***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Oh Lilly, that sounds awful. So sorry you had to go through that!
Is anyone using Infacol or other such products for wind? Seth is a dream baby during the day but at night arrrgggg he seems to have the worse wind after feeds which makes it hard to get him back to sleep. Sleep deprivation is the worst thing out!
Lilly big hugs to you! I think I'd die if they told me I had to go through that again!

Bay, woohoo for you!

Munch I'm using something similar called Telament. Amber suffers all the time with winds. I actually have been a bit slack using it and have had two bad nights in a row now! My plan is to now make proper use of it in the hope that I can get a few hours sleep at night.
Munch have you tried rubbing his belly then pushing his knees to his chest? Fin isn't a great burper so he gets really gassy and can grunt super loud at night and doing the belly rub/knees to chest really relieves him and he gets alot out! and often it helps him do a poo too.
Bay, yes have tried everything, burping often between boobs, bicycle legs, massage, sitting up and elevated after feeds. Been using infacol but don't think it does a whole lot. He chucks a bit too. Girls never had this at all. Hopefully his gut is just immature and time will help....
Munch i tried bicycle legs too and get nowhere with that method, maybe he just needs more pressure to help pop it out with knees to chest? It sounds harsh but it really isn't lol. But yes you're right, he will outgrow it.
Hi ladies! Sorry I have been AWOL. I had a bit of a rough week and to be honest it felt like it was zapping all of my energy just to get through the day.

2016 - I completely understand. Ava started with symptoms of colic just over a week ago and it has had me tearing my hair out. I have been unable to put her down day and night and when it gets like this it is very easy to forget to take care of yourself. 2 nights ago as I was trying to soothe her several hours in I was seriously contemplating adoption because I thought I was such an awful mother. Sleep depravation is a horrible, horrible thing. There is a reason why it is used for torture...... You must be having an even harder time with Flicka's reflux and DS in tow. I know the others have said it but you have to look after yourself in order to be able to look after her. If you don't eat, you will affect the quality of your milk - it's a vicious circle. The way we have made things manageable is that I now express once a day and DH manages the late evening feed and I go up early to bed. This way I get a block of maybe 3 hours without worrying about Ava. We've also started on Infacol which is helping us although I know it's not the case for everyone. I also stocked up the fridge with healthy, quick to prepare food to make it easier to eat properly. Feel free to vent or message me. We're all in this to take care of each other, right?

Lilly - ouch, ouch, ouch. Poor you x

Munch - yes, we have been using Infacol for 2 days. There is no evidence base for its success but it is definitely working for us. Last week I could not settle Ava and she insisted on sleeping on me and never in her pram. Now, she seems to have a calmer feed, settle quicker and for longer and joy of joys even sleep in her pram or bouncer! Her farting is quite explosive though but I consider this a small price to pay. The other things I have found helpful are a warm bath and also some colic massage (lots of videos on YouTube with paddle strokes as well as the move bay describes).

As for the bleeding question - nearly 4 weeks and still going here.

Has anyone else had night sweats? The last 3 nights I have literally drenched my bed sheets. It's seriously gross. I'm not sure if it is a viral infection or just hormonally related but either way, I wish it would be over with. On a positive note - Ava weighed in at 10lb 4 oz today from a birth weight of 8lb 2oz so at least those hideous nights had a purpose!

Stay well everyone x
Baby is 2 weeks and 2 days and has done nothing but sleep today! Had to wake her this morning to do the school run and she's probably been awake on and off for 2 hours total all day? Is this normal?, I'm sure I've read that they have a growth spurt around 2 weeks, did any of yours suddenly sleep for longer during the day around this age??
Honey.bee YES the night sweats. My side of the bed is probably disgusting. If I'm not sweating I'm freezing cold. My boobs leak everywhere. And I drool now. I never did that before pregnancy but every time I lift my head from the pillow it's drenched. So nasty!
Fifi, Iz tended to sleep a lot thru her growth spurts too but she woke every 1-2 hours for a feed.

Lol @ Lilly, I drool everywhere too! And I had to start using clinical strength deodorant because I sweat a lot more now too.

I don't want to jinx myself, but dang have we gotten some good sleep here the last two days. Iz was sleeping in my room and I've kept her in her own room the last two nights and she'll go five hour stretches now. That means only one wake up during the night :) I give her an extra ounce at her bedtime and nighttime feeds to make up for the other nighttime feed she usually takes, and since she's growing like a weed her doctor has no problem with her going 5 hours. I seriously thought I was going to go nuts soon.

Also her bouncer has been a god send. I finally put batteries in it last night and she loves it. Allows me to take a shower/eat/do laundry without having her fuss from being put down by herself.

Generally I think I lucked out with a pretty happy baby, but I'm having a lot of anxiety over stupid little things, then more anxiety about having the anxiety :wacko: I hope this is just from the sleep deprevation/hormones.
Aaauurrgghhh, my cat is starting her nonsense again! I'm finally having a better night with Amber and now the cat won't shut up! Plus she pee'd in the cot again.

Sam I know what you mean with the anxiety! Hugs.

I'm not sure whether to take Amber to the hospital again. She hasn't had a poo since Friday. We've tried the earbud thing and soap but she's produced nothing.Also tried massage and knees up. She hasn't seemed uncomfortable or been straining like before so I just don't know.
Bean, my doctor said that even one poo a week was normal, as long as its not hard and baby isn't uncomfortable. Maybe just wait another day or two if she's not fussing.
One poo a week!! Wow, my baby does about 4 a day!!
Idk if this would help but someone once said that a babies natural instinct is to use the bathroom when they are bare bottomed.

Maybe my baby is just weird but when I take her diaper off to change her she will sometime pee (twice its been poop) as soon as air hits her butt. You could try leaving her lying naked on a chux absorbable pad for a little bit maybe. I have no idea if this would help or if my child just enjoys being naked.
Bean, i heard that up to 1week can be ok for bf babies too. I read somewhere awhile ago that it's because bm is so good that they absorb all the nutrients. But maybe just have her checked out anyway if it's stressing you out too much?

Lilly, my baby does the same. Pee and poop as soon as the nappy comes off. I hope he just doesn't do it in the bath like his big bro (while i'm it too). Very messy!

I'm happy to report i no longer have leaky boobs. Even my letdown is starting to feel less noticeable.
Huge yes to the night sweats!! It's so gross! And my boobs always want to leak so I have to wear a bra with breast pads 24/7.
Wow, just gave Tessa some gripe water and she's now sleeping more soundly than she has in a long while! She has been super gassy with lots of really loud grunting lately. She even kept waking me up last night, she was grunting so much! As soon as she got the gripe water she calmed right down and fell into a comfy sleep. :D

As for my boobs, they are a gross, leaky mess... I leak on the bed every night, since I fall asleep feeding and forget to put the pad back in. :p My milk comes out very strong sometimes, poor baby can't handle it sometimes!
Yes ugh night sweats are the worst. I wish that would end soon.

Our LO has had a diaper rash, which we cleared up w Burt's Bees ointment, then small red bumps which I realized was yeast, so using an anti fungal cream have gotten that to start to clear. Now my nipples have intense pins and needles pain, so I think we have thrush. I'm going to call my dr tomorrow. These things just never end!

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