given lol,I had a bath in clary sage oil last night might go and have another one today just have to go to my nans cz we only have a shower. Has anybody used this and has it worked ? I'm departed to try castor oil but I can't find it anywhere I found somewhere that sells the capsules but they don't have any in :-( xxxxx
BIG congrats samia and mummy em!!!!!!!

Last night was really strange for me...I couldn't sleep for the longest time, then at around 2.30 finally drifted off only to be awoken every hour by lots of cramping / pushing right at the bottom of my bump! I think the little one might be trying to find a way out, but has Mommy's sense of direction!! lol... So glad that I have an obs app't. today to ask if anything has changed...
Sara, I was bathing and massaging in CSO the week before I went into labour. When I started contracting I was inhaling it straight from the bottle. Have you done some research into castor oil first? Reason I ask is it's not proven to help briong on labour and there has been some research to prove it may be harmful for baby (causes them distress which can lead to them pooping meconium in the amnio fluid, if that gets into their lungs it can be dangerous). If you have a google you should be able to read in to it :thumbup:

It's freezing here today, I've got me and the babies wrapped up warm in the house and here we shall stay!
Yeh I've read into it and there's lots of conflicting view hats gunna b desperate measures I'm happy just plodding along still ATM doing one of walkin I do an our a dy on the treadmill, pineapple ate a jar of jalapeños lol all sorts gunna gt bouncing evn more tonight n go for a massive walk tomoz xxxx
I'm having a nesting fix today. Me n family have been slacking on the cleaning as we have all been sick. (in my house we have me, my husband, my step daughter, my daughter , my mom, my step dad, my grandma, n her boyfriend) n as u can tell we have a house full. The house can get really dirty with slacking. Lol by the time I'm done it will b spotless lol. Damn sugar ants is what started it. My family all smokes on back porch n step dad drinks coffee in morning before work n he spilt some n I had to spray the sugar ants n than clean it all up. N haven't stopped since lol. I have doctors appt this afternoon hoping to hear some progress had happened since last week
I've been really ill through the night girls and all I've done today is sleep. Started having my usual strong BHs at about 6pm and they lasted til roughly 4am. I was throwing up and had runs but felt really poorly. Today I feel exhausted and like I've got hangover! I think my body is struggling now and has had enough. I was praying for the BHs not to be real as I couldn't have coped with labour.

Oh and last Thursday I had huge dark brown bloody show. Been losing streaky bits every day since but lost another huge salmon coloured clot today.
GL tooth fairy, I hope the sickness is early labor for you.

GL to those with ob appts! Fx for dilation, effacement & engaged LOs!

Sara - my dr said I can try whatever nat inducement I want except for castor oil. Apparently if it does put you into labor it's because you get severely dehydrated.. and she said it makes for really horrible labors.

AFM two nights ago was having contractions about ten minutes apart for two hours, but then at 2am decided to sleep bc figured it was false labor and it stopped. Yesterday didn't have many contractions at all! So strange!

Today I'm going to spend a lot of time on the exercise ball and go curb walking. Since I am dilating but not engaging, am trying what I can to help LO descend into my pelvis
I've got my next mw appointment at 40+4 and wasn't even told I would get a sweep then, I have to ask mw when I get there :( what if she says no? I really wanted my baby here for Christmas but I don't see it happening. Does this seem late for a sweep, girls?

He is 3/5 engaged now compared to 4/5 a couple of weeks ago which is good.
Wish my birth center would stop cancelling my FLIPPING appointments!!!!! Yeah...ok there's a mom in labor there today. YOU HAVE FIVE MIDWIVES! How many does it take to see me? ONE?!?!


I said I couldn't come in for the times she wanted to reschedule, I'm still working. She said, "Why are you still working?" WOW, inappropriate much? Some people need money obviously. WTF?!

My due date is Friday...I feel like I should probably be seen AT LEAST ONCE BEFORE MY DUE DATE!!!
Sorry Lilly, that's really frustrating. The last three weeks my doctor has been called out on deliveries and I've had to wait over an hour to see her each time. But yes, if there are 5 midwives why can't one see you?! I'm still working too, my last day is Friday.
Well sweep number 1 didn't work, next one on Friday, wonder if any of our snowflakes will be born on this special date 12.12.12?????
It won't be me!! 8 days late and now feel like I'm coming down with a cold :-(
Appt went well I'm a stretchy one cm dilated. 50% effaced so made some progress
hello ladies! im offically in the hospital and in LABOR!!! im 6 cm so baby is on its way! cant wait :)
Samj - I hear you! Seriously large amounts of mucus here too. It's like a scene from ghostbusters!
Congratulations Samia and mummy_em! What different journeys you had.
ocean - have you seen this: https://www.nhs.uk/Planners/pregnancycareplanner/Documents/NICE_induction_of_labour.pdf? If you look at the section on membrane sweeping, if this is your first, you should be offered a sweep at 40 and then 41 weeks. Don't be afraid to quote the NICE guidance. Works wonders!
Lilly - how frustrating! It's horrible to be messed around when you are feeling vulnerable.
toothfairy - big hugs for you. You have had a rough ride with this LO. I'm keeping positive for you and hoping this is your body gearing up for the big day. If its any support, I've felt really rough today too. On and off contractions, crap sleep and so nauseous I couldn't stomach lunch. Saw MW today and told her about my symptoms since the sweep and she thought it was best I got checked out in the Hospital so that's where I've been this afternoon. The conclusion is that baby is fine but I am contracting regularly and this is probably what is upsetting her and slowing down her movements. This 'slow labour' is also why I've been feeling so crappy and exhausted. It sounds like something similar might be going on for you. Our time will come, but let's hope it is sooner rather than later as I'm fast becoming an emotional wreck. My induction is booked for 22nd. Please let our babies come before then x

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