***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

For nap time, i put gabby to bed awake when i see her acting sleepy, but i give her a glow worm that plays music for 10 minutes and then shuts off. That seems to keep her entertained long enough for her to fall asleep. Sadly she is only a ~30 min napper. At night, I dress her in her sleep sack (she hates putting it on!) and then nurse her to sleep in a rocking chair. she is usually fast asleep by the time she is done eating, so its really easy to put her to bed. I dread the day that she doesn't fall right asleep. She has woken up at 4am for a feeding the past two nights, but has gone right back to bed after eating.

Question about mommy's post baby bodies. Is anyone's belly button still brown? I still have a faint line going from belly button down, and my actually belly button is brown. Makes me want to buy a one piece instead of a bikini this year! Not sure how long this is supposed to last???
^I had to exfoliate the crapola out of the linea negra/belly button for it to disappear. I mean, it's just darkened skin right? And skin cells die (didn't figure this out until a week ago though haha) It felt really weird to scrub my belly button.

The worst is the area where my piercing is got all dark while it was stretched out so it's brown in the piercing hole. Fantastic.
Coco- She loves to play in her crib during the day but whines when she gets tired. If I leave her there or try to soothe her she starts screaming :(

I still have the dark line too!! Thanks for the tip... I'll exfoliate more :)

So a few weird things... today has been really good because she napped! 1.5 hrs, 2.5 hrs and now she's down again! She was so much happier and less fussy and to top that off I was full because she went 4+ hours between a feeding at one point. She was so full that she was breathing really loudly and she didn't finish what was left (unfortunately she grumbled when I tried to pump so I wasn't able to). Knock on wood - I hope this repeats!

I weighed her on our baby scale before she ate (after her diaper change) with clothes on and she was 13 lbs 11 oz. I weighed her again an hour and a half after eating and she was 14 lbz 2 oz so she got over 7 oz. I don't know if this is because I was overfull or my supply went up but yayy. I called my doctor again because of my anxiety about her weight gain and she told me she isn't too concerned. She told me to keep doing what I'm doing and if I feel she needs formula or solids then go for it. I'm not going to give up yet! Thank you ladies for the support!!
Bean, DH and I are both in the humanitarian/UN fields, so that's why we travel. Though he's with one of the big organizations so we follow his postings, which tend to last from 3-5 years.

Chloe, My bellybutton is also dark still...exfoliating sounds like a good plan!

I'm feeding Rosa to sleep most times, including for naps which don't last nearly as long as they should I think. One for an hour in the morning, one for around 45 minutes around lunch then in the afternoon we are lucky if she'll even take one for 20 minutes... She has fallen asleep a few times just in my arms while walking, but I think it's a fluke as I haven't been able to repeat that when I wanted to. Sometimes she falls asleep in the baby bjorn or sling if I have her in it while doing stuff around the house or writing, but she immediately wakes up when I go to take her out.
Yay Sigh! Glad you haven't had to give it up yet. I bet you Ellie will do just fine! All babies grow at different rates so try not to get too hung up on the numbers.

I just thought I'd throw this cool little tip out to those who are nursing: If you have any maxi pads left over from the birth, you can use them up by cutting them in half for breast pads. If I get aunt flow back I won't be using pads anyways. I always use tampons, so I figured it's a good way to use up the rest of my pad stash. I had a ton left over after Carter was born and they make great disposable breast pads to keep in the diaper bag or for overnight, heavy leaking. I use cloth ones most of the time but these are great for on the go. :)
My sister still has her linea nigra - 14 years later!

Oliver cannot self settle either, far too little for it. I love nursing him to sleep :)
Millie will self settle in the evenings (and by self settle I mean we lay her down awake/half asleep and she will just happily drift off on her own, we do not leave her to CIO and won't ever) but daytime naps she needs to be fed or held and rocked to sleep. Funny little things these babies :haha:

Anyone else's baby trying to sit on their own, failing miserably at it and then getting mad at themselves!? :lol: Millie is! It's so funny but annoying too, she won't sit in her swing anymore, will tolerate the bumbo for 5mins at the most and she can't sit still when using the nursing pillow to prop her up so I'm constantly having to hold her in a sitting position so she can reach out and around as much as she likes. It's a constant thing too :wacko: I'm hardly getting anything done!! I want to keep her little for as long as possible but now I'm hoping she learns to sit unaided soon just to give me a break!
Kelly M - Cool tip! Wish I had known that when my milk first came in. I was waking up several times a night soaking wet :/ Will remember that for the next one :D

ttc_lolly - I heard that babies view night time sleep and day time nap time sleep differently. So habits they may have to help fall asleep during the day doesn't necessarily affect how they fall asleep at night (thank god). Also, how cute of Millie though I can see how that would get frustrating fast:haha:. LO isn't doing anything like that, but she does strain sometimes and does like a situp when propped up sometimes like she'd like to be more upright? She tires herself out all the time doing this. Baby does more of a workout than me :blush:

edit: Forgot to say that's awesome sigh! :)
Tessa hasn't been napping near as much as she used to lately. She'll have one big nap or a few little ones it seems. She nearly sleeps through the night thought which is awesome! Almost always wakes up around 4:30 for a feed then back to sleep. She had her needles yesterday and now weighs 16lbs, 25 inches long! She's eating great and always smiling at everyone, quite the little charmer! She hasn't rolled over yet, kinda tries but not really. Maybe because she doesn't like to lie down too much? She constantly tries to sit up as well, pulls herself up really far. Maybe that's why she won't roll over, would rather sit up! I have to admit we hardly do tummy time, things get busy and she hates it...
Scooby-Great news about Camden's hips and the insurance/cranial band and everything. That's awesome, so glad things are going well!

Sigh- Ellie is cute, cute, cute! Also sorry your inlaws comments on your appearance, your picture looks great.

Re sleeping- Most nights Cait puts herself to sleep (between midninght and 1am:dohh:) Occasionally we will have a rough time and she will cry and I will have to feed her/ rock her to sleep. She sleeps fairly well most nights sleeping 8-9 hrs. Although again, some nights she wakes a few times in the night and I will either have to soothe her or feed her. She tends to kick and toss in her sleep occasionally and I'm not sure why but it doesn't usually wake her but it does wake me when I hear her tossing. I wish she would go to sleep earlier but she just won't. I'm having a really hard time starting any kind of schedule with her as she just wants what she wants when she wants it...

Also, I'm enjoying rocking and cuddling my baby. I do it whenever I can because soon enough she will be feeling independant and not want to be held and rocked. There's nothing wrong with it and it's a great way to bond. They grow so fast.

As for post baby bodies, unfortunately some of us aren't blessed with bodies that bounce back 100%. I look and feel kinda awful. I will hopefully get back to dieting and exercising soon. Cait doesn't make it easy because she has no schedule and is particularly clingy sometimes.I have difficulty finding time to clean, spend with DH, and so on. I think new moms are allowed a bit of slack though as far as time and appearance is concerned.

Lastly Cait had a doctor's appt today and she is now in the 50th percentile instead of 25th! She weighs 13lb5oz and is 24.5in long. She is healthy and happy and I couldn't be prouder.

I hope you are all well! oooh sorry so long. Haven't been able to get on lately so a lot to say at once!
I cuddle and rock Camden constantly!! I want to hold her as much as I can, especially now that I've gone back to work, any time I have with her I want to spend holding her. I don't see a thing wrong with it.

IST - so glad to hear that Cait has gained some weight! You're doing a great job :)

We scheduled Camden's appt for thursday to have another scan done so they can make her cranial band, and it will be ready for her to wear the following thursday. When they first told us she might need one I felt horrible about it, but now I'm kind of excited. I just want what's best for her, and I know that the results will be favorable.
Rosa has a cough! An awful, chesty cough! It's really the first thing that I have had to deal with, and am feeling so sorry for her! No fever, so we are treating it just with saline drops, and steam (running the shower and standing nearby for the steam)...I wanted to run to the doctor to check it out, but DH convinced me it's probably just a cold. So sad :(
Expatt if u think it's in her chest I would say take her. My angel just had broncholitis which is very common in the end of fall and early spring also there is rsv. I too thought her cough was from her cold back in February I just said it will get better. I went all of March with her coughing due to insurance issues. But it was just a cough. But the day before I took her to divorce she started wheezing. Bit I could definitely tell it was in her chest. I could hear and feel it. When I put my hand on her chest or her back it kinda felt like a vibration. I would hate for any other mother having to go thru with the breathing treatments it breaks my heart everytime. I have to give one to angel.
I can feel it in her chest, and now she has a fever. No 24 hour health care open here, so we have a friend working with WHO...she's monitoring it by phone. Please send luck xxx
Oh no! Get well Rosa! Hope she feels better soon. I had my son tested for rsv when he had a cold at 2 months old. Luckily it was negative but they checked his oxygen levels and they were low so they wanted to monitor him. He had a cough and they said it was a good thing to bring him in just in case because rsv can be very dangerous. I'd get her checked just for peace of mind.
My poor baby fell off his changing table yesterday :( :( landed flat on his face, called 111 and they said to take him into a&e so spent spent the evening in a&e just to make sure he was ok. He was laughing and smiling 10 mins after fall and got the all clear from dr.

I'm just so upset about it still :( I literally bent down to put his nappy in the bin and he rolled off. I feel so awful. My partner is being pretty horrible about it too, didn't really say anything reassuring. Think he's angry at me. When I said something today about holding him upright he said dont you dare tell me how to look after him after you walked away from him yesterday, which is didn't :( I wish he would just give me a hug and say its ok. All I keep seeing is oli lying flat on his face on the floor crying :(

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