***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Oh my gosh Daydream, he is adorable with a ll that avocado.....looks like he enjoyed himself :thumbup:

Kelly I didn't even think about strawberry s Lewis had been munching on them for a few days now.....he loves them oops!

Toothfairy how clever clapping! I didn't think babas did that until they were 9 months, you've got a wee genious on your hands :thumbup:

Lewis has been rolling from front to back for months, last week learned from back to front. Just this minute he worked out he can roll across the room now to get to what he wants, so cute :cloud9: he just rolled from one end of the rug(bought just so he can play without being on the slippery lamenat) to the other to get to his playmat haha
Daydream those are gorgeous photos!

Scooby can't wait to see the 'school photos!'

Baby bell. I'll let you know if he really is clever or just a fluke! We've been working on wind the bobbin up for a few weeks and he excitedly waves his arms to it with no co ordination but trying until yesterday when he was clapping along! Cute!

He do his biggest ever stretch between feeds las night too 11pm to 5.15am! Must have tired himself out!
I'm looking for ideas and inspiration for his room at the mo. anyone happy to share their baby's room photo??

I wish I could post Mia's room, but it's so far from finished still! A good tip I learned on decorating when stumped for ideas is to find a pattern/print you really love (like for the bedding/sheets) and to use that as your inspiration/colour palette. I love sailors/pirates or jungle themed for boys :) (I initially thought I was having a boy so had his room all dreamed up)

Here are some pics I took of her room before she was born... It's pretty much the same right now. Look on pinterest or the potterybarnkids.com site... they have some nice inspiration!

Her room is beautiful, I love the tree with the birds!

I gotta share this... My little man learned how to clap hands today! Soooo cute! He started babbling ma ma na na a couple of days ago too!! Am so proud. He's very cute! Of course every time I try film it he stops!!

Isn't that always the case? Haha! I can't film Mia doing anything anymore, she is fascinated by the camera and just wants to grab it. I can't wait for her to start babbling, how adorable :) I thought clapping was for older babies too, what a clever boy!

Carter has been attempting to crawl all day long since yesterday morning. It's amazing how fast he learns. He just woke up yesterday and decided that's what he wanted to do and he attacked it! I can't believe it.

That video of him was so cute and can I say he's got such pretty eyes! Those long lashes.... gorgeous! Better get started babyproofing eh? Hope all goes well at the appointment and the rash clears up soon xx

Thanks for support, girls. I toughed it out (and called my dad for help). I was able to get the energy to feed and play with G for a little, and my dad helped clean the house and get her ready for bed. I don't know how single parents survive! They must be the strongest people ever!

Get better soon xx My OH has been away the past week from work and I couldn't bare the thought of being alone all that time so I came and stayed with my mum. I'm not even ill, I just need the moral support especially as she is teething. I don't know how they manage either, I have so much respect for single parents!

Tonight we did our first food: avocado! H seemed to dig it, but then spent a good ten minutes finger painting on his high chair. I gave him a few bites and then pretty much just gave him a preloaded spoon with avocado mush and let him try it. Overall a positive experience for him, but didn't do much actual eating.

I love these pictures! He's so artistic ^^ Can't wait to join in on the mushy mess xx

So last night I discovered the joy of white noise. Yeah, I know, I'm only five months behind! It's been ridiculously hot so I had the fan on all night long and Mia (who has been waking several times a night due to cutting her first tooth) only woke once to nurse! My mum's dog started barking at one point and she didn't even stir. I've been using the fan for her naps and she's even gone back to sleeping 50 minute stretches (as opposed to frustratingly short catnaps!) :happydance:
Thanks coco! Great news about the fan!

He's been clapping again today randomly and when I say clap hands so its definitely a new trick!! So cute! But still camera shy I'm afraid!
Tooth I can't believe Joseph is clapping! What a smart boy! I agree with every one else...Cait doesn't pose for pictures very well and she constantly moves so it's hard to get good still pics.

Bell, Congrats on the rolling! They learn so quickly, don't they?

Daydream, Harrison seems to love his avocado. Playing with it anyway...How cute. Love those pics, especially how it's on his forehead, lol. Those banners are cute and I love the pic with the little dog sitting by the both of you.

Kelly, poor Carter. Eczema is so itchy and uncomfortable. I hope you can get it cleared up for him. What a coincidence that he also had a fever due to teething at the same time. I could see how you would think he was sick.

We have one of those mesh baggies but I haven't tried it yet. Maybe I should? I think I would start with apples or something she's had a puree of already. I know a lot of people who are allergic to strawberries and I've had a mild reaction to mango before. Just in case it runs in the family.

Coco, Cait slept awful last night and woke early. I just put 2 and 2 together when you said about running the fan! It was cool here last night and I didn't run the fan in her room, Maybe that's why she didn't sleep so well? I'll be running the sound machine in her room when the fan can't be on.

Scooby can't wait to see Camden's 'school pics'. I used to love picture day at the day care. We often had class pics taken also. It was me with a bunch of babies, lol.

As I mentioned, Cait was up a few times last night and I am TIRED. I'm wondering if it's a growth spurt as she definitely wanted to eat each time she woke? Or maybe just that I left the fan off? Hope it's better tonight!

Hope everyone is well!
Tooth - clapping! that's wonderful! I haven't even thought to try to teach H that. I'll have to work on it.

Imsotired - well 6 months is a growth spurt, so that's definitely what it could be. I hope it's short lived!
Sorry to post about me again but I'm freaking out worried about C. I picked him up in his sleep tonight to feed him when I got home and he had a sort of seizure. His arms and body were trembling and he was asleep still. I called his name a few times and he was unresponsive at first n then woke up and seemed fine. He's had little tremors before when he gets excited and his dr said thats normal unless he's doing it in his sleep. I called the nurse on call and she said since he seems fine now we could call and speak to the dr. In the morning as I didn't want to have them call her house so late at night unless the nurse thought it was necessary. I'm so worried!
Kelly - did he have a temperature? If so, might have been something called a febrile convulsion. V frightening, but v common. Yes, make sure you get checked out first thing in the morning to put your mind at rest. If it happens again try to video it and note how long it lasts xxx

Just a quick post from me as feeling completely under the weather - cold, cough, earache, sore throat and horrific night sweats :( so far, Ava is ok and I'm fortunate that MIL is coming around to baby sit. I second that about single Mums - heroines in my opinion. I've also been thinking about you bean and expatttc so far from home :hugs:

Tooth - amazing on both clapping and sleeping. Clever Joseph! Ava will now 'high 5' - DH says I'm making her like a performing seal! Loving the nurseries too - we have a hungry caterpillar theme. Will try and post photos soon. Oh and Ava has taken this moment of weakness to begin commando rolling everywhere..... sigh.
Kelly, sorry about Carter! Amber had something similar to that when she was a bit younger. I was so worried but we already had a trip to the doctor planned the next day and they didn't find anything. Like honey.bee said those kind of seizures are common and she's never had another one.

Can someone please explain these mesh bag things to me. They sound quite interesting but I haven't come across anything like that.

I have a long weekend this weekend and its my 30th birthday on Monday so we are going away for the weekend. We're going to a nice hotel that's near a lake and near one of the ancient water cities. Really looking forward to getting away!
KellyM - Never had anything like that (but LO hasn't been sick yet) but I just wanted to give :hugs: That would scare me so bad! Glad you can see the doctor today and get some piece of mind xx

Honey.Bee - Get well soon xx

IMS - I hope the sound machine did the trick!

Can someone please explain these mesh bag things to me. They sound quite interesting but I haven't come across anything like that.

The ones in my attachment are by Munchkin - if you google "fresh food feeder" you'll see what it is! There's also the Nuby Nibbler - toys r us typically sell these mesh feeders. They're great because if the food breaks into chunks, the baby won't swallow/choke on it and you can serve cold carrot/banana/whatever you want and give them to a gnawing baby who is teething. I haven't tried them out yet, but a lot of people I know love them.


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Oh Kelly please let us know what the doctor says. I hope alls well for you. Big hugs xxxx

Get well so honey bee and all the other poorly mamas!

The good night sleep was a one off back to normal last night. I think teething is in full throw now? He was very grumpy yesterday evening and I noticed him rubbing one ear a lot. He was grumpy when he woke in the night too rubbing the ear and chewing loads too! Hope it doesn't last too long!
Hi ladies, after being out of the loop for so long I thought I would jump back in. First of Kelly, :hugs: I have also heard of febrile convulsions - let us know how the morning dr's visit goes, and I'll be sending you lots of good thoughts.

Sigh, I am RIGHT THERE with you in terms of sleeping. Rosa is still waking - yes, for two weeks now - every 1-2 hours to feed at night. I am knackered and also have the No cry sleep solution book but can't seem to get the time to read it...am just done the first two chapters. If someone can send me a summary, please, please do so. Maybe I should try white noise after all the suggestions? But we normally sleep with an a/c on to keep mosquitos away so perhaps that would already be white noise? When it works that is...

Big news here is that due to security in PNG we have been based in Brisbane (just Rosa and I) for the past week, and will be here till the 26th. DH comes down every weekend, which is expensive and exhausting but it's the only way we can function right now. That means she's still in her travel cot, rather than her proper crib which is back in Port Moresby, so she's still in our room, and will be for the foreseeable future, until we move to Sri Lanka which has also been delayed. AAAAAUGH.

Anyway, on development, so happy to hear about clapping hands! When we talk about sitting up, do you mean that baby can get to a sitting position by herself, or stay sitting if you put her there? Rosa can stay sitting for about a minute but doesn't like to as she really wants to try to crawl towards toys. She still doesn't roll over consistently either, but does lay on her back and scoot everywhere. Not so fun in a hotel apartment - I keep putting down towels everywhere.

We're still EBF but will be starting solids as soon as Rosa hits the 6 month mark. She can't wait! Reaching for all food, drooling and blowing bubbles and watching us intently as we eat, it makes me feel guilty!!

She always wants to bounce (standing) and wont' sit in her rocker anymore, so this weekend I am going to get her a jumperoo....should help those times when I am here by myself and just need to put her down somewhere for a few minutes.

:hugs: to all...really feeling down so I am glad to have you to reach out to...
Oh -- and lots of love to lo's with fevers....after Rosa's last month I am so sympathetic about how worrying it can be. Just remember that it's a sign that their bodies are doing something right -- a fever itself isn't a bad thing, particularly if it's low grade... I was also sick at the same time as she was, apparently that will happen almost every time that you pass things to each other, share and share alike!!
Expat I also have the no sleep book but find it hard to get time to read as Joseph is a car napper! Sigh sent me the basics in a pm I'll pm you it now xx
Thanks cocobain! I think that's exactly what I need for Amber. I let her taste my homemade ice lolly today. It was just fresh pineapple and water but she really enjoyed it!

Now I've got a question about high chairs: what make/model do you have? Its a lot cheaper for me to order online but I'm not really keen on ordering one I haven't seen. So if I can get some recommendations that would help a lot!

I have to share this: Amber was playing on her playmat earlier this evening and she rolled onto her tummy and started putting herself to sleep! So I put her in her cot and it wasn't even five minutes and she was sound asleep! We've been working hard on getting her to put herself to sleep and its such a great feeling when it happens so easily!
Kelly, I hope everything is ok at the Doctors. You're in my thoughts. Keep us updated on little C!

Bean, yay for self soothing!! Such an accomplishment, I hope she keeps it up!

Expatt, missed you! Sorry to hear about your travel situation. :hugs: I hope you get settled soon and can spend all of your time with DH. Gabby doesn't bring herself to a sitting position, but if i put her in one, she sits for a while, until she decides to look behind her and tumbles backwards :haha:

To those with white noise, how loud is it? I once read that it has to be quite loud to be effective. I think the analogy was it should be as loud as someone taking a shower if you are in the bathroom. here is a good article summarizing white noise benefits and why it helps https://www.troublesometots.com/why-babies-love-white-noise/ I have been using white noise since gabby was born, and she sleeps like a champ.
Kelly - that sounds so scary! My sister's son had febrile seizures anytime his temp went near 102 degrees until he was about 2. I hope he's ok! :hugs:

Bean - we just bought a graco blossom high chair. It takes up some space but i love it.

Expat - did tooth send you the notes? If not, pm me and i'll send it over.

chloe - we use white noise for naps only and put it somewhat loud. I have this munchkin projector machine thing that has a white noise button and put it on full volume. She can still hear some road noise outside (there's construction in my development) but it does the job. We don't use it at night because DH didn't want her dependent on it.
Expat - Sorry things have been rough on your end, but so good to hear from you. Have you taken any recent pics of Rosa? I posted several new H ones in my journal.

Chloe - same here with the white noise. We have a little iHome and old iPhone in H's room set up. It helps tremendously. We had a fire in the apartment complex across from us this morning (which freaked me OUT, but was contained in one unit). With all the sirens, H didn't wake up at all.

Bean - We have the oxo sprout that I ordered from albeebaby.com with 15% off. I ADORE it. I read pretty much every review on every highchair I saw, and this was rated the best and had several awards. It's very secure, seems very high quality, very easy to clean and is a one hand adjustment for the tray table. I'm very very happy with it.
Bean - that's AMAZING about the self soothing. Clever thing! This is our high chair
Cheap, easy to clean and works for us!

Expatttc - take care, please x
Quick update here. Dr thinks its probably nothing to worry about but getting blood drawn at the hospital today just to make sure. So nervous for him to get blood drawn.

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