***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Yay, IST! Glad caits hips are in place!

Welcome new snowflake:)

Nellie, I hope your biopsy is ok!

Gabby is still getting over her cold, but she is improving. How long should I expect her to be snotty? I pull lots of boogers out and its been about a week. Not sure if I should see a doctor.
Welcome to the new ladies!

ImSoTired, what wonderful news about Cait's hips!! I'm sure it will be annoying to have to continue with the harness, but it sure beats surgery!

We had our evalution with Cranial Technologies today. They did a really cool 3D scan and I was happy to see that the flat spot isn't as bad as I thought it was, but they recommended we do a band/helmet for LO, especially since there is some facial asymmetry present. I am at peace with it and just want to get started. They estimated that if we have her in it by 3 months she should only have to wear it 6-8 weeks total. It looks like insurance will probably not cover any of it as cranial bands are specifically listed as excluded from our policy, which really sucks. It will cost $3800 out of pocket. But we have to do what's best.

We won't be able to start PT for her neck or have our ultrasound for her hips until April as our insurance coverage doesn't start until then. So wait we shall!
Gabby is still getting over her cold, but she is improving. How long should I expect her to be snotty? I pull lots of boogers out and its been about a week. Not sure if I should see a doctor.

If she's improving and there's no fever and she's able to eat well then I probably wouldn't bother with the doctor. I would just keep sucking the snot out with the nasal aspirator. Hope she recovers fully soon!
Can I join you ladies? My DD Eliana was born on 12/7 :)

Hi ladies. Our little snowflake was born Dec 2nd. We'd love to join you. :)

Welcome ladies :hi: I'll add both of your LO's to the front page x

IST, that's fantastic news :yipee: I'm so happy for you & Cait! Sorry about all of the wasted gear though, do you still have it all in boxes? Maybe the shops would accept refund due to such special circumstances? If not I'm sure you'll be able to resell them on and get most of your money back what with them being new & unused.

tooth, I think it can be normal to lose a lot... as long as you're not starting to bald patches!? I'm losing a lot too but definitely not going bald, although I'm sure my OH wouldn't mind if I did because he's getting sick of finding my hair everywhere :lol:

Scooby, great news that Camden's flat spot wasn't as bad as originally thought :)

Expatttc, I think a lot of babies can become a little bored whilst feeding the older they get. You could try wearing a long colourful beaded necklace when feeding for her to play with or try some other distraction tool to keep her entertained.

Chloe, Millie's the same - over her cold but still quite bunged up. I'm just continuing to help clearing her nostrils and I'm sure it'll right itself soon enough :flower:

I hope everyone's doing well? I don't have much to report here, Millie is getting so big though - her 3-6m clothes already seem to be getting snug :saywhat: she seriously needs to stop growing!
Ooh, can I join? My girl was born December 15th :) She just recently stopped napping in her moses basket (although she does still sleep in it at night by my side) and now naps in her crib. She just started making up some new coos too, much more pronounced "ahhhhhhhs" and "oooooohs" rather than the faint gurgle. She can't blow bubbles, though she sure tries after watching me do it.

She has a flat spot on her head that I fear is getting quite serious, but my doctor brushed me off at her 2 month appointment when I mentioned it and she won't take another look until her 4 month appointment. I'm really worried it will be irreversible by then :(

I hate it when doctor's brush off my concerns... this is my first baby, I'm going to have a lot of them.
Ooh, can I join? My girl was born December 15th :) She just recently stopped napping in her moses basket (although she does still sleep in it at night by my side) and now naps in her crib. She just started making up some new coos too, much more pronounced "ahhhhhhhs" and "oooooohs" rather than the faint gurgle. She can't blow bubbles, though she sure tries after watching me do it.

She has a flat spot on her head that I fear is getting quite serious, but my doctor brushed me off at her 2 month appointment when I mentioned it and she won't take another look until her 4 month appointment. I'm really worried it will be irreversible by then :(

I hate it when doctor's brush off my concerns... this is my first baby, I'm going to have a lot of them.

Hi Coco :hi: I will add you the the front page. Did you want me to add your DD's name or just 'Baby girl'?

Where are you? I know here in the UK doctors will often brush you off or just give you exercises to do to get baby to rest on both sides of their head equally. This is mainly because the NHS doesn't offer any plagiocephaly treatment and if you wanted to get help further (scans, helmet, etc) you'd have to go private. If you're in the US, Canada or Aus someone else may be able to offer you advice on what help is available to you there :flower: x
Hi lolly, you can add her name - it's Mia Raquel. :)

I'm in Portugal and yes, plagiocephaly treatment here is also private. In fact until recently I don't think there even was any treatment here. I think there are only 3 neurosurgeons in the country that even deal with it, I'd have to drive several hours away for treatment (but I'd be glad too as long as someone helped Mia out) When I asked my doctor about the helmets, she said she would talk about it if she felt it was necessary, so I have no clue how much it would even cost us, though I hear it can go up to 4000 dollars in the US. My doctor said to "just turn her head the other way" which is stupid, I mean doesn't she think I've tried that already? It's like her head is spring loaded, it just snaps back to her preferred side.

Sigh, sorry, rants over. I ordered a baby carrier so I can wear my baby to take the pressure off her head, how old do babies need to be before they be in one?

edit: ps I'm new to the internet world of parenting and don't know what have of these abbreviations mean. what's DD? LO is little one right? and OH is other half? Haha, such a noob.
Hi lolly, you can add her name - it's Mia Raquel. :)

I'm in Portugal and yes, plagiocephaly treatment here is also private. In fact until recently I don't think there even was any treatment here. I think there are only 3 neurosurgeons in the country that even deal with it, I'd have to drive several hours away for treatment (but I'd be glad too as long as someone helped Mia out) When I asked my doctor about the helmets, she said she would talk about it if she felt it was necessary, so I have no clue how much it would even cost us, though I hear it can go up to 4000 dollars in the US. My doctor said to "just turn her head the other way" which is stupid, I mean doesn't she think I've tried that already? It's like her head is spring loaded, it just snaps back to her preferred side.

Sigh, sorry, rants over. I ordered a baby carrier so I can wear my baby to take the pressure off her head, how old do babies need to be before they be in one?

edit: ps I'm new to the internet world of parenting and don't know what have of these abbreviations mean. what's DD? LO is little one right? and OH is other half? Haha, such a noob.

Haha oooops sorry - DD is dear daughter :)

You can babywear from birth, I know we have some baby wearing experts in this group so I'm sure someone can offer you some advice on which ones are the best. You can also buy pillows that help to keep their heads off of the one side. I bought one for DD1 when she was a baby as I worried one side looked flatter than the other. It's called a love nest pillow by Babymoov (https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B007JTCSSC) it did help actually, we used it during the day when she was in her swing or on the play mat x
Just ordered my ergo after much deliberation, can't wait to try it! Think it will make going out much easier as its just such a big task at the moment because he's so clingy :(
Expat - we went through that period as well. I think it lasted a week or two. Now he's started stroking and petting my breast throughout the feeding. It's so sweet it melts my heart. I also bought a nursing necklace (the one I got was from the seller kangarocare on etsy) that he'll hold on to if I remember to wear it
Hayden weighs 10lbs 6oz now and is still mostly in 0-3month stuff with the odd larger nb and smaller 3-6month stuff.
We had to see the doctor last week as the hv still doesnt think he is gaining enough but the doctor said she cant see anything wrong with him and he is bright and happy. Her conclusion was 'he is small but perfect' :)
Anyone else notice their LO's hands get really cold at night? I don't know if this means she is too cold or not. I keep the room at 66F/19C and put her in a long sleeved sleeper and wrap her in a fleece halo swaddle blanket, but with her arms out. Her little hands get so chilly, but the rest of her seems fine, so I dont know?? I worry more about overheating her than making her too cold. Overheating can cause SIDS, but making her cold will just make her cranky and wake up. What do you ladies put your LO to bed in, and what is your room temp?
Chloe - we aim for 68, but the past few days here in California have been warm so we would need to turn on the A/C to get there. We run a fan and eventually it gets there during the middle of the night. Last night we had him in a onesie and the miracle blanket. Since we still swaddle his hands don't get cold but plan to stop swaddling when he's four months. So I'm interested in what others do for their chilly hands
Thanks for all the well wishes :hugs: Get my results today so heres hoping i get good news :)

Cookie goodluck with your pap smear.

Samj, i can't remember why they are talking of sending me straight to surgery under a general but to be honest she did explain it all too me but i wasn't really processing it all as it was all a bit of a shock getting the phone call and having to be seen so quickley. I'm now more that my little man wont cope if i havce surgery because he is exclusivley breastfed and although i do express he is lucky enough to drink 50mls from a bottle before he gives up and just wants the breast so not sure what to do there :shrug:

Scooby, thats great that camdens flat spot isnt as bad as thought and at least if she wears the helmet now then she doesnt need it for that long :) Some days i look at Tullochs and think its getting worse then others i think he doesnt look too bad, i think i just look at it too much :haha:. We see the pt next week so i'll see what she says.
Thanks ladies!

Imsotired - great news!

I bought a Moby Wrap in January and have been only been able to get her in that thing twice since. Ellie is all business when I hold her and goes straight for the boob even when she's full. She did however (just a few moments ago) let me rock her to sleep for the first time since she was a month old, before I put her for a nap in her swing! Maybe I should try it again...she only takes 20 minute catnaps during the day (And is only able to stay awake for an hr between them) and I work full-time from home so I haven't been able to get anything done! I thought maybe baby wearing might extend her naptime?

Anyone having supply issues? Mine seems to have dipped the last few days and Ellie isn't happy about it. Going to start taking Fenugreek but not sure how much to take.
Sigh, read this page on Kelly's mom - https://kellymom.com/bf/can-i-breastfeed/herbs/fenugreek/ it has recommended dosages on there :thumbup: you could also try eating porridge for breakfast, or make some oat cookies. Blessed thistle is another thing you could try x
Anyone else notice their LO's hands get really cold at night? I don't know if this means she is too cold or not. I keep the room at 66F/19C and put her in a long sleeved sleeper and wrap her in a fleece halo swaddle blanket, but with her arms out. Her little hands get so chilly, but the rest of her seems fine, so I dont know?? I worry more about overheating her than making her too cold. Overheating can cause SIDS, but making her cold will just make her cranky and wake up. What do you ladies put your LO to bed in, and what is your room temp?

We have our heat on 75F and I put her in a long sleeve onesie & socks, topped with a pajama with feet, and then the halo sleep sack swaddle and she is STILL cold. I feel like it's a lot colder than 75 in our house though.
Ocean, can't wait to hear if you like the Ergo as I"m thinking of getting one on our next trip out of PNG. The bjorn is good, but i've read so many concerns about their spine in them? Rosa doesn't spend that much time in it yet, but she's getting heavier and apparently the Ergos are good for bigger babies!

Thanks for the tips on using a necklace when feeding...will do that, or keep something near me that she can play with...

Cookie, what a lovely conclusion from a dr's visit! Small but perfect!

Chloe, even with a/c we can only get the temp at night around 26-27C. We use a light onesie and a light (around 0.5) sleepsack. In Canada, Rosa's hands would get cold and when I asked her doctor, I was told that babies often have cold hands AND feet. The best way to check how hot or cold they really are is to touch the back of their neck. I do this at night, and Rosa doesn't seem to wake up.

Sigh, how do you know when your supply dips?
Hi Ladies, its been a while!
Welcome to all the new snowflakes!

It is SO great to be home! Our flights went very well and Amber was an angel. She slept most if the time. Dubai airport was a mission though! I forgot my Moby wrap and their strollers were for six months and up. So I was struggling with her and two backpacks! I'll be getting a carrier for the trip home!!
Its taken her a few days to settle in but seems to be OK now. The Sunday after we arrived she woke up at 5:30am and aside from a couple of ten minute naps and onetwenty minute nap, she didn't go to sleep til 8pm!!

Glad to hear of the good news for some of you and praying for those who are still waiting!
cococobain - welcome! If your LO is constantly turning her head to one side she may have torticollis (shortening of the neck muscles on one side), which is what my LO has. We will be doing physical therapy starting in April, but until then we're doing stretches at home. I can send you a link that describes how to do them if you would like. After doing them for a week my LO was much more comfortable looking the other direction, and I had better luck repositioning her to keep her off her flat spot, and I have seen improvement in her head shape after 2 weeks of doing so. If you are still concerned with her head shape at her 4 month appointment make sure to ask your doctor again. They say that the best time for cranial banding is between 3-6 months because that's when the head grows the most. So you would still be in that time frame.

Sigh - I have seen a noticable increase in milk production after eating steel cut oatmeal for a few days. Has to be steel cut oats though, no just plain oatmeal. I also have recently started fenugreek and blessed thistle and have seen some increase, but saw more with the oatmeal.

Chloe - I have had the same concern about my LO's hands getting cold at night, so I decided to continue using her swaddling blanket with her hands in for now. I'll try leaving them out again once the weather is warmer. We keep our house at 69 degrees but LO's room is cooler for some reason.

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