***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Good luck with them lolly :) I'm sure shell be brave.

Oliver's been very colicky and upset the last 2 days, will only feed or sleep with white noise static on :( poor bubba. Hope he settles soon.

He's not eating as much during the day now, I guess the milk is more filling now x
Ah my boy is 2 months today! It's weird because it feels like I've had him forever, can't imagine him not being here now
Oh Ocean - I know just how you feel. I spend so much time with Ava I can't imagine not having her here. I can spend hours chatting to her and feeling amazed I made something so adorable x

Good luck tomorrow, Lolly. Hope it's not as bad as you anticipate.

Has anyone taken their LO swimming yet?
GL tomorrow lolly n no swimming here yet. Whether us nice but water still cold
Thanks ladies :) I'm dreading it!!

Happy 2 months Oliver! Ocean, I know what you mean... it's so strange isn't it!? Millie will be 3 months (already :cry:) tomorrow and I honestly can not remember her never being here!

Honey.Bee we haven't been swimming yet. All this horrible cold weather we've had, I didn't want to risk her picking up a cold. As soon as it warms up a little we will be going though, I've found Amber's old swim seat and costume when unpacking after our move so hopefully we'll be able to go soon. I don't know how I'll cope alone with both girls in the pool though!
I can't wait to take him swimming! But agree with Lolly re the weather :( when is a good ago to go? Do you have to wait until they've had all their vaccinations? Is the chlorine dangerous when they're young?
I know my local pool does a mum and baby class, might check it out :)
Sounds like chaos, Lolly!

Ocean - I don't think there is a minimum age but most baby classes start at 4 months in the pools I've looked at. You don't need to wait for vaccinations. I might take Ava this weekend. She LOVES bathtime now we put her in the proper bath. She'll splash around for ages trying to swim/walk (!) and push off the end. The whole time she is chuckling to herself - she's a real water baby. I figured she would tire herself out swimming and perhaps have a good sleep afterwards. It's also a different exercise for me - gotta tighten this belly!
Question about burping...

When your baby falls asleep while feeding, how long do you burp before giving in and put him/her down unburped? Seems nearly impossible to get my son to burp once he's asleep.
1) Summer will vary her appetite quite a bit day to day -- I figure I do as well, so as long as she is gaining weight, I don't worry about it.

2) I took Summer swimming 1 1/2 weeks ago and she seemed quite pleased with it! She didn't fuss at all, and was just relaxed. It is an indoor, saltwater pool - I asked her pediatrician before we went and she had no restrictions. I did wait until she'd had her first set of shots though just in case we were exposed to whooping cough or something terrible. I'm excited to take her again!

3) My little girl turned 3 months 10 days ago! I can't believe it! She is also using her hands so much more (I tried to capture that in the pics) and actually holding things, and attempting to bring them to her mouth. She still sucks at tummy time, but I have been trying to do it on me more or propping her up a bit on the boppy, which does seem to help!

Good news: She has slept at least 6.5 hours for 4 of the last 6 nights
Bad news: She has started teething. Not that I expect any teeth to pop out soon but she is definitely uncomfortable, gnawing on her hands, chewing her paci, drooling everywhere and just plain pissy.


GenY, such a tiny precious little thing! Suuuuper cute!

I often don't burp Gabby right before bed, or if she wakes up for a night feed. Luckily she doesnt often take in much air while on the breast. If i was giving her a bottle i would, as she definitely takes in air then. I give up after probably 30 seconds of trying when i do attempt to burp her. If she is acting fussy and grunting, i will continue patting until she burps, since I have learned that this is a sign of her needing to burp.

Gabby went to sleep at 9 last night and I had to wake her up to eat at 7 this morning to eat before daycare!! It was quite amazing. Daycare must have worn her out yesterday!
She has also taken to SOAKING her shirts with drool. Must be teething??? She doesn't really act fussy, and she hasnt started grabbing things, but she will chew anything you put in her mouth, and she definitely chews and sucks on her hands. I really wish she woudl start trying to grab things other than my finger. I am starting to get worried about her development since she hasnt shown interest in grabbing toys.
Ocean, you can take a baby swimming straight away - no need to wait until vaccinations have been completed.

GenY what lovely photos :) Summer is so pretty! Millie is a drooling mess too and constantly chomping on her hands. We are going through a couple of outfit changes a day and a good few dribble bibs too!

Joeliza, I'm naughty and don't wind Millie if she's asleep. Her mattress is slightly raised in her basket at night so I'll just lay her back down and then we both just sleep!

Vaccinations weren't too bad - I didn't cry at least! Millie screamed and screamed though and there was plenty of real tears :( it was very sad. She went straight to sleep after them though and had a good 3hr nap and is now having a mammoth feeding sesh. FX'd she doesn't get a high temp or any adverse reactions.
Chloe I wouldn't be too concerned about Gabby's development. Every child develops at his or her own pace. I think purposefully grabbing things is at least a few weeks off for Cait also. I can see her moving her hands to feel and grasping but she has no intentions when she does get a hold of something. I think that's all completely normal at this point. I worked with infants and toddlers for nearly 6 years and I can tell you that using their hands with a purpose can sometimes take time. Usually by 4 months your child should be grabbing and holding on to things with the intention of putting it in her mouth or shaking it but still dropping things often. As for now most babies don't understand that reaching for something is an option. Tummy time is a great way for children to learn about what their hands and arms are capable of. If you are concerned please talk to your pediatrician but I think that it's still fairly early to worry about that.

Thanks everyone for responding about how much your child eats. I was quite worried about Cait eating less, but my husband seems to think she is getting more breast milk than I think because I always nurse before her bottle. She is happy and active and still having plenty of wet and dirty diapers so I am keeping an eye on her weight and it seems fine. I will definitely call the doctor if she seems to be losing or not gaining weight. I was just wondering if there was something I didn't know about metabolism or something that slows them down temporarily.

I hope you are all well.
Oh and I would love to take Cait swimming but it is still so so cold here. We have a pond that we swim in and our neighbor and family members have pools which we will take her to. I could always take her to the YMCA to use the indoor poor but the flu has really run rampant around here this year and although I got the flu vac while pregnant I do not want to take any chances exposing Cait to that so we will be waiting until about June when the weather is warm. Luckily Caitlyn hasn't been sick yet but I am dreading the day she gets her first cough/cold/sniffle. It's bound to happen sooner or later.
Thanks ladies. Glad I'm not the only one that doesn't always burp baby after breastfeeding.

That said, I felt really bad last night because within 30 mins of putting him down, he woke up and I noticed he'd spit up, I assume due to trapped gas :(
Hey girls, sorry was so busy lately.. Trying to enjoy my baby Yahya while he still is a baby , he will be this friday 3months and seriously time goes fast and i wish he would stay baby (dont mean it literally) . He is so cute and amazing! He's been sleeping again at night for 6 hours for the past 2 weeks now. 9 pm starts his bedtime and he is back again around 2:30 or 3:30 am and from there he can wake up every 2 hours or will sleep 3-4 hours.
My night starts as well at 9:00pm , tired like crazy .. after taking care of 2 kids who wake up together 7:30 am . A good night sleep is necessary.

Yahya always tries to touch his toys , and since today he grabbed the toy and put it in his mouth how he managed that , id ont know....

I wish i could go and take baby swimming lessons , havent swimmed for years and i mean literally for yeaaars!
I have been offered for baby massage thing , only dont know really what to expect from that.
@ Joeliza : i dont even burp him at night, its not a real big problem.

Quick Quistion to Breastfeeding ladies here,
How long does your babies feed?
Mine will take like 5 minutes or 7 minutes at night
and in a day 10 minutes but then will take break and wants to feed again
Is this ok? My healthvisitor comes once a week to weigh his weight and because he dropped a bit. and not gaining alot of weight.
He dropped again and now is coming up again and last week he gain 200 gram orsomthing 8 ounce i think it was and this time 6 ounce .
Which is nothing and iam surprised cause when he was born he gain lot more than that!
Thanks Samia. My son usually feeds around 11 mins, but does the occasional 6 or 7 min feeding. The shorter feeds don't keep him satisfied as long though so he eats more often - it kind of evens out.
Sad moment tonight, cleared out all the 0-3 clothes and replaced with 3-6 months, really don't want this baby to get big too quickly as she's definitely my last, she's 9 weeks now and 13 and a half lb and getting porkier by the day, she was like a chicken when she was born, all skinny and gangly and now is proper cute and chubby!!

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