Having a bad day...
At 1.30 this morning, C woke up crying. Normally, we put his dummy back in and he goes straight back over. This morning, I went to go open his stair-gate to get into his room and... the stair-gate was jammed shut!! I wrestled with it for ages, and finally went in to get DH. His first words were "What did you do to it?" (I nearly stabbed him...) but he couldn't get it open either. He ended up stepping over it and going in to him. We only got it open this morning with a lot of WD40!
Then we got up this morning, I got myself ready and was then getting C ready while DH was in the shower. I heard an almighty crash from the en suite. Turned out DH had swung his towel round, knocking over the cabinet in the bathroom, and breaking my (nearly full) Lancôme foundation bottle into smithereens.
Then I went down to have my breakfast to discover - the milk was off.
So hopefully these things go in threes and that's me for the day, or else it's just a bad day and it's only starting...