***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Get well soon Rosa!!

Ocean, so sorry that happened :( Unfortunately I think something similar happens to most babies/parents at some point. I admittedly will leave Camden on the changing table a take a few steps over to the closet to grab an outfit. She doesn't roll yet so it doesn't seem like a big deal to me, but you never know when they might decide to learn. It could certainly happen to anyone. And I'm especially sorry your OH is being that way about it. Please don't beat yourself up about it :hugs:
Oh Ocean I want to give you a huge hug. I can only imagine how you feel, I once bonked H's head into the wall and I started bawling. Babies are so resilient, and Oli is perfectly fine. Your partner needs to get over it because I'm sure he wouldn't want you to treat him that way whenever he inevitably does something similar. No one is perfect and kids have a long lifetime ahead of them for us to accidentally hurt them.
Oh ocean you poor thing :hugs: and little Oli too, I hope you're both okay. These babies are a lot more resilient then they look. Mistakes and accidents happen to and by the best of us hun. I use a changing mat on the floor, but Amber rolled off our sofa when she was little when I took my eyes off of her for a split second and I once picked her up with wet, slippery hands to put her in the bath and almost dropped her :wacko: I caught her luckily but her bum hit the side of the bath and she screamed so much :( I felt awful, but these things do happen. Oli will be just fine and your OH will come around once he's off his high horse. I remember my OH "jokingly" throwing in my face "well at least I haven't ever dropped the baby"... the prick :haha: chin up sweetie xx
Please keep us updated expatt. And ocean I know exactly how u feel with dd1 on Easter 2012 she was four months and wasn't rolling yet so I had her sleeping on my mother's king size bed in the middle. With pillows on everyone of her top bottom and sides. My 14.year old step son was suppose to b listen for her just in case she woke up. So I cameand went in my moms. Room and she was face down on my mom's floor screaming her head off. ( it scared the sh** out of me for two reason. I felt like a bad mom cuz I left her sleeping there and two my niece was about a year old n feel off same bed and broke her collar bone). My step son has his face so crammed up the computer he didn't hear her screaming. But she was just fine. I also had a time she fell off the changing table doing the same thing she did it to dh too. But she is a like dare devil still to this day. Before she got the climbindown perfect she always tried to climb head first off of bed ( which is just a box spring and matters so not that high) she had her fall quite a few times. And when someone said there will be slot of accidents ahead it's very true. She's always falling n bumping her head and than yesterday she was in her pack n play and she started to climb out of it and ended up falling out head first. Trust me it never gets any easier. I felt so guilty. I seen her and could have gotten to her if I didn't have angel in my arms. It ate me up inside all day. That I could have got her and it wouldn't of happen. She's is 100% okay though she cut her lip open with her tooth and has two little scratches on her head.
Ocean, sorry to hear about Oli. That must have been so scary! I walk away to grab socks for lo without strapping him in occasionally. I know it's bad and I try to remember to buckle him but now I will never forget! He can't roll over back to tummy yet but I bet the first time he decides to do it will be the time I take a few steps away and he isn't buckled. Glad Oli is ok though. Sorry your OH isn't being understanding with how bad you must feel. I see where you both are coming from but I'm sure you don't need him to make you feel even worse about it all.
expat - I hope Rosa is ok!!

Ocean - :hugs: Don't beat yourself up! Glad Oli is ok!! Accidents happen- you're a great mommy and your baby knows it!

Update here... I think the Oatmeal worked!!!!! I've been eating a bowl of steel cut oatmeal every morning and eating the lactation cookies and my supply seems to be up. Ellie was napping well during the day the whole week so I thought that might be why but she catnapped all day today and was still pretty satisfied. She started screaming and bit me (OUCH) in the evening and I thought maybe I was low but I think it's from teething. I rubbed her gums with a washcloth and she calmed down.

Ellie has rolled from her front to back a few times (I think by accident) but yesterday she started doing it on purpose and of course I cried. One step closer to mobility... she's growing way too fast!! She spends a lot of time chewing on her feet now :)
Thank you for all the warm wishes...Just back from the local clinic. Rosa’s got a virus that seems to be going around the town, apparently. Some sort of viral/flu, and we’re told that since she’s so young the best thing to do is breastfeed, breastfeed, breastfeed so I am drinking tons of water and orange juice, and baking oatmeal cookies by the boatload.

She still has a fever, 37.9, so apparently ‘low grade’, but it gets broken by panadol/tylenol, thank goodness, and she’s in good spirits, though way more cuddly AND vocal than usual, which I don’t mind.

Her cough is now bringing up clear/white mucous which is good...and apparently the entire thing should be over in a week.

The hardest part - other than seeing her sick for the first time - is that DH and I have had HUGE flights the past 48 hours, mainly on me being insisting to take her to see a doctor and him having more of a ‘wait and see’ attitude. I’m just so shaken by seeing Rosa sick, glassy eyed and coughing and feverish, that I am emotional I suppose. But not feeling like DH is on my side, and having to push for everything, it seems, is exhausting… Today it seems to be a bit better and he is amazing to spend time with her...just have to figure out how to talk to each other without being so emotional.

Please keep us in thoughts/prayers. I’m so worried about her being sick here in PNG...can’t get thoughts of malaria, etc. out of my head (though she’s not showing those symptoms). If things get worse I’ll jump on a plane to Australia….we were supposed to go down on Wednesday anyway for her 4 month check up and immunizations.

Any of you have a little one that has gone through this kind of fever / sickness recently? How long did it last? How did you balance your emotions of seeing LO like this?

Ocean -- huge :hugs: to you. DH should have his head examined; you're a great Mom and that was NOT your fault.
Thank you lovelies :) feel better today, my little guy is so tough he hasn't even bruised at all so I'm glad he's ok. Going out to the park now as its so sunny today x
Oh expat I so hope rosa gets better soon. I think my hubby will react the same as yours so can imagine you feel a bit 'in it alone'. Hope she recovers quickly and a big hug to you.

Ocean I'm glad oli is over his ordeal! Please try put it behind you flower. As the others have said we'll all have out share of accidents. Doesn't help with hubby being an arse about it either. Men just don't see things the same as us do they!

Joseph still continues to fight me with his daytime naps. It's like he's suddenly aware of the world and is so easily distracted from dropping off or staying asleep. He's so nosy! Am glad some if you are still cuddling rocking or nursing to sleep. I know I'll have to stop at some point just not sure where to start. Just reading the no cry sleep book so hopefully it'll help!

Big love to our ladies having a hard time this weekend xxx
Expat - big :hugs: to you and Rosa. If its a viral thing, it should run it's course in 7-10 days but with that magic Mummy milk, I'm sure she'll be feeling better soon. Yes, it's a tricky one with DH but better safe than sorry, I think. You'd never forgive yourself for 'watching' something that turned out to be serious.

Ocean - big :hugs: to you and Oli too. It could have been any if us, Hun. These LO keep us on our toes. It's amazing how a bit of sun can make everything seem better in the world! Have a word with that man of yours though (when things have calmed down). You don't need telling off - I know you would be feeling bad enough already.

Tooth - I've just seen that Elizabeth Pantley has a nap book too. Wonder if it's any good?

Its Ava's 4 month birthday today! My baby is growing up so quickly. We have also decided to begin weaning her. It feels like the right decision for us, for a number of reasons. So far she has had some baby rice with Mummy milk and today some carrot purée. She's polished off all her portions with great excitement and seems to be very pleased with a full tummy. So far so good. I'll keep you posted. I'll have to take a video because it's hilarious to watch her (think shark that hasn't fed in days attacking it's prey.....)
Sorry about oli, ocean! So not your fault at all! We can't keep our eyes on our lo's 24/7. Stuff is going to happen. Luckily they are resilient and he is ok!

Honey, good luck weaning! I have given gabby tastes of fruit and she seems interested, but not overly yet.

My baby has a horrible runny nose. She has been Sniffly a lot for weeks but this is her first real runny nose and I feel so bad. She is breathing through her mouth and has trouble eating and breathing. I keep sucking her nose out and using the saline drops but it doesn't help for long. And it is causing her to drool sooooo much. Like I could literally wring spit out of her bibs, and have gone through at leas 5 today.

We have her neurology appt on Tuesday morning. I hope the Dr gives us his blessing and nothing else comes of it.
Expat, I'm going through a helluva time with my lo as well. He was a perfect happy baby until his 4 month shots last Monday. On Wed I saw a few red circles around his belly and also noticed he felt warmer than usual, by Thurs theyd spread to his legs. I called the pediatrician and they had me give him Benadryl. I bought a cheap binky that reads temp and confirmed he had a fever, 101.8 to be exact. By Friday the circles were all over his body - my poor baby was understandably very fussy. I took him to the docs and no one seems to know what it is for sure but think its erythema multiforme. They claim its viral but I'm convinced it was a reaction from the shots. The fever got as high as 103.6 (which freaked us out/gave us reason to take our first trip to the ER) now I'm alternating Motrin/Tylenol.

Hope ours babies get better soon!
joeliza, sending you :hugs: -- know what you are going through. Rosa hasn't improved, which means I may fly to Australia tomorrow in case she gets worse.
Joeliza, how scary. What do the spots look like? I hope Nathaniel is better soon :hugs:

Expat, Millie caught her sister's viral infection but thankfully was no where near as bad as DD1 was from it (booby milk to the rescue!). It took a little while for her to be fully back to normal, I'd say 7-10 days. It was the damn cough and blocked nose that were lingering around until the bitter end and were keeping her up at nights. I hope she's feeling better soon too :hugs:

Happy 4 months to Ava!

Not much new to report here. With the mornings becoming lighter and my bedroom curtains being so stupidly light, Millie thinks 4-5am is an acceptable time to start the day and I'm exhausted :sleep: I'm going to start heading to bed earlier I think, as well as buying some darker curtains! Might give moving her into her own room another go this week, there are blackout blinds in there so hopefully I'll get a bit more sleep in the mornings. If only I could get her to take to her cot better now...!
Aww, hate hearing about sick babies! Poor little things, hope they get better soon!
To those who've had their first periods back - was it heavy, light, strange? A few days ago I started mine, but it was much different than usual. It was mostly very light, as in hardly anythign on a pad. There was a bit of one day where it got somewhat heavier, but not near as heavy as mine normally are and it was over super quick! Was only about 2 days, and most of that was very light. Not very crampy either, just a little, and I still feel a little crampy once in a while. Husband and I dtd almost 2 weeks ago... no BC but used the pull out method, not the most effective I know but it worked for over a year before DD2! I doubt I'm pregnant, but still, kinda freaked out as when I look up first periods after baby most women say it's crazy heavy!
Jules - I've only had one AF and it was pretty normal all round, but not v crampy. I was expecting a torrent :rofl:

Get better soon, poorly LO's x x x
Jules my first AF lasted 2 days and was very light. I started the mini pill then and had another one 3 weeks later and it was really heavy! Now everything is back to normal.

My gran passed away last night. I'm very sad but also so thankful I went home when I did so she could meet Amber and also so I could say good bye.
My oldest two brothers also lost their mother yesterday morning so my family is unhappy all round.

I finally started work today. But seeing as my (sexist) boss won't let me back full time it doesn't really feel like work. I only have to do ten lessons a week!!

I hope the sick babies get well soon! Thinking of you all.
Joeliza it sounds very scary. I hope it's something that clears up quickly.

Any improvement yet expat?

Joseph is 4 months today! Here he is in 6-9 month clothes can you believe!


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Bean - sorry to hear about your grandmother. Hope you're doing ok!

joeliza & expat - :hugs: Hope your babies get well soon! I'm dreading the day Ellie has her first big sick episode... hang in there!!

ttc_lolly - Ellie is doing the same thing! Her morning awake time has been slowly creeping up earlier and earlier. Today she woke at 4:45 AM and after I changed and nursed her back to sleep, I tried to put her in the crib and she woke and wanted to play. DH had to go in and hold her on the rocking chair for an hour just so she could get some sleep. She's back to cat napping so she only slept a TOTAL of 9.5 hours yesterday (including naps). She's also been waking up a lot between 9 pm and 12 pm and the minute we pick her up she falls back asleep. I think we're going to sleep train her soon because she's starting to realize when we aren't there and I think its just better that she learns to soothe herself. She's exhausted and needs sleep! I'm not comfortable with letting her cry it out so I think we're going to try the pick up put down method or some other minimal crying method. I'm sure there will still be a lot of crying since she cries anytime we try to put her to sleep but I guess thats inevitable.
Bean so sorry to hear about your gran. My thoughts are with you and your family xxx

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