I had my appt Friday morning and I almost ended up cussing out receptionist. Because there are 6 different doctors that could deliver me they tell us to rotate through them throughout the pregnancy. They have 5 different locations and one of them is right up the street from my house...hence this is the one I go to. The next that isn't that far I go to for same day appts when necessary, but they usually only have the same two doctors at my location. So I tried the next best and then none of the doctors are working for when I'm supposed to go back in 2 weeks and the next available appt at my location is 3 weeks. I was getting pissed as scheduling was taking forever and I told the lady that I was trying to be flexible but I have to work off my schedule, my husband's schedule who works opposit me 3 days out of the week and then their schedule at the office. The doctor who happens to be the head of the practice ended up coming out to see what the problem was and I told him. I told him I could drive to one of the other 3 locations as they are all 30-45 mins away on a good day with no traffic and the two I can get to only have me seeing the same two docs. I told them if they thought they had a problem now, there would be a bigger problem at L&D as I'm not letting someone whose never even looked at my chart deliver me...I'd tell the doc to fly a kite and refuse to work with him/her. He said he understood and that it was in part poor scheduling on his part and then reminded me they have evening hours. I told him I was even trying to schedule those as they work for me and hubbs on Mon and Tues, but the lady kept telling me they didn't have anyone available. He told her that she is to add OB patients for evening hours regardless. She said "oh yeah...I know" and as soon as he was gone I was trying to schedule again, I asked for evening and she said "we don't have anything"...WTF!!! I ended up booking my appts through the rest of my pregnancy cause I'm not dealing with this crap. This wasn't my normal scheduler if you will, so hopefully I my normal lady will be back, cause that one is a hot mess.