December Snowflakes 2014 ***Come and join!!***

Zig, can't someone else pick up the slack? I wouldn't work a day more than I had to. But my job seems to not care about their people so much so that's probably why I don't care about finishing our whatever work is there. Seeing how I'm working until baby comes though it really doesn't matter.

My son used to do that when I was preggo with really active a few days then just chill for day. I used to shake my belly to get him to move, lol.

These 5.5 weeks can't go fast enough! I'm so ready to have this baby. I say that but I still haven't gotten the double stroller, ordering that next week or this week, still haven't done the carseats, will do that tonight, and still haven't packed my bag, this will probably happen in the evenings this weekend. My hubbs works evenings, so I'll have him bring my bag up and then me and ds can pack. This means it'll probably take every evening this week cause he unpacks ad I pack and then hands it to me, lol. Very productive, lol.

Speaking of the hospital bag I'm gonna take a smaller bag this time. Last time I took a big one cause of my hubbs stuff and the new baby gear, but how big are these outfits really and hubbs only stayed one night in the hospital. There was so much extra to unpack I thought.
It's going to fly by ND!!!!!

And nope, no one can do what I need to do. I work with children and families, and case manage so basically no one else knows what I've done or the ins and outs of my cases... And I have reports to write up and I have to make sure everything is up to date to hand over to another worker. I don't even have time to say bye to some of my kids I work with or introduce the new worker which sucks. But it's not my fault... Ah well :) plus the days extra I do I can tag onto the end so I won't lose them.

Booked myself in for a maternity massage this weekend to forget about it :D
I want one of those too! I had one with my son and loved it. I wanted to fall asleep. The lady kept talking though...not a lot, just the whole through. It would be quiet and then she'd break in with some conversation. I may get one when I'm ready to pop for real, lol.
I suspect I might book another one in a few weeks if this one is good lol!! I've booked my friend a massage too as a surprise as she's had a rubbish year. Just hoping I can manage to get her there without having to tell her what's happening!!!
Just checking in, how is everyone doing? I'm now finishing up my course work which is due before baby arrives and trying to sell my house. We've been negotiating on offers today and if it goes through we'll be moving BEFORE baby gets here. Crazy I know but I'm not overly keen on our local school.

I've now been moved from consultant led to midwife care as baby is average size. They're not too worried at this point about the problems we had earlier on.

Hope you're all doing well!
Glad to hear it Jen. We are gonna be moving too, but I refused to do all that while trying to have a child. We will put the house on the market by the end of the month and see what happens.
My h wants to use his paternal leave for a year :dohh:, i don't want to look after two babies, plus %30 of his salary will be cut. I hope i can convince him to take only few months towards the summer, he needs to file his request in November.
Haha mine works from home pathos... Happy days. Although my issue is trying to get him to NOT work for a couple of weeks after the birth. He will be about all the time but I want him focused and free the first couple weeks at least!!
My hubbs doesn't work from home but has a job that kinda keeps on the clock so I thought I would have the same struggle Zig. But surprisingly as soon as my water broke we were at the hospital and he sent a final email basically saying don't bother me for the next few weeks and then he handed his phone over as soon as Virtue was born. It was nice having the help for three weeks and him being completely free. I suppose the same will happen this time.

35 weeks today. Had a dream last night that I had elevated levels of something which meant my baby was coming within 24 hours! Then when I got to hospital the staff treated me terribly and stuck us in this tiny room in the psych ward and when I called the one nurse on it she lied and told me it wasn't and it was the best they could do. She walked away smug and called me a name so I got up out of the bed and walked down the hall just to beat her up, lol. I finally got a nice doctor who actually confirmed it was the psych ward and checked my Vitale and everything and told me I needed to get to L&D. Then I woke up.

These Braxton hicks are starting to be something else. Sometimes they feel like the contraction I had when my water broke with my son. And its like I eat lunch and then all of my extra space in there is gone. I get this dull ache in my back under rib that grows as the day goes on. Most days I don't eat dinner...I'm not hungry around that time anyway, but I still wish I could eat a little something.

Feeling overwhelmed between work and just life. I just want to cry sometimes. I try to just breeze through until the baby comes, but it's getting harder and one day I feel like I am just going to snap! I seriously will need this break...
Oh no keep smiling. Not long to go!!!!!!

I've just started to feel quite... Full. Only way I can describe it. Been sailing along fine but last couple of weeks I'm feeling it. By the end of the day my ribs ache, and I have pinching in my groin/cervix area which is really uncomfortable. If I'm sat down baby's bum is up in my left ribs (which is why the ache I think) and I'm starting to get uncomfortable in bed again despite my 7 pillows :lol: and my little... Problem.... Is still there and the midwife said it's likely to get worse from labour but they'll treat it after!!!

And I keep thinking... 8 weeks to go, it's only going to get worse :lol:
Zig with Conor my ribs were really sore, whatever way the baby was lying it really hurt. It's not so bad this time.

My dh's job is really flexible, and he can usually work from home whenever he wants. Last time he took 2 weeks paternity then 2 weeks holidays so he was off for a month. This time his paternity should run into his Christmas holidays. There's a balance between him being there and leaving you to get a routine with bubs...

I went to the pharmacy today since what I predicted taking the iron has started (or stopped!). And basically they can't recommend anything until I go to the hospital-nearly everything they would recommend would interfere with the diabetes :dohh:. Back to the hospital on Wed so I'll see what they say then
Conina, my iron reserve levels Ferritin is low but hemoglobulin is OK. Ferritin is an iron storage, which is stored in the liver, intestines and spleen 25%. When the storage is empty, my body will start using an iron from my blood and my hemoglobulin will fall. Then I'll be anemic, bad for the bbay and me. My dr. told me to take floradix, herb drink. I told him I have ferro sanol duodenal pills. "It's even better".-he told me. Those are absorbed in the intestins so they don't upset my tummy and don't constipate. I AM TAKING THEM FOR 2 WEEKS. 5 days after stopping I'll retest my levels.
The kicks do get uncomfortable, I have to stop talking and take a breath... But it all makes me happy, cos a little one had bones not crtllige anymore and developing just fine!
Please take mg pills, those will reduce braxton hicks.
Well ladies, I havn't gained a bit for the past 4 weeks. I did gained a kg a week in the 2nd trimester. I have gained 12kg so far. Fortunate my fundal height and waist is growing.

I had a bad leg cramp yesterday at night. My belly got hard too. This one was a scary moment.
You know I have no idea what weight I've gained.... People keep telling me I haven't gained much other than bump but I'm not sure if they're just being polite lol. I think my face looks fatter. I know I've not gained a crazy amount though like you see some people do so that's good I think. I might weigh myself later!!!!!

Does anyone have any idea what the pinching feeling in my cervix area might be? It's really uncomfortable? I kind of just presumed it's baby pushing down there. But should I be concerned? I know the head is still 'free' so not in my pelvis.
I've gained 22lbs I believe. Still hoping to come in under 25.

Zig, what does it feel like? Could be a number of things.
Baby is still transverse but I think he punches my cervix, it feels like pinching. So it cant be baby hurts like hell. Of course, its nothing compared to piles. My deepest empathies for you ziggy. If its going to get worse, get one of those donut cushions and sitzbath for postpartum. :(( My midwife suggested nasal spray to shrink the dude, and it worked. He is gone now but in case of vaginal birth, I expect a homecoming... maybe with new friends :cry:

ND, sometimes I cannot tell the difference between bh and baby movement. Bhs are getting very uncomfortable. Is your baby head down? Last 5 weeks, eeeek! I am right behind you. We should really get ready.

My mom is going to stay with us for the first few weeks. She lives abroad and I havent seen her for 3 years. Another reason why I dont want hubby at home hehe.

+11kg here, apatite has increased, calorie burns decreased.
Feels literally like pinching.... Like something is rubbing or trapped. It's not all the time but getting more frequent.

My little friend isn't painful anymore thankfully pathos!!! Just not gone... I read the donuts are bad for you so avoid them!!!

Everyone is irritating me tonight... I don't know why. Glad I'm home alone with my dogs!!!
Baby is head down. baby moving definitely feel different for me, feels like he/she is trying to stretch out there's just not enough room (cause there's not). BH feels like the tightening all over and in my lady bits. Definitely feeling like menstrual cramps...soon it will start burning I'm sure. Those were the ones I really hated!

Zig that could really be anything, but honestly I'd say it's your bladder moving/shifting under baby's weight. It feels something similar to that for me. And when I pee it will even pop sometimes, kind of like an old balloon coming apart when it's being blown up. It's normal so I wouldn't worry.
I get that too zig usually when she stretches out so I think it's just her head banging on my bladder and cervix, she's still free but I'm pretty sure she pops in and out x
Pretty sure baby engaged last night. Felt very low, like halfway into my pubic area low. It was so weird cause I could feel the baby moving and I've never felt this baby or my son that low. Not to mention was more painful too. I'm hoping this is a sign that baby is gonna come sooner rather than later. So ready! And we bought the stroller today, so I can check that off the list...finally.

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