December Snowflakes 2014 ***Come and join!!***

Had my glucose test this morning...yuck! And I didn't eat cause I did think I could so I had that sitting on my stomach and made my stomach turn. As soon as I got to work I ate a big piece of lasagna at 10 in the morning, lol. I also drank loads cause I rushed out of the house and forgot my water so my veins weren't cooperating. They had to stick me 4 times and they blew a vein in the process. So now my hand hurts and I'm sure it'll bruise...blah! I also got the tdap which is the pertussis/tetnus and whatever else is all in there. Hubbs will get his at some point before baby comes.

Not a whole lot going on here. In less than 3 three months I'll be a mother of two! Sounds really weird to say I have an 18 month old and a newborn...especially considering I never thought I'd even have kids, lol. How things change.

I'm so jealous of all the ftm's. I remember doing a bunch of shopping and now I don't really get to do that cause we have everything really. I won't have to shop for a while to be honest. I need to get the double stroller still, but the next big item will be a reversible car seat as our son will still be in his. Other than that, possibly clothes if I have a girl. But even that could be taken away if I have a boy.

Speaking's starting to get to me now. I want to know, but still want to wait and be surprised about what sex the baby is. I'm just getting really excited as we close in on the end here!

Getting more tired as I get further along...didn't see that coming at all. Baby keeps doing kartwheels in there so who know which position he/she will be in. For whatever they are having me come back in 3 week, then every 2 at that point, but for me. So my next appt is the day after my b'day and then the next day I have the 3d/4d u/s. Still not sure if I'm gonna keep that or not...
Hey everyone! Sorry I have been away.

Had to deal with a child custody issue that was scary and stressful. Until recently I was raising my younger siblings (a 13 yo boy and a 12 yo girl) since my mom passed in 2012. A long story short is that I gave up custody of the girl and now the boy to my sibling in his 30's. He is sadly a bully and abuser and has hit every woman he's dated and been married to also. I just put my foot down and decided for the sake of the baby and my sanity to let it all just...GO!:cry:

Can't believe I am almost in third Tri - as of this Monday. I have done little to prepare other than the bed (an early gift) and the car seat and stroller (on sale), and 4 pairs of socks..LOL. I am waiting until after the showers to prep.

Sounds like everyone is doing well.

Have you all decided on names?
Sorry you're going through that Cali. But you have to do what's best for your baby.

And as for names - NOPE!! Not even nearly. Especially if it turns out to be a boy!!
3rd tri for me today and on the home straight!!

As for names thus baby will be either Isla Imogen or Joshua Thomas. We have found boys names so hard but girls easy!!

Hi to everyone hope everyone is doing ok. When are you all going in mat leave? I finish at 35+1 on the 7th November! And don't go back until 11th jan 2016!!
My first antenatal class is today. I got a lie in and have pretty much slept till 9am, and would have been asleep longer had my alarm not gone off!!! Still tired!! Was having another crazy zombie apocalypse dream though...

We have thought up names. Changed the girls back to the very first name we thought of last night lol! It may change again yet! The boys I'm wavering a little on too, but we will see.

I've been thinking about a 4d ultrasound again... Think I'd like to see its little face :)
I've told work I'll finish the first week of December and take 9 months. I'll have holidays to take so my actual maternity leave probably won't start until nearly my due date.

DH wanted me to take 6 months, but I've said this is the last time I'll be doing this, I might as well take longer!

Zig with C my first ante-natal class was on our wedding anniversary - v romantic! To be honest my hospital only put on 2 classes, one basically about the birth and one about looking after the baby. I thought it was all far too rushed, basically if I hadn't known anything about it, I wouldn't have been any the wiser afterwards.

On the other hand, my BFF went to a different hospital where they had 6 ante-natal classes, and she was totally fed up at the end of them all! So we're never happy.

Sitting in work now with the Oscar Pistorius verdict open on my desk top also - I'm fascinated!!
Have the names picked out. Still trying to sway hubbs to let me reverse the first and middle names for the boy, but am dead set on the girl...we've had that one since I was preggo with our son.

Come to find out there's a new 5 month old at my sons daycare and he is none to pleased when the providers try to play with him or hold him. All I can say is oh boy...
We are very set on the boys names but the girl's names are rather dispassionate from us both. I can only hope that if it is a girl, we will look at her and something will spring to mind.

My last day of work is also Nov. 9 and I return March 7. Though am hoping to win the lottery or have my side gig take off because I am not happy with the idea of leaving the baby.

We will take a hospital tour, baby care and breast feeding and birth birthing class all, accelerated because OH has a weekend free every 4 weeks. We should finish by mid November because my doc is worried about Pre E and still is talking induction 3 weeks early. Sigh:wacko:
Well I've made the decision to take all my annual leave before my maternity leave so will finish at the end of October!!!!!!! Terrifying lol!!! I'm taking the full 12 months so return December 2015 :D insane and surreal and scary.... Even scarier is I'm more than likely taking a career break so will only be back for a couple of months and handing my notice in.

I was gonna ask when every one is stopping work? I was thinking at 36wks, but I keep hearing people say you should work as long as you can, to have more time off with the baby.. I'm in canada, and will get a year of Maternity leave. Is 36wks too early?
I'm working up until I have the baby for that exact reason. I'm in the US and get 12 weeks.
I will be 33 weeks...! I say do what works for you. I commute 100 miles a day and it's tiring so I can't wait to stop!!
When you finish is a very personal decision and def do what's right for you and your body.
Hubby decided to renovate the attic and make a family room whatever that means. All the junk stuff is in the nursery. We have piles of wood, rockwool, gips board in our living room, and I have been living in a complete mess since summer. He could not start because it was very hot =(. Now he has only saturdays.

I cannot take it anymore. :cry::cry: Also I am dealing with external hemorrhoids and i cannot walk, sit, sleep etc. I lost 2kgs in 4 days without even moving a finger. All the things one should do before the baby arrives, i.e. preparing a nursery, shopping, washing the baby clothes, etc, seems like an impossible task and i am really scared of v birth right now. I ll beg for a c section, no way that i push anything from my body :dohh: :cry::cry::cry:
Pathos, I'm so I'm sorry hun. I didn't have hemorrhoids with my son and haven't experienced it with this baby either, fxd, but I'm sure that's very uncomfortable and painful. Is there a cream or something that can at least help with the pain? Are you straining, maybe constipated, and can take something or change your diet to ease it? I know it just happens with the pressure of the baby for some women. Do you have family that can come help at least with the chores around the house? It would be nice if they could give you some relief long enough to at least shop, then hubbs could put everything together or in its respective place, then someone could help with the chores. Definitely not an easy time going into third tri. And don't be afraid of a vaginal birth, pot says to kettle, I've heard really good birthing stories, even natural stories. I'm gonna try a vbac even though I'm terrified cause I say to myself women do this every day.
Hey ladies, its been awhile since I've posted and honestly I blame pregnancy brain, I totally forgot there was a thread:dohh:
Anywho I figured I'd come update you guys a bit, my due date was changed from the 6th to the 8th but since then baby has been measuring right on track. As some of you may remember I was dealing with horrid HG, was throwing up at least 8x a day and was having to take zofran well I am very happy to announce that it has gone away(at 24w) and I've been zofran free since:happydance: I was still having trouble gaining weight but finally started gaining at 26w so my ob is happy now lol.
I had my glucose test done on the 2nd and I believe I passed since I never got a call from my doctor but they started my 2 week visits so I am going to ask what my numbers were when I go back on the 16th. We found out that we are having another girl and thought we were set on the name Lilia Joelle but I'm still lurking at names so we will see.
Do any of you have a birth plan this time around or did you have one with any of your other children? I just finished typing mine a few days ago but I'm a little timid about giving it to my ob, I would hate for him to turn it down.
Hope everyone is doing well:flower:
Glad to hear Abii. And yay for a girl! No birth plan here...pretty much just to have this baby, lol.

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