*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Congrats Munch!!!!!!!!!!!!! A big, healthy boy!!


Sam, sorry that you're feeling icky. I'm the opposite when it comes to cars...no matter what aches, I just feel like I always want to be moving these days...

Bean - a christmas baby! Hope you can convince them otherwise if it's not what you want!!

Scooby, I'm only getting my cervix checked every 2 weeks, because last week there was no progress...
Bean surely they will wait a couple of days???

41 weeks for me today grrrrr!!!!!!!! Never thought the marker for a new week would piss me off! its always been an exciting milestone! Going for 3rd sweep!!!
Hi all thought I would update you all went in to be induced on Saturday morning had propess put in made me very sore and contract a lot but didn't do anything so after 24 hours I was 2 cm and they gave me a good sweep and put another in again I was in a lot of pain another 24 hours took the 3 rd one out as second had fallen out in the evening I was then 1 cm couldn't believe it that was at 2 pm yesterday and I'm still in hospital waiting to find out what the plan of action is today xx
2 cm dialated, 80% effaced, and baby is at minus one station. How long am I going to be like this?

Also I just drank castor oil. I know a lot of women on here say not to, but I have nobody to DTD with so :shrug: If nothing else, I really am constipated :haha:

How did the castor oil go? I've tried looking everywhere in euk for it and can't find it anywhere xxx
Just back from midwife. Saw different one today who totally contradicted what other has said and had depressed me. This one said I am only 1cm dilated not 1-2 like last weeks and didnt know how she got 2cm! Said cervix long still. Head was 2/5 engaged last week now he is -3 station so she wouldn't do the 3rd sweep as said if she broke waters the cord could prolapse. She said she thought I was miles off labour. I'm booked for induction in a week on 18th and she said to expect it to be a long process if things are still like this as they'll have to bring his head down and do a lot of ripening with pessaries before they can break waters. I am totally gutted. On Saturday I was told 1-2cm cervix very soft mushy and engaged. What can I do???! Am literally trying everything here, curry walking ball cleaning epo CSO nipple stimulation??
Aw toothfairy. Big hugs coming your way. Firstly, there are going to be differences of opinion so don't let that worry you. Secondly, I'm not sure that anyone can accurately predict when a baby is going to show up. Some people progress very slowly and others take a while to get going but then it all happens at once. There is nothing more you can do to speed this baby along. I would concentrate on doing things for yourself - get a manicure, go for a massage, watch a good film. I think distraction is the way forward. I'm thinking of you x
mummy_em - how frustrating. I hope you agree a good way forward today.

Now, TMI alert girls. I have definitely just lost my mucus plug. It was seriously the single most disgusting thing to have left my body! Here's a question though - is it supposed to smell? I know it's been in there for 9 months but the smell was stomach churning. I was nearly sick! Has anyone else experienced this?
Thanks honey bee!

I lost my plug last Thursday and I know what you mean about it being disgusting. I flushes mine straight away to be honest as it shocked me a bit so dunno if it was smelly? I guess it could be as you said it's been in there months! Maybe ask your midwife though?
Just back from midwife. Saw different one today who totally contradicted what other has said and had depressed me. This one said I am only 1cm dilated not 1-2 like last weeks and didnt know how she got 2cm! Said cervix long still. Head was 2/5 engaged last week now he is -3 station so she wouldn't do the 3rd sweep as said if she broke waters the cord could prolapse. She said she thought I was miles off labour. I'm booked for induction in a week on 18th and she said to expect it to be a long process if things are still like this as they'll have to bring his head down and do a lot of ripening with pessaries before they can break waters. I am totally gutted. On Saturday I was told 1-2cm cervix very soft mushy and engaged. What can I do???! Am literally trying everything here, curry walking ball cleaning epo CSO nipple stimulation??

There's nothing really you can do, baby will come when its ready and not before, just try and relax and enjoy the last week of pregnancy. Xxx

I had a sweep this morning and have the next one booked for Friday, am so ready for this baby to come out now!
How did the castor oil go? I've tried looking everywhere in euk for it and can't find it anywhere xxx

Umm, it was... interesting. It kinda made me want to throw up for a few hours, then it made me poop. I had a few contractions, but they stopped and I'm still here. I only took 2 tablespoons cuz I was afraid to over do it. Today though I'm definitely losing my plug. Whether the two are related... :shrug:?

My plug is coming out in pieces, so every time I go to the bathroom there is a little more. Mine doesn't smell like anything.
Thanks Sam - you are brave trying the castor oil!
I don't know if it was because my plug came out in one big gloop? Anyway, I rang the midwife who suggested I contacted the hospital. After a long discussion, the upshot is that no, it is not normal for the plug to smell, but I just have to keep an eye on things, but to have a low threshold for calling them. As long as my waters haven't broken and there is no green tinge to the mucous then they are not worried. Since then, every time I go for a wee there is more mucous and it's smell is not so rancid. Seriously, how much plug does one baby need? It can't be regenerating this quickly!
I lost my big plug last Thursday and still getting little brown blobs of it when I wipe too so god knows how much of it there is!!
I tryed castor oil with my first and properly had a whole bottle in the end but apart from making need the loo..... Loads..... It didn't help at all.
Hello ladies ,
Friday 7 december 2012 i gave birth to a wonderful beautiful boy Yahya :D
On wednesday i had hospital appointment and found out i was 3 cm dilated! Was very shock to hear but realised so thats what the mild cramps and bit of backpain come from..it kinda explained everything.
She told me i will give birth within 2days or so ..didnt believe thought i will give birth on sunday!
Anyway, At night i found out contraction came every 7 min and once 15 min and last 30 sec. So glad i slept that night good and told myself dont fool yourself it wont happen just yet.
Woke up 7 am and felt really strong one and thought OUCH! that hurt!! Stood up and there came another one .........
I was about dress up and my almost 3 year old son too cause he needed go to nursery couldnt even feed him. Contraction was getting stronger.
As hours pass by around 1.30 pm i told my sister-in-law i cant take it anymore cause this time it really hurt and faster ( i was actually sitting on top of the stairs, having a bit nap)
So we called the labour ward and they told us to come and called the cab.
We arrived at the hospital 1.55pm and talked to reception lady, i was so happy that the lady took me serious and saw that it was serious , had 2 contraction every 30 a 1min with her so she called labour ward and brought me a wheelchair..I was waiting for her in the hall and there was midwife who just finished or was about to have lunchbreak talked to me and soothed me ..so i told everyone talk to me tell me how to breath ..(it really sooth me) lol

Anyway they checked how far i was and found out i was 9,5 CM DILATED!!!
My sister in law said o mygod You did everything at home, you just need to push and he is there! Midwifes wanted give me gas and air, but thankfully my sil told me NO! youve done everything so easily so far , and she was right!
10 a 15 min later water broke and 2.40 my son came!
They did had to cut me ,cause baby was disstress and the cord was tight around his neck ..

anyways he is 57 cm long and 3,45 kg
SO happy so in love , i cant believe i finally had my VBAC!! I strongly believe if you put your mind to a postive mind and if your determined to have a birth it will happen to you .
My son was breech at 30 weeks i flipped him within 2days and found out he was OP back to back ..tried to get him on my left and it worked..Thanks to Spinningbabies.com
Ladies here with advice of using Raspberry leaf tea! and lots of praying so im so thankfull to God!

Goodluck for the ladies here and congratz who already gave birth.
Sorry im on my phone so excuse me if my english or writing isnt perfect and very LONG lol
True love......... Knowing ill be in labour soon so got the husband to shave my lady garden!!! Very strange experience allround I think!!!!!
I lost my big plug last Thursday and still getting little brown blobs of it when I wipe too so god knows how much of it there is!!

Dear god seriously, I've been losing hunks of it all day. Like, BIG hunks! How freaking much plug is there??!!? I wish it actually meant something to lose the plug :(

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