***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Thanks for all the tips expat! I'm flying with Emirates and they're really great about travelling with kids. I've managed to book a bassinet for three of the four flights. Unfortunately we leave South Africa just as the schools go on holiday so the flight out of there is packed!
I can't believe we leave in just two days! I am so excited and can't wait to see everyone again.
When do you take the head hugger out of the carseat? Joseph is looking really squashed in his today!
I only used the head hugger for a short time. Being winter she's wearing hats and it just seemed to get in the way! Luckily her head never flopped around, she's always had amazing neck strength! I do have a bigger head hugger I'll probally use when we switch her out of the infant seat, for comfort on long trips and such. When are you guys thinking of switching into a bigger rear-facing seat? Only when they reach the weight/height limit or sooner? I'm thinking maybe at around 22lbs, as that's when the carseat we want can be put in at an angle that fits well in our car. The infant seat is getting too heavy to carry her around in much anyways, though I want to keep using it for a while till she can sit in the stroller without it.
I've been wondering the same about the headrest in the carseat. Maybe I'll try her without today. I'm planning on changing to a larger carseat at whatever point she and it become to heavy to conveniently carry in her current one.
I took ours out today and tried him in it just in the house. He looked so much more comfortable and didnt scream which he usually does when I put him into it. He sat smiling!! I might try it without when we nip out to supermarket as its only a couple of miles away.
I took out the headrest today when we went to lunch with DH, and I think she's much more comfortable. Unfortunately with her torticollis it makes her head tilt much more noticeable since the headrest had sides that kept her from tilting before. Considering whether to purchase a support that only goes on the sides of the head not behind, to try to keep her straight.

Rosa's loving holding her head up and looking around, and pushing her feet on everything that she can. Any suggestions on a good seat? I was looking at past posts about the bumby (did I spell that right?) -- but she's just 10 weeks and still sometimes gets tired and likes to lay back on things. Would it be too soon to introduce her to it?

Rosa still loves her headrest in the seat...she snuggles up to it...but it also can slide up independently from the seat itself and it's not too big. Maybe that makes the difference?
I also wanted to ask -- she's got boogers more than ever before! This morning when bf she was really trying to snort around them. They're too far back that I can 'catch' them with a hint of a kleenix, and I used some saline drops and that seemed to really help. Should I use an aspirator when it's just boogers, or should she have a full blown cold? When I tried to use it with her she HOWLED...but I don't want her to be uncomfortable! Any suggestions? This would be her first cold, so I'm a bit lost. She doesn't have a temperature and aside from the boogers, she seems just fine.
I also wanted to ask -- she's got boogers more than ever before! This morning when bf she was really trying to snort around them. They're too far back that I can 'catch' them with a hint of a kleenix, and I used some saline drops and that seemed to really help. Should I use an aspirator when it's just boogers, or should she have a full blown cold? When I tried to use it with her she HOWLED...but I don't want her to be uncomfortable! Any suggestions? This would be her first cold, so I'm a bit lost. She doesn't have a temperature and aside from the boogers, she seems just fine.

I would try to use the aspirator if she is so congested that it's interfering with her feeding. Use the saline drops as well. I'm pretty sure that most babies hate the aspirator and will usually protest, so try and use the saline first and then the aspirator. I hope she gets better and doesn't get a full blown cold!
Scooby, I'm not sure if Cait has a flat spot or not. I don't see one but her one eye is occasionally not as open as the other. I'll bring it up at our next pedia appt. I think my doctor will shrug it off and tell me not to worry. I hope when you see your doctor again, or the specialist, that they also tell you not to worry much. I'm sure everything will be just fine! And as I said about the hips, it is usually an easily fixed issue and odds are it isn't too severe if this is the first they've picked up on it. I think that Camden is a very beautiful and healthy baby and if she does need to wear a harness or a helmet she will come through it quickly and be fine. It'll really be much more difficult on you as her mom. I know that you must be really upset and I totally get that having a similar situation on my hands. I try not to google about it because I know it'll just scare me more than necessary. I think everything will be fine:hugs: Hang in there and feel free to PM me if you need to!

Hope you are all well!
Oh and I also took the headpiece out of Cait's carseat and swing. She has gotten really big and it didn't appear that she needed them anymore. Does anyone else think that carrying the carseat around is heavy? Maybe I'm just a wimp or something but all of these long trips to the hospital for Caitlyn's hips where I have to walk through long hallways carrying the carseat are hard on my arms. More so my fingers and wrists than anything else but nonetheless. Most places I can take the stroller but the hospital is so big I have to take a shuttle and the stroller would be too big for the aisle and I wouldn't be able to take it myself. Perhaps I should put her in the baby bjorn? I'm still pretty new at this and I'm afraid to use the bjorn for long periods of time because I'm not really comfortable with it yet. Any suggestions?
I agree with the car seat being really heavy. I try to use the snap and go stroller whenever I can. I would think the baby bjorn would be a good alternative, however I don't know if it would be good for her hips? Maybe worth asking the ortho about.
I use the snap n go as well to cart Gabby around.

Gabby has a cold and boogers galore! I haven't bought any saline but I think I will tonight. Poor little baby. I think she gave DH her cold too, so its like haivng 2 babies at home now!

Everyone give your LO's an extra hug and kiss today. My friend from college just had her son pass away. He was just over a year old. Had a fever and a cough, they took him to the hospital, then brought him back home, and he passed away that night in his sleep. Made me so sad, and I didn't want to let gabby go last night. Can't believe such horrible things happen.
Oh my. So heartbreaking. It's a reminder that they are so fragile, no matter how big and grown up they seem to be getting
Oh my goodness how tragic Chloe :( I'm so sorry, your poor friend. I feel awful now as I've had such a hard week with Oli but I should be so grateful he's healthy :(
In regards to the baby bjorn it may be worth asking on the natural parenting section as I dont think that carrier is good for their hips anyway. There are many other types of carriers, we use a wrap and its brilliant.
Oh Chloe how sad :( my condolences to your friend and all of her family.

I find the carseat really heavy too, I usually pop it on to the frame of our lightweight pushchair if I'm going somewhere that Amber can walk to, etc.

Hope Gabby's feeling better soon :hugs: Millie has picked up a little cold too and we've had 2 awful nights with her so far, her nose gets so blocked up and she just can't sleep. I've been spraying saline up there and sucking it all out but they just keep coming back with a vengeance! Hoping tonight's better :sleep:
Chloe, sorry to hear about your friend. I definitely hugged my LO a little tighter when I read that. Then I put him on his playmat and he rolled over for the first time! It's like he knew mommy needed something extra :)
Oh Chloe, that's so sad. You are right though, we do need to appreciate every day with our LO's. I was watching a programme we have here in the UK called "Child of our time" - basically they have followed a group of kids since they were born in 2000. Every year or so they film a few programmes updating us on their development etc. The first programme this series had the parents reflecting on how their kids had grown up so quickly, and how they wished they had treasured the precious moments of their early years. So true. I was in floods of tears - silly over-emotional Mummy!

joeliza - that's lovely. No rolling here but Ava has decided she wants to weight bear on her legs the whole time. It's hilarious. She's so wobbly! I'll try and video her but this may exceed my technical capabilities.

ocean - how come such a bad week?

big :hugs: to those with sniffly LO's x
Chloe, I'm so sorry about your friend's loss. Gave Rosa an epic cuddle once I read that...can't imagine it.

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