***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Hi all new to this group but connor was born on the 18th december so thought Id fit right in!;)

A few pictures from our recent photoshoot :


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Sigh, I pretty much gave up on trying the bottle thing. It started getting too stressful. Every now and then I give it a shot but he doesn't take much. We bought a mimijumi and he drank three ounces once from my mom but then we tried it again and he only drank two and then only one ounce and then refused it like all the others. I tried the nuk and he wouldn't take it either. I think we just about tried every bottle except the adiri and avent but I have a feeling it's not the bottle type, he's too smart and knows it's not the real thing and just wants booby! When I start working again he'll have no choice but until then I'm just bfding. I'm going to miss the bf when he's weaned! It's so special to me. Already getting sad thinking about it. lol

How long can your babies stay up during the day? Carter can still only be awake for about an hour and a half before needing a nap again and he's been sleeping a lot the last couple of days (of course only in two to three hour spurts at night). Growth spurt probably. It's so tiring having to constantly be putting him down for naps all day long. Anyone with me on that?
Sigh you could try upping your supply to help milk production for pumping sessions?

Welcome Kelly :hi: gorgeous photos, Connor is such a beautiful boy :)

Kelly, I'd say the longest Millie will be awake for is 2hrs or around that mark. She still naps loads throughout the day, which I'm thankful for!

Happy Easter everyone x
Lolly, glad to hear I'm not the only one with a sleep baby. I'm just waiting for the time when he consolidates his naps into two or three long ones instead of five or six half hour naps. He sleeps all day yet I can't get anything done because it's only in small increments. Does your lo take long naps?
Oh my, Iz will be up for HOURS during the day, and quite frankly she doesn't even sleep that well at night so... She usually takes a good nap in the morning and one in the afternoon the days I'm home. But when she's at daycare she'll be up for 6 hours straight.

Is anyone using gas drops? Iz gets so gassy I think I have to start using them with every bottle. She just screams bloody murder and nothing I do will get it out. She's tough to burp too and that has gotten a lot easier since she turned three months. I could never get the burps out before then, and even now I'm only successful about 50% of the time.
Its time for me to return to China today :(
I'm so looking forward to seeing my dh again but wow, saying good bye is so hard. I have been emotional all day and am dreading what the airport is going to be like.

Otherwise Amber is doing very well. Very talkative! And determined to sit up.
Same as lolly, Oliver is up for 2/3 hours max before napping. He loves his sleep
KellyM - The nuk didn't work for us when we tried it in February (several times) but now it helped! Keep trying!! Ellie is a cat napper... we've been putting her down when she gets sleepy (which is an hour after waking up) but this week we decided to try to keep her up. We have several play areas in the house and when she gets fussy we move her to another room/play area. We end in her room, on the floor on a blanket for some tummy time and play with a ball. The last 2 days we've been able to keep her up for about 2 hours (the last 15-20 mins are spent putting her to sleep) and she took a 2 hr nap and a 1.5 hr nap. She's getting over a cold so that might be why but I'm going to keep at this and hope it consolidates her naps!

Samj - Aww poor Iz! We were using the little tummies gas drops but they weren't helping much so I spend about 10 minutes on and off burping Ellie after feeding her. I also do the leg bicycle thing which gets some gas out. It's really been helping and she's been vomiting a lot less too.

ttclolly - My supply sucks! She woke up to feed at midnight and 5 am today and I fed her on the left side both times. When she woke at 7 am, i fed her on the right side and then pumped both and couldn't even get an ounce! She was gaining weight so quickly before but has now fallen behind (she's just over 13 lbs but is only gaining 2 ounces a week or so). Her doctors appointment is on the 8th and nervous! I just ate 2 servings of oatmeal, took 3 fenugreek pills and chugged some water so hopefully my body will start producing more!
Happy Easter everyone! Yes, we are having definite changes with sleep here too. To be honest it has always been the biggest challenge for me. Ava still likes to sleep on/near me but we are making slow but steady progress in transitioning her to the cot and without needing to BF to sleep. She can't quite self-soothe which is the biggest problem but at least she is developing more of a routine now. She settles down about 7.30 and will sleep until around 7am waking for around 4 feeds during that time (at least she goes straight back to sleep). During the day she will catnap if we are at home, unless she can sleep on me but if we are out for a walk she can sleep 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Either way, I try to ensure she has about 4 hours of sleep in the day. Her max awake time is 2 hours, but less if she has only had a short nap.

Safe trip back, Bean x

Tooth - will post some new photos when back at my computer. Ava has been poorly this week so not really in the mood for modelling, poor thing. Just a tummy bug but horrible enough. x

Is anyone's LO showing an interest in food? I swear Ava would tuck into a pie and chips if she could! Today we were out at a cafe and a guy on the table next to us had a cream scone. She couldn't take her eyes of it and was visibly drooling and smacking her lips (it did look good :rofl: )
Happy Easter everyone! Yes, we are having definite changes with sleep here too. To be honest it has always been the biggest challenge for me. Ava still likes to sleep on/near me but we are making slow but steady progress in transitioning her to the cot and without needing to BF to sleep. She can't quite self-soothe which is the biggest problem but at least she is developing more of a routine now. She settles down about 7.30 and will sleep until around 7am waking for around 4 feeds during that time (at least she goes straight back to sleep). During the day she will catnap if we are at home, unless she can sleep on me but if we are out for a walk she can sleep 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Either way, I try to ensure she has about 4 hours of sleep in the day. Her max awake time is 2 hours, but less if she has only had a short nap.

Safe trip back, Bean x

Tooth - will post some new photos when back at my computer. Ava has been poorly this week so not really in the mood for modelling, poor thing. Just a tummy bug but horrible enough. x

Is anyone's LO showing an interest in food? I swear Ava would tuck into a pie and chips if she could! Today we were out at a cafe and a guy on the table next to us had a cream scone. She couldn't take her eyes of it and was visibly drooling and smacking her lips (it did look good :rofl: )

Sorry to hear you are having trouble with sleep but honestly I'm glad I'm not the only one. I thought Carter was abnormal being that he still wakes about three times a night. It's tough! I can't wait for a full nights sleep one day....
Happy Easter everyone!

No sleep changes here (yet), Camden is still sleeping from about 10pm to 7-8am, then I feed her and she goes back to sleep until 10:30-11. At least on days when I'm not working. She has never had a daytime nap schedule, I just let her do whatever. Sometimes she will take several 30 minute naps, sometimes she'll take 1-2 hour naps at a time.

Bean - glad you such a nice trip, and sorry you have to go back to China. But at least you have seeing DH to look forward to!

Camden had a nice Easter, we had dinner at my parents house and had to leave her for a sleepover because daycare is closed tomorrow for the holiday but DH and I are both working. We left less than an hour ago but I already miss her. Bedtime is my favorite time with her because it's quiet and we read books and rock in the rocking chair. I wish I didn't have to miss it. But I know my mom is doing a great job with her, and is doing our same bedtime routine at her house.

Today is also the 8 year anniversary of my brother's death from suicide. I usually have a very difficult time getting through this day each year, but with LO here it's been easier somehow. Maybe just because I'm distracted.

Here's a picture of Camden in her Easter outfit, and a picture of her very first Easter basket. DH and I are both huge baseball fans, hence the basket, hahaha. Hope everyone else had a great holiday!


Kelly, it varies! She did used to take 2-3 really long naps a day but lately she has been catnapping, and like you said, it's hard getting things done when she's like that. I hope she goes back to her few, long naps soon, it was the only time I got to do stuff!

Sigh, I hope all of the supplements help with your supply. How long have you been on them now? Let us know how you get on :flower: I hope Eliana's weight gain picks back up.

Bean, sorry to hear you're stay back home has come to an end :hugs: safe travels back to china hun x

Honey.Bee funny you should mention that as I was just about to say the same thing! Millie watches us eat like a hawk! Her eyes follow the food to our mouths and she even tries to grab the food! We had Peking duck and pancakes on Saturday and I held out a cucumber baton to her which she took hold of and proceeded to chomp down on it :D very cute! She didn't eat any, I think she more enjoyed the coolness on her gums, but it's definitely a start to her showing interest I think. We'll be doing BLW again so mostly staying away from purées and spoon feeding, I don't think she's quite ready just yet but I'll continue to maybe offer her plain hand held bits of what we eat and see how she gets on. Exciting times, these babes are growing too quickly!

Scooby, so very very cute! She looks gorgeous x

Millie has caught the lergy from DD1, who was completely wiped out last week with a viral infection of some sort :( Millie is no where as bad, I'm thinking the magic of booby milk for that! It's not nice seeing them poorly though. Last night was not great, she was up a lot with a blocked nose and then she'd wake herself everytime she coughed. I'm hoping tonight isn't as bad but I don't hold out much hope!
ttclolly - thanks! I've been on and off the fenugreek the past month but was only taking 2 pills before. This time I'm taking 3 and just started the oatmeal. I've also started pumping after feeds but only get a few drops :( I might call a lactation consultant again because I think part of the issue is that she is very distracted. She'll take a sip, unlatch, stare at me, chew her finger, stare at the wall, turn her head, grab my face, try to talk, then take another sip and repeat. I've tried taking her to a dark room and it doesn't seem to help. She'll drink the initial letdown and then gets distracted by everything else. If I pull my shirt down she'll scream for food, then sip again. Her latch also might be a little shallow because she doesn't seem to be swallowing sometimes but when I squeeze with my fingers the milk squirts out. I tried getting more in her mouth but it just makes her angry and she pulls her head back (with my nipple in her mouth...ouchhh). I'm feeding her every 2-3 hours (or sometimes every 1.5 hrs) so I don't think I need to increase the amount of feedings... Anyone else having issues like this?

Sleep is getting better. She goes down for the night around 9 pm, then wakes anywhere from 11-2 for a feed, then again anywhere from 4-7. We might try putting her down by 8 tonight to see how that changes things. Of course her shots are on the 8th so I'm assuming all chaos will break loose again after that.

Scooby - She is soooo cute!!! She looks like a doll :) Love her hair!

1 year ago today I got my BFP and DH thought it was an April Fools joke :)
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Gabby was certainly spoiled by everyone!

Sigh, I am sorry about your supply problems. I have heard that around this age nursing can become hard due to all of the other stimulation around distracting baby. I haven't yet experienced this, but i hear dark, quiet rooms are best. I've also heard for supply help, eating oatmeal, and drinking dark beer at night has helped some of my friends.

Lolly, you are starting to give food already? I also want to try the BLW, but I was thinking I had to wait until 6 months. I can't wait to give Gabby spears of whatever :) BLW is a european inspried method, right? People around here mostly look at me like i'm crazy when I mention that, except for a handful of other moms.

Cute picture, scooby! I still can't believe how much hair some of the babies here have! So fun! I can't wait for Gabby to get enough hair for a bow :)

My letdown has gotten out of control in my lower supply boob! Gabby will drink, letdown occurrs and she pulls back and like 6 streams are just going everywhere! I don't know where this has come from, but its been happening for the past week or so. I kept thinking it would ease up, but not yet!


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Iz's drain fell out last night while I was at work. My dad was watching he and texted me in a frenzy. I RACE home and she's just sitting in his lap playing with her hands. Goodness sakes. The doctor said its fine since it was supposed to come out tomorrow anyways. Quite frankly I'm glad, I was sick of having it in her and it saved me 6 hours in the car to get it taken out at the doctor's. She seems pretty happy about it too. She's currently laying on th floor trying to roll from her back to her tummy! If her head wasn't so big she'd totally have it down :haha:
Happy 1 year BFP anniversary sigh! :haha:

Chloe, what a little cutie :) love the picture! Re weaning, that was the first time I've ever given her any food and it was purely to see what she'd do with it! She didn't eat it, I think she just liked the coolness of the cucumber on her teething gums. We will be doing BLW too and I don't expect to start for at least another month or so. I'm just following Millie's lead completely, but she is definitely showing signs of being interested in food and watching us all eat. A lot of people here don't know or haven't heard of BLW either actually! People thought I was mad when weaning DD1 :lol:

Samj, what a worry! I'm glad Iz is well and wasn't bothered by the drain coming out. Also great that it saves you travelling to the hospital for it to be removed too!
Samj, glad lil Iz is happy!

Scooby, she's a doll in her little dress!

Sigh, Carter is doing the same thing! He hardly ate yesterday because we were at my sister's for Easter and even in a dark, quiet room, in the rocking chair, he would latch on and off and then cry and then act like he's starving. He tries to shove his hands in his mouth when he latches off and then my milk lets down and starts soaking everything in sight. It's frustrating! He drank an ounce from a bottle this morning though so that's good. Then he nursed really well when he woke up from his first nap.

Chloe, my letdown is still out of control, always has been. If lo unlatches during the letdown it's a total mess, milk everywhere, soaking literally everything. I was hoping it would calm down but it hasn't yet.

Sorry if I forgot anyone, so much to keep up with on here. Hope you all had a great weekend! :)
Yep my supply is definitely shot. She took a 2 hour nap (woohoo!) so I fed one side when she woke and pumped the other. I was only able to squeeze 2 ounces from a boob she hadn't drank from in 4+ hours... in January when she went on a nursing strike I was easily able to pump atleast 4 ounces every 4 hours. Could her sleeping more at night have something to do with it? She used to get up atleast 3-4 times and now she wakes up 0-2. This is so stressful...I feel like I'm letting her down :(
I know I'm late, but I hope everyone had a happy easter! :) Usually we'd go to my mum's for Easter lunch, but we don't have the car so we just stayed at home. I jokingly mentioned to OH how it was my first Easter with no choccy eggs and the silly man went out in the rain and came back almost two hours later after trying every shop until he found one that was open and bought us eggs (he said he was popping out for cigs). Then he came home and hid them just like when I was a kid. He bought an egg for LO too, but I ate it for her. :haha:

sigh -what's BFP? Is it when you found out you were preggers? If so, congrats haha! Mine's on the 17th, the day before my mums birthday. I only remember because my whole family was over her house and OH and I weren't ready to let people know just yet. Before I was pregnant I loved to drink and I remember slipping OH the wine glasses when nobody was looking so no one would suspect a thing. Poor OH was practically drunk before 6 o clock :blush:

samj - Glad to hear the drain is finally out! I know if it were me I would've had a tough time with LO with that. Even her clamped umbilical cord made me feel queasy, I kept thinking it was hurting her somehow. Are you done with doctors for the time being (aside from the usual) ?

Such beautiful babies everyone, I just want to pinch all them cheeks! My LO seems to be pretty small in comparison by what I'm reading... she still fits just fine in all her 0-3 clothes. I think I might pump tomorrow morning and see how many oz I can get. She's STTN for a while now with no night feedings which maybe I should compensate for by pumping in the evenings? I'm also getting my period back, which I didn't expect for a long time. Could this be a sign of my supply dipping? :/

Anyway, here goes my Easter photograph:


Just LO in a diaper with her bunny! :)

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