***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Here's my boy doing some tummy time on his new mat :)

Bean, so glad Amber didn't mind her vaccines! Camden cried for about 30 seconds but then stopped and fel asleep when I picked her up. Good luck traveling with LO, sorry I have no advice on flying with her.

Chloe, hilarious story about pooping in the bath! I'm sure it will happen to all of us at some point. Yuck!

Ocean, your LO looks nice and strong holding his head up, good work!
We have the moby and an ergo. I prefer the ergo its so much easier to get into. The moby is just so much fabric! I haven't transitioned him sleeping from the ergo bc usually he's awake by the time we're done but I would think it would be easy because you just unhook the shoulders and they can be laid straight down
I've got the Ergo performance carrier and i LOVE it, i take my dogs bushwalking on the weekends and find the ergo very easy to put on and take off and because the infant insert kind of swaddles them my little guy doesnt get disturbed at all when i take him out. :D
Ahhh ocean he's so beautiful!!

Bean, so glad Amber's jabs went well! When you fly with her it's good to either feed or give a dummy (if she has one) during take off/landing. The sucking helps to stop their ears popping, or ease the discomfort (one or the two). I've done it with Amber everytime we've flown and although she's never told me its helped (because she couldn't!), she hasn't complained of earache or seemed to be suffering so I think it really does work.

Thanks for the Ergo recommendations ladies :flower: I'll certainly be looking into getting one.
I had a Moby but gave it away, hated it... I LOVE my Mei Tai though!! I did a bunch of research and it seemed like the best fit for me. It's super easy to put baby in and out of (though the straps are pretty long and can hit the ground, lol!) I love it though, baby seems super cozy in it! I have a black one with guitars on the it, it's the "Freehand" brand. I do wish I went with a babyhawk one though, as it has a higher head rest on it. https://www.babyhawk.com/
Hiiiiiiiiiiiii ladies! Finally have had the chance to get back on here, as I have spent the past few days trying to ready back, and eventually gave up and zoomed from about page 50 to 100... So here we go with an epic post...

Wanted to first send lots of support to those whose lo's are going through health issues at the moment. I'm paranoid about being back in PNG without access to proper health care, but just taking it one day at a time.

Rosa and I are now back in PNG, we did the flights just the two of us. 5 countries, 4 continents, 4 flights and we are back in Moresby! She's going to be 10 weeks tomorrow, and we have been going through so many things mentioned here.

Explosive poos that go up her back requiring an immediate change: Check.
Sleeping only towards one side most of the time so making me worry about flat heat issues: Check.
Baby grasping things but only by accident without coordination: Check.
Hands in her mouth all the time and crazy amounts of drooling that make me feel like she might be teething, though I know nothing about how that should happen: Check.
Engorged breasts through the night due to changes in feedings: Check!

She sleeps from about 7pm to 12, then wakes every 2-3 hours after that to feed, now that we are back in the Pacific. In Canada, she slept a max of 2 hours at a stretch so we are so happy now!

She's smiling lots, but hasn't laughed yet. I can't wait for that one.

As for carriers, we did all of our travels with our baby bjorn, with her facing towards me, but now she has more head control, she faces outward when I need to have her in it around the house (see photo). I have to put either her giraffe or a blanket behind her head so she doesn't 'bop' when she gets tired. My sling (hotsling) was fine for about 20 minutes at a time max, then she gets uncomfortable. Also difficult to get her out of it!

We've had issues with excema, and I am worried that her skin will never get 100% back to the smoothness it was when she was born, but she's doing so well in the humidity now.

I would LOVE to take her swimming, but am worried about the quality of water in the pool...maybe just splashing around from the waist down would be okay?

Phew that's alot for now. I have missed being on here, but now that i'm reunited with my computer, will be back in touch!!! :happydance:


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Wow what an adventure! Just going to Ikea yesterday wore me out!! :D
Wow expat that is quite a journey! Welcome back!
Amber and I are off to South Africa on Friday. Any tips - especially things you wish you'd known beforehand!
Welcome back expat! Loving the photos. Rosa has a gorgeous, cheeky smile. Yes, you too are adventurous x
Welcome back expat!

We have a baby bjorn but with the harness it is a bit awkward so I haven't used it much. Will probably start using it more now that Cait is a bit bigger.

Thanks everyone for the best wishes regarding Cait's hip and surgery. We had an ultrasound on her hip today and the tech seemed confident that her hip seemed better. We still have to wait for the ortho and see whether she thinks the improvement is sufficient enough to begin weaning her out of the harness or not. If not I may be getting a second opinion, because everyone BUT that ortho seems to think that Cait's issue is a trivial problem because it is very mild. I'd hate to think that this doctor is giving us a 'run around' but I know it happens and I'll surely be getting that second opinion if she says she hasn't seen any improvement. I will certainly not be putting my baby through surgery or wearing this harness much longer if it isn't COMPLETELY necessary.

Scooby, as for the flat head, I really don't really see one on Cait's head but maybe if I put a hat on her I'd notice one? As I said before, I do notice some asymmetry but it isn't all of the time and it isn't really noticeable to anyone but me. I am scared that this may be another issue we will have to take care of but I think our pediatrician will tell me it's not a big deal. He has been a doctor for 30 years and is the best in town. If he says it's ok I won't worry but until we see him again, next month, I'll be thinking about it. I did look it up though and what I read was just try and set them so they're head isn't always on the flat spot and it should take care of itself and by the time they are 1 or 2 it won't be an issue. As for it getting any worse and having people make fun of Camden, I wouldn't worry about that! Camden is a beautiful girl and just so so cute. It'll all probably be just fine. I know it's so easy to worry but it'll all be fine. As for her hips, if she does have sublaxation or dysplasia the harness usually corrects up to 90% of all cases within the first 6 weeks. Unfortunately we must just be unlucky or have a bad doctor, I'm unsure of which. If you need the harness I'll gladly be hear to support you! I'm sure everything is going to be just fine!

Hope everyone is well!
Thanks ladies! It felt adventurous...though it was the first time that I breastfed in public, took her to a cafe, and changed her on a public change table -- all in airports or during flights! I was a bit sheltered before the trip!!

Beanonorder, enjoy your trip! The little one will probably sleep most of the way; can’t wait to see what it will be like to travel with Rosa once she’s older...the 1 year olds on the flights were active and communicative, to say the least!

A few things that I did that worked really well:

Breastfed from the time we taxied to the time the seatbelt sign went off -- she didn’t really feed that long, but I just let her suck and play away to make sure her ears didn’t pop. A soother could have also done the trick, or a bottle. I had a big muslin with me that I just ducked under with her, so I guess I would have looked like a ghost to the other passengers but I didn’t care. I was able to make sure she was feeding and happy, while not presenting my boob to the rest of the cabin. During the flight I was a bit more blase’ about the whole feeding thing, since everyone around us was asleep. I wore a loose t-shirt that I could pull down to feed her, and a nursing bra.

I had a large muslin with me the entire time, which served as a clean cover for the bassinet (you have to request this with the airline ahead of time), a cover for me when feeding, a wrap for her when it was cold (and it got chilly during the flight; airline blankets are a bit rough normally so I wanted something that she was used to), etc. I also used a sleep bag enroute.

I had the full diaper bag with me -- and packed 2x as many diapers that she would use in case of delays, but that stayed in the overhead bin the entire flight. What I kept with me at the seat was:
-a folding change pad
-a ziploc bag with a small thing of diaper wipes, 2 diapers, a small (lipstick) container of vaseline, a tiny tin of rash cream, a couple burp cloths, and a small (again, lipstick size) container of baby lotion
-another ziploc bag with saline spray (small one) and baby sanitizing wipes, as well as a soother on a ribbon clip with soother wipes

I took just the mini ziploc diaper bag and change pad with me to the washroom when I wanted to change her, which was perfect -- kept things really light and easy. I put lotion on her every time that I changed her, since the cabin was so dry, and used the saline drops during the long second flight to make sure her little nose was okay (mine was dry, so I figured hers was too).

In the diaper bag in the overhead bin, I kept extra sleepers (which I used when she had a blow out in Singapore), a plastic bag (for the blow out sleeper) and an extra t-shirt for me as well as diapers, a thermometer, baby panadol, and more saline drops, as well as adult tylenol for me!!

You’ll be fine; take a few photos of baby on the plane. I did, and the family loved them :)
Just to show what the travels were like -- the one of Rosa on my lap is with Air Niugini (no bassinets). Babies travel on laps whenever there is turbulence as well, buckled in with a belt that snaps onto yours.
The other two show the bassinet that was available on the London and Sydney flights, and the seat that was available on the Singapore flight. I used an extra blanket to cushion her head on the upright seat as it was meant for older babies...note the red wine behind the seat as well -- I had that as soon as she fell asleep. It really helped!!


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Aww, what a sweetie expatttc! I really wish all flights had those seats! I actually was recently reading up on airline safety for babies and how in crashes babies who have survived actually lived because they were in carseats on the plane. Also about how even turbulence could cause your baby to fly out of your arms if they are just on your lap. Glad to hear there were safety features (like the belt and such!) when you flew! :) Some people probally don't use them though, even though an airplane is a vehicle - your baby should be as protected as they would be in any other! I have yet to fly with my kids, but am a bit of a vehicle safety nut, lol! I'm my family/friend's resident carseat expert, I think since DD1 is on her 5th from constantly outgrowing them! I am planning on taking a carseat technician course to help people keep their kids safe. Something that really upsets me is seeing carseats incorrectly installed or kids with big snowsuits/coats on or loose straps!! I'm always correcting my friends when they post pics of their children in carseats incorrectly... I'm sure it annoys them but I don't care, lol
Juless, I was paranoid about safety and wanted to take the car seat on the plane with her, but we couldn't get an extra seat for an around the world ticket on this route with our dates, which is what we needed. I'll look forward to the time that she can wear a CARES harness too!
Welcome back, expat! I love the pic of Rosa in the Bjorn. Gabby gets worn like that too and looks so funny in it. I'm impressed that the airlines had a place for her to sleep. Is that typical or did you have to search out a plane with that?
ImSoTired, if you don't feel or see a flat spot on Cait then I'm sure there isn't one! Sounds like things are looking up regarding her hips, I hope the ortho agrees! I hate how worried I've been since seeing the pediatrician last thursday. I blame google. While it is nice to know what MAY be ahead of us, I would probably be much more relaxed right now if I hadn't read hours and hours worth of possiblities.
Chloe, many long haul flights on the big jets have designated areas for bassinets and seats but you have to book them ahead as there is more demand than there are baskets, normally. We few with British Airways and they guaranteed us a bassinet for our flights and this was rare -- most airways say that they will 'try their best' but assign them on a first come, first serve basis at the airport.

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