***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Thanks tooth! I'll see if I can download that book today. It has got really great reviews on amazon and it seems to relate to where I am now. I really appreciate the recommendation. :hugs: A friend recommended putting a breast pad in the cot so I've done that. Seems pretty gross but hey, if it works! I think the co-sleeping is not the biggest issue for me at the moment, it's more the daytime naps. It would be lovely if she could have those in her cot, or even in the bouncer instead if on me! Glad Joseph liked his sleeping bag x x x
Oh yeah.... Joseph never sleeps in chair etc in day. He's even dropped sleeping in carseat when out!!!!
I think sleep patterns can vary so much with each baby. I am doing things the same with both my boys but they're so different! #1 woke up every 2 hours and still wakes up a couple of times at night at 2.5yo, whereas #2 sleeps 7+ hoyrs at night (these past few nights so i'm wondering if it's the browth spurt?). Although, like his older bro, ds2 does want to be held all day though, but i don't mind as long as i get good sleep at night, i'm good.

#2 is a much bigger baby though, weighing in at 7.3kg (i think that's 16 pounds?) at 12 weeks so maybe that helps. I wish i knew what i'm doing right so i can do the same for the next little one. I might take a look at that book too, wouldn't hurt, thanks tooth.
I was having a really hard time getting Tess to sleep in her crib. She would start grunting and fussing as soon as I set her down. I put a wedge in (on advice of someone here, put it under the mattress instead of on top) and it's a HUGE difference. I lay her down and she stays asleep or goes back to sleep right away! Can't believe it! Must have been reflux keeping her up when she's lying flat. During the day she naps in her swing and I would go crazy without it! It keeps her more upright as well so must be why she sleeps so well in it. With DD1 we went through a phase when she was older of trying to get her to sleep in her crib without being asleep first, so she could put herself to sleep. It was a hard thing to do, but we eventually got there. I read "The No Cry Sleep Solution" and there were some really good tips in there. I should read it again soon actually...
I've actually put a pillow under the head of the cot mattress. As he is at the foot if the cot it gives a gentle incline and raises him a little. If had to lift the head of the carrycot when he was in this a he tended to spit up when laid flat
We are all poorly here-both the boys and I have colds and coughs and the big one has been sick :( Its horrible seeing bubba poorly, luckily he mainly wants to sleep so hopefully he will sleep it off. He has his 2nd injections on tuesday so may have to cancell if he isnt better by then.
I hope everyone feels better soon, cookie!

U ladies with the gro bags, does that mean you are no longer swaddling your LO? I am afraid to not swaddle as she sleeps so well at night swaddled.

G still hates tummy time. Arches her back and doesn't know what to do with her arms, and then starts to cry. One day...
For the ladies who are struggling with tummy time - have you tried doing it on you? Amber sleeps on her tummy so she doesn't seem to mind going on her tummy on her play mat. But I do find that when she lies on my chest she uses her arms to push herself up even more. And I was reading yesterday that they say if your LO doesn't like tummy time to try on you. Start at an incline and as they get more used to so you go flatter and flatter (if that makes sense?!)

For the UK ladies - which calpol do you use? We have this amazing website in China where you can order virtually anything so I decided to look for some today. It came up with a few choices - some in separate little doses and some in bottles. Most were strawberry flavour. We don't have it back home so that's why I'm not sure which is better.
bean - we have calpol sugar free infant suspension which comes with its own very handy syringe (much easier than a spoon). Just make sure you get the one suitable from 2 months.

Thanks ladies for all your advice and support. I have ordered one book and requested the other at the library plus will try the pillow under the mattress tonight. Jules - I hadn't really thought about propping up the bed but I guess it makes sense because she likes me to be on an incline when we sleep. I can hear her refluxing a bit after most feeds even though she isn't sick that often so maybe there is something going on there??

Cookie - hope you are all better soon x

Chloe - I rarely swaddle Ava. She likes to have her arms free and gets quite worked up if they are not. The only time I do use it is when she is getting over tired for a nap in which case I gently swaddle her in a blanket and it seems to calm her down. I don't use both though - grobag at night, usually a blanket during the day.
Tooth, that book sounds awesome. I'll have to have a look for it, but from what you've briefly explained sounds kinda like what I do. I'm not in a rush to her Millie into any sort of routine just yet anyway but it sounds like a good read :)

Cookie, hope you're all feeling better soon :hugs:

Juless, I'm glad the wedge made a different for Tess :) we have Millie's mattress on a slight incline still from when she had a runny & blocked nose and haven't put it down since.

Bean, we just buy the big bottle as its better value for money, but they're all the same. I find nurofen for children better for high fevers but that can only be used from 3m+

We haven't swaddled Millie for ages either, it's sleeping bag at night and blanket for daytime naps. You could always try it out Chloe and then go back if she doesn't sleep well?

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend x
We have been having a snuggly duvet day and the boys seem more settled this evening-its just me thats still bad as its hit my chest.
We do most of the more natural methods of parenting, we co-slept with our 2 year old until december just gone when he moved to his own bed happily. I think not pushing him into it helped a lot. I definetly dont see it as a hippy way of parenting ;)
Cookie, any tips for transitioning a toddler into his own bed?

Trying to put an end to these :haha:

I think mainly it was because he was ready as we had tried before Hayden was born and he got really upset at bedtimes. Other than that we made his bed nice for him and brought him a fav character duvet cover and he tells us who is on there at bedtime, and we made it clear we are still always there for us if he needs it.
I was very happy that he did move over when he did, we had a few nights of co-sleeping with 2 of them and it was awful, i got barely any sleep.
Cait is sleeping great I guess. She cat naps during the day with maybe one or two longer naps and sleeps an average of 7 hours at night. Sometimes less, sometimes more. She doesn't go down until 1 am though:wacko:. SHe sleeps in a pack n play next to my bed where I can easily reach out and touch her. Which helps because sometimes I have to hold her paci in her mouth. I know she could go without it but by the time it's 1am I'm just too tired to hear her cry and holding it in for her gets her to sleep quietly and then she's zonked for hours (usually then spitting the paci out). She usually wakes around 8am when she has a bottle and then will go down either in bed with me (if I'm still tired and want to go back to sleep) or in her own crib in her room where she will usually sleep another hour or 3. I think she will eventually go down by herself in her crib with no problems but right now we are both pretty comfy with the arrangement except maybe for the 1am part. I am finding it really difficult to keep her warm all night though as she usually wakes up cold. I only have one sleep sack and it's too narrow for her to wear her brace in it.:nope: I'll maybe have to find a wider one?

As for tummy time, Cait really liked it until the brace went on. Now it is uncomfortable with the strap across her chest or maybe she just decided she doesn't like it much. She'll usually put up with it for a few minutes but then soon fusses. She does push her self up with her arms but that doesn't make her any happier. I hope she decides she likes it soon as it's important for large and fine motor skills.

Is anyone's baby discovering their hands and trying to use them? Everyday I see Caitlyn noticing her hands and grabbing things more and more though I'm not sure she knows what she is doing and she still has zero coordination.

Hope you are all well! Cookie, hope you all feel better!
Also, are any of you noticing your babies eating less some days? SOmetimes I can't get her to finish a bottle and some days she needs an extra one? Should I be concerned about the days she eats less? The past few days she has eaten less?
Thanks for the calpol help. I have ordered the bottle like the one in the link. Now I just have to see next week if Amber has hit 4kgs. When I weighed her on Thursday she was just off it so I'm hopeful she'll be there soon.

Its 6am and she has just had the most awful crying fit because if her nose. It is so rare that she cries like that so I feel so bad for her. I can't get suitable suitable boss drops (unless I order online which will take a few days) so I'm going to try salt water solution. :(
I've had a busy weekend so haven't had chance to pop on at all. Hope everyone's well?

IST, Millie's feeds vary. Just lately she isn't feeding much through the day but has picked up a 1am long feed when she didn't have it before. Other times she feeds every few hours still through the day. As long as she seems happy and is thriving you have nothing to worry about :)

Millie's first lot of vaccinations are booked in for tomorrow at 3.15pm :( not looking forward to them. Wish us luck!

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