***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Funny, I noticed hair loss when i was pregnant. Luckily I am not experiencing it now....yet. Hormones are evil. I have gotten some zits from the lovely hormones. makes me long for regular BCPs, not this mini pill that does nothing for the skin.
Welcome back GenY and Joeliza :hi: I wondered where you'd both gotten to! Your LO's are both adorable and looking so much more grown up already :) joeliza, the jumperoo is a must have! I can't sing its praises enough.

Bean, that's fantastic news about Amber's weight gain!

Happy Friday all :)
Welcome back girls!!! Xxxx

Are the jumperoos ok for them compared to walkers as I know walkers aren't recommended anymore? I know they look similar but I think Joseph would love one as he us never still.

This brings me onto today's question! He did 1st night in big cot. He seemed happy enough at the change of environment but I had to get up to cover him up as well as to feed him!!! He kicked the covers off!!! He was really cold too compared to nights in carrycot. I just couldn't tuck him up the same so we going to buy a grobag today!

What do you grobag users do if baby comes into your bed for some of night? Do you take it off? I just use a little blanket when he is in with me as he sleeps in crook of my arm.

Also do you still need to put them feet to foot?
I'm not sure what a Johnny Jumper even is!?

Baby walkers are fine to use still, but they aren't recommended for long periods of time (same as the jumperoo) or as a tool to help with learning to walk. I think baby walkers are actually banned in Canada though as too many babies were falling down the stairs in them :wacko: I thought it'd be common sense not to use them by stairs!?

I think the guidelines are feet to foot regardless, but if baby's wearing a sleeping bag and there's nothing for him to wriggle under or any thing that could fall on to his face then I don't see why they can't be placed in the middle?
Thanks Lolly I was thinking the same about walkers and bouncers. Common sense and Hirt periods. Both my teens had one and they walked really early no problems. To be honest they didnt really walk much in it more use it as a chair to sit upright in and play.

Do you take the grobag off if you put Millie in bed with you?
We used one with Amber but I don't think it really helped with her walking, she'd just sit in it and play with the toys on top! Not sure we'll get one this time as I think the jumperoo will suffice. You couldn't move in our old place for all the toys and baby paraphernalia around :rofl: do trying to keep it to a minimum this time round!

Millie didn't really come in to bed with me anymore, but when she did I'd keep the sleeping bag on her and tuck my quilt around my waist and then in between my knees on the side she was sleeping x
bbygrl, do you mean a Jolly Jumper? Because that's not the same thing. I think the baby would have to be older to use one of those, they need to be stronger. Lolly, a jolly jumper is a little harness you hang from a doorframe and they bounce in it (hangs on a spring). I think what you UK ladies call a jumperoo we call an exercauser here. The walkers are banned in Canada... which is stupid because like you say, it's common sense not to put one by stairs!
Glad the babies are all doing well! Tessa is sleeping well now in her crib with the wedge, guess that's what she needed! She does end up in the bed sometimes as I'll be feeding her and fall asleep before I can put her back in her bed, lol!
tooth - we keep the grobag on when Ava comes into bed with us. I find it easier to transfer her back to the cot as she stays warm. I do a similar thing to Lolly and tuck the quilt so it just goes over her feet so it is well away from her face and she doesn't overheat. Hope it works for you (there are cheaper grobags on Tesco direct and precious little ones at the moment).
Hi girls!
Hope you all doing good and the babies! love watching baby photos they're soo cute!
i will post one pic of my son Yahya soon.
I use a grobag for Yahya too, specially with this weather . I wouldve love to have 1 with arms. I might have to call my mom to send one for me if they dont have it here in UK.
Do you guys give them a sweater(vest)? and is the heater on at midnight?
I had this week no heater on cause it wasnt so cold in the room , but since lastnight i had to put the heater on it was freezing, Well i dont really mind but for the kids i was afraid it was too cold , especially Yahya , his hand r really cold then
yes jules. we have severally different names for them her Johnny Jumper, Jolly Jumper and the one i have is a Jenny Jumper...So what we call and exercauser is a jumperoo??i added a photo of ella in the jenny jumper so u all could see it..


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A jumperoo is like an exersaucer but it isn't. A jumperoo doesn't have a bottom and is on springs. An exersaucer has a bottom and a child can jump in it but not as well as it the jumperoo. We have a 'walker' and a jumperoo. Neither of which I think Cait will be able to use due to her hip. The walker really isn't a traditional walker. I cannot even explain it...https://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=13069698&prodFindSrc=rv

here is our jumperoo...https://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=13164555&gcsct=0ChMI4aHBl5rKtQIVhbfmCh1bPQAAEAI I hope these links work:shrug:

I hope you are well!
Well I went to tkmax and they didnt have any original grobags in 0-6months so I bought a different brand. The brand is just too cute which doesn't mean anything to me! It's a 2.5 although it does seem slightly more padded but less dense than the grobags they had in 6+ months 2.5 tog. Do you think this will be ok? Am so worried a out getting it wrong!
Well I went to tkmax and they didnt have any original grobags in 0-6months so I bought a different brand. The brand is just too cute which doesn't mean anything to me! It's a 2.5 although it does seem slightly more padded but less dense than the grobags they had in 6+ months 2.5 tog. Do you think this will be ok? Am so worried a out getting it wrong!

Sounds great! The brand doesn't matter as long as Joseph can't get his head down through the neck hole once it is done up. Grobag were just the brand to come up with the idea, I think.
Thanks honey bee! They were only £9.99 too! I meant to ask you how you managed to use the breast pump on the train the other day?? That's impressive!!
GenY, I have the same swing for Izobel :) she just loves it now. She'll sleep in it all day if we let her.

I haven't even considered the idea of any sort of exersaucer/walker/anything like that yet. When can they start using them? Iz can hold her head up but not for long periods of time so I think I should hold off a bit more? I am going to invest in a playmat in the next few days.

And what exactly is a grobag? We have 'sleep bags' here but I don't think it's the same thing.
I think that once your baby can hold their head up for long periods and is large enough an exersaucer is ok. I will definately wait to put Cait in hers as she is just a peanut. She's very strong and holds her head up like a champ but she's still under 11 lbs.
Sam - that swing is a lifesaver for us! She will nap twice as long in it than in her bouncer or crib.

Lolly - I can't believe how much Millie looks like Amber! Good looking girls you have there!

As for me....Summer slept through the night AGAIN! I think she is going through a growth spurt because she took a big nap at daycare yesterday too -- very unusual for her. It's been so nice to wake up the last couple of mornings and realize that I've slept straight for 7 hours. Thank you, Baby Summer!

How are your kiddos with tummy time? Summer absolutely DETESTS it. She will scream, kick, arch her back and lift her head...but won't bear any weight on her arms! It's like she doesn't understand that she can use them to hold her head up. I keep bending them and putting them in the position where she could just push up, but nope...I don't think there is anything wrong with her arms...she's just being a little dense? LOL :fool:
Gen - that's amazing sleeping! I'm still dreaming of the time that Ava sleeps more than an hour in her own bed :( she slept for 6 hours one night, but that was co-sleeping. Does anyone else have a LO who refuses to sleep in their own bed? I've tried almost everything - prewarming the cot, putting her down when she is awake, slightly sleepy or zonked. I've tried letting her cry to see if she settles but no, as soon as she realises she is on her own she cries until she is picked up. We have a bedtime routine which has helped her settle, but only on me. I guess it is an improvement to go from a colicky 4+ hours of screaming a night to a 5 minute cry and then sleeping on me but I just wish she would sleep in her own bed now. Am I asking too much from a 10 week old? DH says she will just grow out if it.

As for tummy time - she used to hate it and would do exactly the same as Summer. However, the last couple of days she has been ok and has stayed on her tummy for 10-15 mins. She seems to prefer to do this in her cot, rather than on the playmat. Maybe because it is warmer/softer?

Sam - grobag is just one of the brands of sleeping bags we have in the uk!

tooth - expressing on the train? Yes, it was an experience but needs must, I could feel my boobs about to explode. It was ok on the way there, and once I had got to the meeting I expressed again but on the way home the train was so packed that I couldn't get to the bathroom and I could feel my boobs leaking through the pads. It was so gross! It was such a relief to get home and have Ava drink them dry! :rofl:
Honey you are amazing! Expressing on a train!!! :)

I am sorry Ava won't sleep in cot for you. As lovely as it is having them snuggle with you in bed its also nice to be a me to get comfy and sleep without worrying about where they are in the bed! I'm reading a book at the moment called sleeping like a baby https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/0143004522

I supposed it depends on your view point as to whether you'll like the book. It's pretty much from the opposite opinion of controlled crying. I got it to try get Joseph to sleep longer and to try get out if habit of getting him to sleep before I lay him down. I'm only Hal way through and haven't got to the tips or practical bit yet so can't say whether its actually any use! But what it has done for me so far is to make be feel less pressured to have him sleeping for 8 hours at the other side of the room to me if this is something that HE is not ready for yet. It's talks a lot about natural instincts and how babies need you at this age rather than are trying to manipulate your attention etc. probably not put as bluntly as that but you get the picture!!!! It made me feel happier to be waking with him when he needs me even of it is only an hour later. It pretty much says so far that if you are gentle with sleep training and take it at baby's pace making sure she feels secure then she will happily sleep through in her own bed when she is ready and will have learnt a lot along the way to build her self esteem! Ha ha ha ha! I sound like such a wishy washy hippy!! I can assure you I'm not and did controlled crying with my 14 year old. Maybe this book brain washed me??!

Have you tried putting a t shirt that smells of you in her matress maybe? That's the only practical thing I can think of you haven't mentioned!

Anyway, loved the grobag!!!! He was so much easier I settle without faffing about tucking in blankets etc. it was a bit bulky around his chest when feeding so am going to try get a proper grobag today as they seem more compacted.

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