**December Snowflakes - 2016**

MrsRose, I'm hypoglycemic too, my old OBs office (whom I left for many terrible reasons) forced me to do the screening test BEFORE my 12 week appointment or else it would be cancelled and I would not be allowed to have an appointment until I did this. I have never heard of needing to do a screening so early before and neither has my new OBs office. Well because of the stress of that day and appointment I failed it high! Which was a huge surprise to me, I was then forced to do the 3 hour, which REALLY sucks when you are hypoglycemic. I felt horrible during and even worse after. I should not have driven to work (or driven at all) after that test, I was delirious, and when I saw my results the next day, I know why, my blood sugar was so low! So my advice is if you have to do the 3 hour, which I really really hope you don't, make sure to have someone with you, because it really isn't a good situation for us.

At my 28 week appointment with the new OB, I was of course again told I need to do the screening now, because this is when pregnant women are SUPPOSED to do it. She of course told me that it is my right to decline it, which was nice that I wasn't being forced, but I will chose to do the test again, since this is when it is critical, and it isn't my baby's fault that the first OB office was incompetent.

I plan on having a stick of string cheese, then doing it right in the morning, before the stress and food etc. of the day begin, because that was how and when I did my fasting 3 hour, which was super low. Do whatever you can to pass the screening. The 3 hour is miserable for hypoglycemics.

Oh man, I'm so sorry have to go through that test multiple times! Surprisingly I felt okay afterwards. I pretty much loaded up on protein all day and ate right after so I think that helped prevent the sugar crash. I really really hope I don't have to do the 3-hour. I've read similar stories of blood sugar getting really low and people almost passing out. I will definitely plan to have someone with me if I have to do the 3-hour. Ugh.
Well I failed my one hour glucose test...I have to go back tomorrow morning to do the 3 hour. :( Also I'm anemic again like I was at this point last pregnancy. I didn't fail the glucose test last time though so this is new to me!
So I've put in for my leave at work. I'm leaving early at 8 weeks before my due date on October 13th. I've made this decision for a variety of factors:

1) complications with the pregnancy combined with the fact with my previous children I worked up until the end and ended up really really sick with dangerously high blood pressure+induction. I'm hoping the reduction in stress will help things stay better regulated and if we have complications with baby's SUA I won't need to worry about working things out with my work during the stress.
2)between work, working opposite shifts to my dh, taking care of my two older children (toddlers), homeschooling preschool with my oldest, not to mention being exhausted, pregnant and every other mundane daily task I've had absolutely no time to get anything ready for this baby and I need to take time to focus on preparing things for his arrival.
3) it'll give me a chance to work on middle man's potty training since right now we are inconsistent and dh doesn't really potty him when he is watching him.
4) dh just went back to school part time. It was last minute having been on the wait list for a long time then getting late admissions 5 days before class started! Being off work will allow him more time to focus on his course and to attend classes with scheduling conflicts with my shifts.
4) I may not return to work when my leave is over.

I think I'm making the right choice for our family but it's hard and the thought I may have to return to work when Fox is only 10 months if I end up returning makes me anxious.

What are you ladies planning? In the past I was team work until the bitter end and it never ended up happening because I got so sick and my babies were born earlier.
counting, if you go back it won't be until Fox is 10 months?? That's... *shakes head in amazement* That would be amazing.

I am the sole income for my family, so I will be working until the bitter end. And my short term disability pay will only allow for 6-8 weeks after baby is born. So I will be returning when my little one is only weeks old. :(
counting, if you go back it won't be until Fox is 10 months?? That's... *shakes head in amazement* That would be amazing.

I am the sole income for my family, so I will be working until the bitter end. And my short term disability pay will only allow for 6-8 weeks after baby is born. So I will be returning when my little one is only weeks old. :(

I'm very lucky to be Canadian.
counting, if you go back it won't be until Fox is 10 months?? That's... *shakes head in amazement* That would be amazing.

I am the sole income for my family, so I will be working until the bitter end. And my short term disability pay will only allow for 6-8 weeks after baby is born. So I will be returning when my little one is only weeks old. :(

I'm very lucky to be Canadian.

Very much so. I can't even add extra dr appointments when I feel like I need them without adding a $100 bill to my account for each extra appointment. :( We get something like 12 appointments as part of the "pregnancy package" with my insurance, and if you go over that number then you have to pay for them individually until I hit my deductible for the family ($3000!).
Well I failed my one hour glucose test...I have to go back tomorrow morning to do the 3 hour. :( Also I'm anemic again like I was at this point last pregnancy. I didn't fail the glucose test last time though so this is new to me!

Ugh, I failed too! By 3 stupid points. I just had a bad feeling that was going to happen. I really wish I could have done it in the morning rather than 3pm. I read a girl's blog about this test and she's done it 3 times with 3 kids and she passed the morning tests but failed the afternoon test. I can't helpt but wonder if I would have passed if it would have been in the morning. My OB wants me to come in and do the 3-hour but I'm really nervous to do that with my hypoglycemia, as I've read several stories similar to TinyLynn's. I sent her an email asking if there was any way to monitor my blood sugar at home, so we'll see what she says. Boo!!!
Oh Mrs Rose, I'm so sorry. If you tell her you had a really stressful day and you would like the opportunity to do the 1 hour screening again, maybe she will let you? Especially knowing that you have hypoglycemia. I hope they don't make you do the 3 hour.

I did my 1 hour screening this morning, the first one I had done months ago was an afternoon and failed, but since my 3 hour was in the morning and it was super low I felt the same thing, I would just do it in the morning before breakfast just as if it was the 3 hour. I feel fine, hopefully the results will be good tomorrow.

I really hope your doctor understands and works with you. I would really just push for a second screening and then do it in the morning. Let me know what they say.
Oh Mrs Rose, I'm so sorry. If you tell her you had a really stressful day and you would like the opportunity to do the 1 hour screening again, maybe she will let you? Especially knowing that you have hypoglycemia. I hope they don't make you do the 3 hour.

I did my 1 hour screening this morning, the first one I had done months ago was an afternoon and failed, but since my 3 hour was in the morning and it was super low I felt the same thing, I would just do it in the morning before breakfast just as if it was the 3 hour. I feel fine, hopefully the results will be good tomorrow.

I really hope your doctor understands and works with you. I would really just push for a second screening and then do it in the morning. Let me know what they say.

Thanks--I will ask about redoing the 1-hour test if she's against letting me test at home. The at home tests seem like they'd be a lot more accurate anyways since they're based on real food that you're eating rather than sugar water.
MrsRose my one hour test was an afternoon one also. This one, the 3 hour, was first thing this morning so FX I pass. If not I have to add even more Dr. appointments as they will be sending me to the diabetes clinic. I wonder if that will also affect when they decide to schedule my c-section? I've heard GD can affect your delivery date as they may induce or do the surgery earlier.
I hope your 3 hour went better Bubbles. I'm sure it did. I will never do a screening in the afternoon again. I mean it was a HUGE swing between my 1 hour and my highest 3 hour reading. Nearly 60 points different!! 178 after the 1 hour screening, which is just 50g of sugar. And 120 after 1 hour of 100g of sugar! And it just dropped from there.

Time of day seems to really be a factor here.

Good luck ladies, I'll let you know tomorrow how my morning 1 hour screening went from today.
Counting, I went back part time last time when my son was 9 months. It was fine. He was still breastfeeding so he would tend to jump on me as soon as I walked through the door :haha: I was fortunate to get flexible hours so was able to work half days instead of whole ones. This time things will be different as DS will be at school by the time I go back. I am thinking I will go back when this baby is 9 months too, and maybe do 3 days of about 6 hours. I'm not sure yet. Will have to see what they will let me do.

Maternity pay isn't great, and a lot less to what I'm used to earning but I am very lucky to live in the UK and have the opportunity to have 40 weeks off with some pay. I am also lucky that DH works really hard and is self employed, so he is in control of his earnings (although that comes with the negatives of no paternity pay or holiday pay, no guaranteed work etc!).

Good luck to those with upcoming glucose tests. I have mine in a couple of weeks, I am dreading it!!
Okay, well the morning/afternoon thing isn't true for me. I failed miserably. I can't believe I have to do the 3 hour again. Is it something with the 50g vs the 100g? Maybe with the 100g my sugar peaks and then falls low before the first hour?? I can't believe this. I really can't.
Okay, well the morning/afternoon thing isn't true for me. I failed miserably. I can't believe I have to do the 3 hour again. Is it something with the 50g vs the 100g? Maybe with the 100g my sugar peaks and then falls low before the first hour?? I can't believe this. I really can't.

Oh no! I'm so sorry! My doctor is okay with me monitoring my blood sugar at home for a week. I have to check my fasting levels each morning and 2 hours after each meal and report back. Maybe yours will let you do the same?

I was talking to my prenatal chiropractor who is very knowledgeable in prenatal care and has been through the ringer herself with infertility issues about the glucose test and she basically said it was such a crock and not reliable at all. She said to pass the 3-hour test (if you truly don't have GD) you should carb-load for 3 days and then eat only protein for the 12 hours before your fasting begins. I'd recommend you do your own research on something like this before trying it, but thought I'd throw it out there.
I'm glad she is letting you do that. Maybe I'll ask about that. I know that test is a load of crap. I didn't do anything special for my 3 hour a few months ago and my numbers were very low, like 83(fasting) then 120, 115 and 62!!!! No where even close to the 178 I had on the 1 hour. And his 1 hour yesterday was 172, I am still in shock about that. There is no way that 1 reading in a setting that would never happen (because who just skips meals and then drinks 50g of pure glucose for a meal?) can give anyone a picture of what is going on for real.

I am more worried about the 3 hour putting myself and my baby in danger due to my huge blood sugar drops (50 points in the last hour last time!).

I will definitely do some research. I just wish I didn't have to, I wish that the tests we took were meaningful.

Thanks for the advice. Good luck with your testing through the week.
I'm glad she is letting you do that. Maybe I'll ask about that. I know that test is a load of crap. I didn't do anything special for my 3 hour a few months ago and my numbers were very low, like 83(fasting) then 120, 115 and 62!!!! No where even close to the 178 I had on the 1 hour. And his 1 hour yesterday was 172, I am still in shock about that. There is no way that 1 reading in a setting that would never happen (because who just skips meals and then drinks 50g of pure glucose for a meal?) can give anyone a picture of what is going on for real.

I am more worried about the 3 hour putting myself and my baby in danger due to my huge blood sugar drops (50 points in the last hour last time!).

I will definitely do some research. I just wish I didn't have to, I wish that the tests we took were meaningful.

Thanks for the advice. Good luck with your testing through the week.

I feel the same way! The test isn't realistic since it's not based on what you are eating/drinking in "real life". Plus, I can't imagine that having all that insulin coursing through your body would be good for the baby. I would just flat out tell them that you're not doing the 3-hour given your previous experience and tell them you will do the at-home monitoring. Your doctor can prescribe the glucometer and all supplies needed.
Absolutely shitting myself about my GTT, I have this overwhelming feeling that I'm going to fail it. I'm sorry about all your other ladies too. :(
Counting, I went back part time last time when my son was 9 months. It was fine. He was still breastfeeding so he would tend to jump on me as soon as I walked through the door :haha: I was fortunate to get flexible hours so was able to work half days instead of whole ones. This time things will be different as DS will be at school by the time I go back. I am thinking I will go back when this baby is 9 months too, and maybe do 3 days of about 6 hours. I'm not sure yet. Will have to see what they will let me do.

Maternity pay isn't great, and a lot less to what I'm used to earning but I am very lucky to live in the UK and have the opportunity to have 40 weeks off with some pay. I am also lucky that DH works really hard and is self employed, so he is in control of his earnings (although that comes with the negatives of no paternity pay or holiday pay, no guaranteed work etc!).

Good luck to those with upcoming glucose tests. I have mine in a couple of weeks, I am dreading it!!

So I went back to work after my first at 6 months because I split leave with my dh. It was awful. We were breastfeeding but he refused a bottle and cup, would just starve himself except for a few bites of solids until I got home. I still had to pump to maintain my supply but he didn't drink any pumped milk ( I donated it). Pumping was not well supported at my work and didnt work well for me...I ended up getting mastitis. Twice. And after 6 months I took a large period of unpaid leave partially because I was so jncredibly stressed and unprepared to return to work and being away from my son.
I don't know exactly why if it was because I took a full year but returning after #2 went much much smoother. I wasn't stressing about him not eating and he was so much more independent. I pumped until I lost supply due to this pregnancy and although my work still has issues surrounding my pumping we were more established so I didn't end up having serious issues.
I'm just nervous to go through with what I did with #1 again. Especially since I'd be leaving my older two as well.
Hey ladies!! It's been so long since I've logged on to bnb and so much has happened in that time. It's really hard to get a free moment with the 1 year old. He's always either getting into stuff he shouldn't or wanting to be held.

I hope everyone is doing really well. I've read back a few pages and see that some people have already taken and either passed or failed the glucose test. Mine is next week. We've been going every week to one doctor or another as my HG hasn't gotten much better. I still have the picc line in and am getting a slew of meds and fluids through the picc line. Logan is doing really well though, and is growing great.

I also am starting my own business! Not necessarily the smartest thing to do with 3 months or so until the baby comes, but it'll all work out in the end.

Either way, I'm really making an effort to stay active in the bnb community.

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