***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

I wish i could put Angelyca in the bumbo seat now. but she is still way to little. I had her weighed today as i took them to find out what was going on with them (there sick). Angel is now 9lbs even.. which is an 8oz weight gain in 8 days so an oz a day seemd good to me.. hpefully in the next month i can start using it. she loves to sit on my knee and kick her legs like shes riding a bycycle along with her arms going like crazy lol!
We have a bumbo here too but Millie's not so keen, so I usually sit her in my bf'ing pillow on the sofa. She will sit for a while and nap in her swing still.

tooth, it's the temperature and warmth inside the bag that counts so I wouldn't worry about getting 3.5 as it is starting to get warmer now and then you run the risk of overheating. How is he sleeping?

Scooby, Millie can and will take 5-6fl ozs of expressed BM but she is a big girl!

Fifi, have you considered changing size/brand of nappy?
Are the babies old enough for bumbos now? We have one tucked up upstairs I'll have to get out.
Well ladies, we had our 2 month doctor appt today, and it didn't go so great. When asked if I had any concerns I mentioned that I have noted a flat area on Camden's head on the back left, and that she also seems to have facial asymmetry. The doctor agreed, and now we're being referred to a specialist for a consult to see if she needs to wear a band/helmet to correct it. We'll also be referred to PT because ever since she was born she favors looking/laying/playing to the left and rarely to the right. We've been doing stretches at home but the doctor feels this has been a cause for the flat head/asymmetry so we need to be more aggressive in correcting it. In addition to that apparently her hip ligaments are loose? So we're being referred for either ultrasound or x-ray to evaluate her hips and make sure the ball and socket aren't abnormal. I feel so worn out. Here I've had what seems to be a nearly perfect baby, and all of a sudden we have to go see all these specialists. Makes me so sad I just want to cry. I've held it together so far but OH isn't home from work yet. I'm sure when I tell him about everything I'll lose it.

She got her vaccinations today and only cried for about 30 seconds, then fell straight to sleep. Weight was 11lbs 9oz and height was 23 and 3/4 inches.
Anyone have any clever bottle labeling techniques to share?


Check out this website, I have had multiple people tell me these labels are the best. Stay on through dishwasher and handwash and everything. The link is to the write on ones because that's what I'll need to date my bottles for daycare, but they make lots of others too, some specially made for clothes or shoes. They have a whole daycare package, but from what I see it doesn't include any write on ones which makes me sad because they're the ones I really need. Kind of expensive but I'm told they last forever.

Also, thanks for the breastmilk advice, it seems it will be trial and error for a while!
Scooby I'm so sorry that Camden's check up didn't go quite to plan. Please don't be too upset about her head as its very easily corrected. A lot of people aren't familiar with "flat head syndrome", or plagiocephaly as its technical name, but it's not all that uncommon since the laying babies on their back campaign to help prevent SIDS. Of course always being laid on their backs and having soft, pliable skulls means the heads can mould unsymmetrical. Lots of tummy time and putting a mirror and toys and other interesting things for her to look at on the side she least favours will definitely help too. If she does need to wear a helmet know that it's better caught earlier as she shouldn't have to wear it for so long :hugs: FHS isn't seen as a big deal over here in the UK but I suspect that's because the treatment is quite pricey and our NHS are being tight :wacko: my friend runs a huge awareness for it after her son had to wear a helmet and made a full recovery :thumbup:

Also, I hope it's nothing serious with her hips :flower: keep us updated x
If u don't mind me asking but what is all that facial stuff ur talking about I've never heard of it.
If u don't mind me asking but what is all that facial stuff ur talking about I've never heard of it.

Facial asymmetry is when one side of the face looks different from the other. In Camden's case her left eye looks like it's open wider than the right, and if you look at her at the right angle you can see that the left side of her forehead protrudes just a little more than the right. In some cases one ear may be pushed forward compared to the other, I'm not completely sure if Camden has that part or not because she has so much hair that when I take a picture from above you can't see her ears, only her hair.

In her case the asymmetry isn't super noticeable at this point, but I assume it will get worse if the flat spot gets worse because the facial structures are basically being pushed forward from the pressure on that one spot on her head.
Hi Scooby, :hugs: I'd agree with lolly. Positional plagiocephaly has increased loads since the move to encourage baby to sleep on her back. The good news is that if managed before 6 months repositioning is thought to be just as effective as headbanding (which is why the latter is rarely used in this age group in the NHS). It's always best to get these things checked out though and get expert advice. In the meantime, get lots of tummy time and put all the interesting things on the side she doesn't favour. You can also try using both ends of the crib as babies tend to look out into the room and by switching her over you will encourage her to look out the other way. Good luck x
:Thanks for the advice about the seat ladies. I have had a look at them and they look great. Think he might need a couple more weeks before he's ready. He has pretty good head control but occasionally will flop!!

Scooby I am so sorry you've had a bad time. I've nothing really to add, apart from to agree with what the other girls have said. Joseph also really favours looking to the left and uses his left hand far more than the right. As honey suggested, I try encourage him to look to the right. I hope you get some answers and the support you need when you get your referrals.

P.S.... I'm sending the 3.5 tog back!!:blush:
For DD1 I had wanted a Bumbo, but she was so chunky her little legs could barely fit in it! We went with a Bebepod instead. It's great cause you can attach it to a chair and it will fit up to toddler age! It's nice a squishy like a bumbo on the inside and it comes with a tray and toy too. (Can't find the tray, hopefully I will!). https://www.princelionheart.com/site_can/n_bc_7250_7252_can.html
Love it!
Scooby, I hope your beautiful little one's condition is corrected easily!
Fifi, we have a few poop blow-outs a day. The messes were worse with Pampers and seem to be a bit better in Huggies. She now saves up her poops for a few big ones and they are pretty explosive!
Scooby Ty for explaining that to me. I'm so sorry ur lo is going thru that n I hope n pray that it gets corrected easily.
Fifi, Joseph saves up for one huge poo a day. I've tried all kinds of nappies and it still leaks up the back and into his vest. The only thing that helps contain it a little is making sure I have pulled the nappy up high at the back. Almost like pulling his pants up!!

Then I have to be on guard for him doing it (usually when feeding) and I change him immediately and he has to have a bath!!! I also learned how to take the vest off downwards over his shoulders. Less mess for sure!! Good luck!!
Hi girls! We took Ava swimming today. It was such good fun. She wasn't sure at first (maybe because it was so much colder than the bath) but then splashed around for 45 minutes with a half-time feed ;) and then promptly fell asleep in the changing room! I think I might get her a little wetsuit as I think she was a bit cold, despite all of her natural insulation :rofl:, but we'll definitely go again soon.
Scooby I'm really sorry that Camden's appt didn't go well. I have never heard of that. It is making me a bit nervous though as I sometimes think Cait's right eye is opened more than her left...Just another issue for me to have to get checked out. I'm also still worrying about her hip and her eating less. :nope: I hope that when you go to get it checked out that everything is well and you have no further issues. I know how it feels to have your perfect, sweet baby have something wrong with her. It's heartbreaking and frustrating and so much harder on us than on them. I hope you can feel better about it.

As for Cait's hip, we go on Tues for an ultrasound, and the following week we see the ortho. I can only hope that there has been some improvement. Although, and I feel TERRIBLE about this, I don't hold out much hope. I feel that if I should hope for the best and expect the worst. I just hope that, if she does have to have surgery, that it goes well and I am prepared for it, because as for right now, I am not at all ready for my baby to be operated on. I'm just feeling really lost now.

I hope you are all well.
Thanks so much for your support ladies, it really does mean so much to me! You all are the best!

We have been doing lots of stretching since last friday and I feel like we're seeing huge improvements as far as her range of motion to the right. She now will look that direction on her own with no encouragement. She still cries and cries when we do the stretches, but seeing changes for the better make it worthwhile. I've also be repositioning her to stay off that flat spot on her head, and I took some pictures of her head from above so that I can monitor the shape, so I'll wait until this monday and take more pictures to see if there's any change. It's probably too early to have made much of a difference, but I can hope, right?!

Imsotired, you're right. It's a horrible feeling to have what you think is a perfect baby and then find out that there's something wrong. I'm really going through a cycle of emotions right now. But she will always be my perfect little punkin whether she has to wear a helmet, or a harness for her hips, or whatever the case may be. I just hope she won't have to do both at the same time. I hope that the ultrasound for Cait shows improvement and that you can avoid surgery. FX for you!! Also, a lot of people say that they notice facial asymmetry in their LO's when looking at them in the mirror rather than just straight on. Or take a picture and then flip it (mirror image) and look at them side by side. I can easily see the difference in Camden without a mirror or flipping a picture. Do you notice whether Cait has a flat spot on her head? I hope you won't have to deal with that along with her hip dysplasia.
:hugs: IST. I know how scary it is thinking about your baby having surgery. Iz's is in about 3 weeks and I'm terrified. But I feel better knowing that this is what needs to be done to make her better, and that she's in the best hands possible. IF Cait does have to have surgery make sure you find a surgeon you are comfortable with and don't stop until you do.
We went with a Bebepod instead. It's great cause you can attach it to a chair and it will fit up to toddler age! It's nice a squishy like a bumbo on the inside and it comes with a tray and toy too. (Can't find the tray, hopefully I will!). [/QUOTE] We have the bebepod als...ther than having to purchase them seperately.
Scooby, thanks for the link, I may buy those! Super cute too! Sorry about Camden's issues. Gabby has a flat spot off to one side of her head, and I asked the doctor if she would need a helmet or anything, and she seemed to think that the baby's head was still forming and it didn't mean anything this early. You could check out something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Boppy-Noggin...894&sr=8-1-fkmr0&keywords=flat+head+preventer I haven't used it, but I have friends who have. Gabby also has one eye that is more closed than the other, and again, Dr said its normal when they are young to have that. Gabby was breech tho, which made her head a funky shape from the start. But know at least that if its caught early, it will be fixed very easily and she will thank you for it later in life! I hope her little hips are ok too!
Hope everyone and there LO's are doing good :) I havent been around in a while and wanted to share a pic of Amelia-Rose now. It's amazing how much they grow over a short amount of time :cloud9:


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