*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Still no morning sickness here either but I am feeling as though it is right around the corner. I have quite a gag reflex suddenly. Finally got up a bit of motivation and did a couple things around the house. Now I'm dying of thirst, my back is killing me, and I'm tired and miserable....I knew I shouldn't have gotten off the couch today...:growlmad:
Wow, mrmuzz, now that's what I call support! Congrats and welcome!
Ok, so when I was on the TTC forums, all we ever did was complain. Now on the pregnancy forums, all we do is complain. Why do we do this to ourselves!? LOL
Anyone else still trying to decide on birth options? My first baby was 11lbs, 10oz. I tried pushing for 2 hours but it ended in c-section cause she couldn't fit through my pelvis. I have the option on an elective c-section this time. I'm not sure if I want to try to have a natural birth again or not. I'm thinking if it looks like this baby will be large also I'll go with the c-sec. Unless they will induce me a bit early? Though the c-sec would be less scary after what I went through with #1...

Hey Juless, we have very similar birth stories. I tossed around the trial of scar (natural birth after c section) probably everyday, I felt a great sense of failure post birth of my first, I felt ripped off that I went through the whole thing 18 hour labour, pushing etc apart from actually getting her through my vag, it was exhausting and then to have a major operation after all that quite tiring.

I guess my biggest fear with number 2 is that it would happen again, and one thing I didn't want was an emergency c section again. I also wanted to bring number 2 into world without complications. It's a personal decision, there's stacks of literature out there and stories of successful trial of scars. Your darling was certainly quite a size ( easier babies to manage and stronger in my opinion, so I think it's a good thing) I would just see how this one grows (maybe get a sizing scan around 36 weeks) and go from there. I get really cross when people say that a c section is the easy way out...it isn't, it's a major op and there is a reason you stay in hospital longer. In the end as long as baby arrives with out complication the better! I am having another c section with this one, I don't think my ob will advise me otherwise due to history and my age. Good luck Hun and don't worry too much you have a lot if time on your hands and the decision is yours :) x
Ok, so when I was on the TTC forums, all we ever did was complain. Now on the pregnancy forums, all we do is complain. Why do we do this to ourselves!? LOL

Very true. I for one can finally complain about morning sickness! It just hit me a couple hours ago (it's currently just before 5pm here). I don't know what else to do about it other than to try to get something on my stomach, so I feel like I'm just shoveling in food today. I don't know how much longer that is going to work, so I need to start finding some remedies before it gets worse.

But, even though I'm feeling pretty queasy right now, I have to say I am so relieved to finally have a solid pregnancy symptom besides the cramps. And it looks like it was right on time -- I'm exactly six weeks today.
Anyone feel like having a lazy day? I have no ambition to do any cleaning today and I'm feeling guilty about it. I have laundry that needs folding and dishes that need cleaning. I'm just hungry and tired and want to lay on the couch. I don't even want to make dinner. Is that bad of me?The guilt is really eating at me but I'm having such a hard time getting moving. I didn't even shower until after noon!:blush:

I am completely with you! I have done nothing today and have a feeling nothing is going to motivate me. Hopefully I can talk my husband into grilling something for dinner. :winkwink:

Happy I'm not the only one. I just can't shake this guilty feeling though. HOping I can get some motivation or something soon.

Oh 1st pregnancies are awesome, when you only have yourself to look after. Lap it up girls, do nothing, dont feel guilty and enjoy! Xx
Ok, so when I was on the TTC forums, all we ever did was complain. Now on the pregnancy forums, all we do is complain. Why do we do this to ourselves!? LOL

Very true. I for one can finally complain about morning sickness! It just hit me a couple hours ago (it's currently just before 5pm here). I don't know what else to do about it other than to try to get something on my stomach, so I feel like I'm just shoveling in food today. I don't know how much longer that is going to work, so I need to start finding some remedies before it gets worse.

But, even though I'm feeling pretty queasy right now, I have to say I am so relieved to finally have a solid pregnancy symptom besides the cramps. And it looks like it was right on time -- I'm exactly six weeks today.

Sorry that MS has kicked in for you. But congrats on finally having your first symptom! I am still so early. So I had cramps last week. And now this week it is just pelvic pain :( These symptoms are scary and I want them to go away!
I had Ms yesterday but none today. I did have the worst tummy pains that were off and on all day yesterday after the Ms went away. I ended up taking gas-x chewable and it helped some. Its starting back up again though...nobody told me about this...
Thanks munch for the insight!!

I am really hoping to be able to get a sizing scan. Here we get one 16 week scan and that's it, unless there are complications. I will be paying to get a 3D one later on to find out the gender but they don't do the sizing and all. I'll speak with my OB once I get in to see him. :) I have a feeling I might end up with the c-section, mostly because my blood pressure was a bit high during my last birth (had to have a nurse in the room with me to monitor it at all times) and that was pretty scary. Hoping this time I won't have that problem!

To those of you feeling guilty for resting, don't be! This is the time to rest, it's exhausting growing a person! Oh how I remember those days in my first pregnancy! They were lovely relaxing all day! I have those days now only my toddler won't let me sit for too long, lol!
Aww MrMuzz that is so cute!

I don't think I would want my DH on bnb.. we would fight over the computer I think.

Had to work early today, which at least means that I finish early... so now I am going to nap before DH gets home!

Still no ms...
Luckily he has a laptop, i have the pc so we can both be on here at the same time if we wanted lmao!

thank you so much, kitty will be the best mum ever, i hope that i can do her proud.

i cannot wait to get to know you all, kitty tells me so much about BnB x

so cute! :cloud9:

I was asleep, then I woke up and threw up :( not impressed at all but i suppose its a good thing haha! Feeling very queasy now! :sick:
Ok just did a digi, first one ever! You girls were right about them being fun! Lol. I got pregnant 2 to 3 which is right on track being that I am about 4 and half weeks. Took a picture and sent in to DH at work just to share. Really wanted to tell Miss 9 about it but didn't, will wait a few more weeks. It's school holidays here still and I have had to be very careful not to slip up. Really looking forward to school going back now.....I am bored is ringing in my ears!!
Glad to see I'm not the only one who is super thirsty it's strange my mouth is so dry all the time.
Munch I
Looking forward to mine going back to school to need some peace for 5 mins lol xx
Hi ladies (and gent) :wave:

Had such a stressful day yesterday trying to work from home. My boss was on my case about everything and I was actually working flipping hard. I have worked for this company 4 years and worked from home many times and I have NEVER been questioned/monitored like this woman was yesterday. I don't know what her problem was. :growlmad:
Does anyone else find stress/exertion makes MS worse? I have found if I get upset I now start gagging which is pretty awful :( Can't wait until I tell work on Friday so they can leave me the heck alone.

munch...I always wonder why c-section mummies (particularly those who have had to go through labour and then emergency csec) could possibly feel like a failure. :shrug: You had to effectively give birth TWICE imo and then look after a newborn after major surgery! You need a medal! :flower: I have had surgeries before but am totally chicken of a csection. Easy way out? oooooohhhh no!
When it has to be done though, it has to be done and a healthy happy newborn at the end of it is all the matters. And I can totally understand why you would want a calmer experience this time of a scheduled c-section and knowing exactly what to expect. :thumbup:

I had a most awful and worrying pregnancy last time so I think I was repaid with an "easy" birth. Well it sounds easy depending on how I tell the story. I personally prefer the "first time they checked me I was 10cm and he arrived after 40mins of pushing with no pain relief whatsoever" story....rather than the "emergency hospital transfer, botched cannulas/speculums, being in labour for 18 hours, nobody believing I was in labour, 2nd degree tear" story. It was still the best day of my life so far, and the part I am excited to do again. Pity that many people love to tell me how much worse it could be next time round...but we can only hope for the best. :)
Just weighed myself and I've put on 7 pounds in the last 2 weeks! How's that even possible? I've been eating a normal amount just in smaller meals. Yesterday was a typical day...I had:

1/2 my normal bowl of cereal cos I felt sick
mid morning I had a cereal bar
lunch I had a cheese and ham sandwich
dinner I felt sick so had a slice of toast with marmite.
I also had a cup of tea and 2 mini cans of ginger ale.

Last time I only put on 5lbs all of 1st tri. I have to be very careful what I gain cos I have severe SPD and extra weight just makes it worse. :(
Well I feel sick suppose its a good thing though apart from I actually hate being sick have a thing about it can't stand it let's hope im not actually sick lol x
Can i join aswell please? Due 07/12 has anyone realised that if we have our baby on 12/12 the DOB will be 12/12/12!?! im currently feeling like i could kill someone!! no cigarettes for a good coupe of days and no vodka/wine/jaiger for the past 2 weekends PLUS im bloated as a bull......not a good combo!

im soooo nervouse, i keep thinking my tests arent getting darker, i done my 4th CB digi on 06/04 and it was 2-3 so waiting for the 6 i have ordered off the net to arrive!

anyone had any weird cravings yet!? mines Banana's?! So weird! x
Hiya, can I join please? According to my lmp my edd is around 1st dec. Although knowing my mums history and my first, baby#2 will probably be about two weeks late!!!

Jules, your little girl is soo pretty! and in terms of c section, could you not just keep an eye on your little bubs size and make a decision based on that?
Hi there,
Can I join? I think I'm due around 8th Dec!!

Welcome new Snowflakes and congratulations to you all :yipee:

MissCurly :hi: I remember you from the Tri's, BC and see you around GS! So many familiaar faces, love it!

I'll add you all to the EDD list now :thumbup: x

Anyone else still trying to decide on birth options? My first baby was 11lbs, 10oz. I tried pushing for 2 hours but it ended in c-section cause she couldn't fit through my pelvis. I have the option on an elective c-section this time. I'm not sure if I want to try to have a natural birth again or not. I'm thinking if it looks like this baby will be large also I'll go with the c-sec. Unless they will induce me a bit early? Though the c-sec would be less scary after what I went through with #1...

11lbs 10 :shock: WOW. I don't think I've ever met anybody who's had a baby of that size before! Well done to you!

I'd be in 2 minds just the same hun. If your DD couldn't fit through your pelvis what are the chances this bubs would - especially if it's bigger. Hopefully they can monitor baby's growth, but I have little faith in the growth scans they give anyway as they were completely out for my DD (they said on all of my 4 growth scans she'd be a 9-10lbs+ full termer but popped out at only 5.5lbs :wacko:). It's a choice only you can make, but if it's another big baby and it'll be safer to just deliver without any unneeded complications I would probably be more edging towards an elective :shrug: it's a tough one!

I'll be birthing this bubs vaginally like I did with DD, if all goes well that is. I'd like a water birth too :flower:

Anyone feel like having a lazy day? I have no ambition to do any cleaning today and I'm feeling guilty about it. I have laundry that needs folding and dishes that need cleaning. I'm just hungry and tired and want to lay on the couch. I don't even want to make dinner. Is that bad of me?The guilt is really eating at me but I'm having such a hard time getting moving. I didn't even shower until after noon!:blush:

Feel like having one!? That seems to be all I've been doing :rofl: It is getting pretty bad though - yesterday I didn't get dressed until I had work at 6pm :blush: and my dirty washing is starting to pile up! Not good. I'm supposed to be meeting a friend today but may have to cancel just so I can start to get back on top of things in the house, and then reward myself with a nice long nap!

This is our time to rest though, so take full advantage :) x

hi everyone

im very new to all this but i am married to kitty2385. we had a BFP and we are due on the 12-12-12 and OMG im sooooo excited and i just wanted to be able to talk to others that are trying and having babies.

This is the best news i have ever had and all i can say is thank you kitty2385 you are my world x

Awwww :) welcome MrMuzz and congrats to you and the Mrs on your BFP!

Ok just did a digi, first one ever! You girls were right about them being fun! Lol. I got pregnant 2 to 3 which is right on track being that I am about 4 and half weeks. Took a picture and sent in to DH at work just to share. Really wanted to tell Miss 9 about it but didn't, will wait a few more weeks. It's school holidays here still and I have had to be very careful not to slip up. Really looking forward to school going back now.....I am bored is ringing in my ears!!

Uh oh, we haven't made another CB digi addict have we!? It's great seeing those words and numbers pop up isn't it :) I'm still bloody waiting for my tests to arrive that I ordered 2 weeks ago :growlmad: haven't seen my 3+ yet! I've emailed the seller and he is resending some out to me today so hopefully get them tomorrow or Saturday x

Just weighed myself and I've put on 7 pounds in the last 2 weeks! How's that even possible? I've been eating a normal amount just in smaller meals. Yesterday was a typical day...I had:

1/2 my normal bowl of cereal cos I felt sick
mid morning I had a cereal bar
lunch I had a cheese and ham sandwich
dinner I felt sick so had a slice of toast with marmite.
I also had a cup of tea and 2 mini cans of ginger ale.

Last time I only put on 5lbs all of 1st tri. I have to be very careful what I gain cos I have severe SPD and extra weight just makes it worse. :(

I have gained too, around 4-5lbs. It is mainly just water weight at this stage though so try not to worry :flower: x
Oh forgot to mention I finally got given my booking in appointment date :wohoo: It's Fri 27th! Seems ages away yet but gives me something to look forward to. I'm going to set my appointments and scans as little ''mini goals'', hopefully they'll make the next 8 months seem like they aren't dragging as much! x
Lolly that is what I'm doing :) I have set a countdown on my iPhone to my first scan on the 23rd and then my booking in appt is on the 24th. Then I will countdown to 12week scan :) I like small goals lol. Makes the big thing not feel so far away :)
Exactly ducky! Glad I'm not the only person who likes mini goals :rofl:

Bloating is still so bad for me, I am looking forward to it clearing off tbh, I feel so round and uncomfortable. I don't remember being this bloated first time round :wacko: I can't wait for it to be all baby in there and not just gas and water :rofl:
I know what you mean about the bloat!!

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