Good luck today Zig! Try to get some rest this afternoon.
How'd it go yesterday hopeful?
AFM nothing really new here. I have my appt tomorrow and ds has his 1 year checkup tomorrow as well. Luckily they are in the same building and because we had to reschedule his they are right next to each other in time so it works out better actually. She is suppose to give me my u/s script, so in about another 4 weeks it's the gender scan. Still staying yellow, but just excited about seeing my eggy again!
Nudges are getting stronger and he/she is becoming more active. I've now started talking to him/her when I feel movement, and I place my hand on my belly in the hopes of a response though still to early, I know.
The past couple of weeks I felt a little off balance but feel like I'm getting back to myself...hormones! Hubbs thinks I'm crazy...I mean he usually does, I'm female for crying out loud, but this time he thought I was a special breed, lol. He told me I was stressing us out unnecessarily with the way I was acting, so I asked id he was calling me crazy and he said no. So I asked him how I was acting and he said crazy, lol. If you can't be honest with your
Hope the rest of you ladies aren't as emotionally wacked as me, though I suspect you are, lol.