**December Snowflakes - 2016**

Jrepp - I TOTALLY hear you right now. Since being diagnosed with GD I haven't had a single day that I haven't cried. Saturday it was seriously all day, and for so many reasons, how unfair this all is, how scared I am, how guilty I am, how mad I am. I am worried about how stressed I am getting about the GD and really the needle pokes themselves are a huge anxiety inducer for me. I'm worried what the stress is doing to baby. I worry about eating, I'm scared to!

I should be up and on my way to work, but I am still laying in bed depressed and not wanting to get up, because the first thing I will do is poke myself, and then again like an hour later and then again a few hours later.

Plus my MIL has really put stress on me and pissed me off about my shower. I was so looking forward to it, but now between her behavior and eating at my own shower, I just want it to be over, and that makes me sad because this is a once in a lifetime thing for us, and we went through so much to get here.

I have been thinking about seeing our counselor again, but she specializes in infertility, which we are past for the moment, so I don't know that she would be the right time.

You aren't alone Jrepp. This stuff really blows. I hope that we can just quickly get through this and to our healthy babies soon. PM me if you need to talk.
Caitrin - I would at least get the tdap vaccine. It not only protects you, but gives the baby some measure of protection when they are first born, too. I have already gotten mine.

Here's hoping that all of the transverse babies turn in time!

I went for my 3-hour glucose test on Friday and managed to survive it. The lab faxed the results to my work fax (odd, because I don't know how they got that number). From what I can see, it looks like I passed, but the doctor will be the last word on that, of course. Next appointment is Wednesday.

Looks like we might have a hurricane headed our way here. I'm hoping and praying it passes us by. I don't want to think about being pregnant without power or AC... and then if something were to go wrong, trying to get to the hospital with traffic lights out and trees and stuff down, along with a four year old and one year old. Ug. NOT what I need right now.
Jrepp :hugs: you are going through a very tough pregnancy and depression is no joke. Make an appt with your OB to talk about it and see what you can get figured out. <3 Same for you, Tinylynne. This is something that you don't want to accidentally let get out of hand.

AFM, appt today. Just standard stuff, no tests thank goodness.
Jrepp and tinylynne please speak to someone about how you're feeling, even if it's a relative/friend. If you're not coming out of the darkness then you really need to speak with your dr or midwife, antenatal depression is very much recognised now and the sooner you address it and start dealing with it then the sooner you can start to feel better and enjoy your pregnancy/baby. (Big hugs to you both).

I had a call from my Drs today, my ferritin levels are 8 which are really low, I called work and got someone to speak with the dr and that's the cut off for an iron infusion &#128577;, I have an appt with my gp on Thursday to discuss my results, at least that explains my breathlessness and tachycardia. I also have very high cholesterol, which will need addressing. On the plus side looking forward to seeing baby girl again on weds when I go for growth scan xx
Thanks Mumof5, I have an appointment with my OB Wednesday, and I intend to talk to him about how I feel and try to find a reasonable solution hopefully.

Sorry for your results, I hope you can get it figured out soon and get to finally feeling better.
So apparently they went ahead and booked my section and I didn't know about it. I only found out from looking at the printout they handed me after scheduling my next appt. It's happening Dec. 7th, when I'll be 39+2. I don't know that I'll make it that far as I went into labor on my own with DD at 38+6, so in two weeks when I go back, I'm going to ask about it.
Tinylynne and jrepp - I'm so sorry you're having such a tough time. I hope that your doctors are helpful in providing support.

Rose - don't feel bad about your DS - toddlers are bouncy and he's fine which is the main thing! I'm definitely noticing it being more of a struggle carrying my DD.

Bubbles - I can't believe they didn't tell you the date! It seems like communication is not very good in hospitals at the moment.

Mumof5 - hope you get the iron issue sorted.

Afm, I had my flu jab yesterday and I have my glucose test on Monday. Other than that, all fine. We celebrated my DD's 2nd birthday over the weekend which I found emotional! She's also decided to start waking ridiculously early which is fun. Hoping this phase passes soon!
Is everyone meant to get glucose testing? Nobody has mentioned it to me.

Afm flu jab yesterday, as she was firing the needle in "it's mainly because of the swine flu" I'm thinking I'm probably already immune to that however....

Mum of 5 (or any other medical people) being completely curious, what is acidosis, other than acid in your blood?
I was told I had it when I was ill with swine flu. But was causes it, how dangerous actually was it?
Is everyone meant to get glucose testing? Nobody has mentioned it to me.

Afm flu jab yesterday, as she was firing the needle in "it's mainly because of the swine flu" I'm thinking I'm probably already immune to that however....

Mum of 5 (or any other medical people) being completely curious, what is acidosis, other than acid in your blood?
I was told I had it when I was ill with swine flu. But was causes it, how dangerous actually was it?

I'm only having the glucose test because my dad had diabetes. I don't think it's standard in the uk.
Yes I have a family history too. I think if you have risk factors they do the test, otherwise you don't have to!
Is everyone meant to get glucose testing? Nobody has mentioned it to me.

Afm flu jab yesterday, as she was firing the needle in "it's mainly because of the swine flu" I'm thinking I'm probably already immune to that however....

Mum of 5 (or any other medical people) being completely curious, what is acidosis, other than acid in your blood?
I was told I had it when I was ill with swine flu. But was causes it, how dangerous actually was it?

I'm only having the glucose test because my dad had diabetes. I don't think it's standard in the uk.
Tommyg [Mum of 5 (or any other medical people) being completely curious, what is acidosis, other than acid in your blood?]

Basically you blood should be a certain pH value for cells to function correctly, when u have acidosis your pH level goes beyond 'normal limits' and becomes too acidic which kind of send your cells and organ functions haywire. If left untreated (and depending on reason for the acidosis) then damage can be irreparable.
Thanks, Mumof5.
I had no idea how serious that it could or that it could have caused permanent damage.
I'm guessing its been lungs couldn't get rid of waste CO2, blood became acidic, in turn causing kidney problems, which in turn couldn't clean my blood either. Leading to a rapid downward spiral.
I (and DS) must be lucky no damage was done to either of us. I thank God and the NHS again.
Anyone have any anxiety about birth? I've done it twice before but I'm:

Nervous I won't be strong enough for a natural birth a second time ( last was 100% drug free and it was HARD)

Anxious because I had a bad PPH last time. It was very scary.
Yes very nervous about the birth mainly because they don't want me going over my date. That is the bit that frightens me. They try to make it sound all very "we'll just do the gel, then your waters" but what if that causes baby distress and me a hell of a lot of pain?
I can't stand the thought of a needle in my spine, which doesn't help. Then add to the mix DS was a week late, she tried to suggest inducing early to avoid Christmas which again reduces my odds of baby being ready. Then add to the mix that baby is currently breech. Arrr
So yes I am terrified of giving birth. No nice warm water birth for me this time.
Anxious because I had a bad PPH last time. It was very scary.

Counting if you've had a pph before then they'll actively manage your third stage this time and have the drugs there ready to give you, they'll probably give you 40iu of syntocinon iv as precaution anyway. Try not to worry xx
I am. I'm afraid I won't make it to my section date and this little one will get stuck while I'm laboring like DD did, which caused me to have to have an emergency section.
I'm scared that he will be late, and I'm scared that he will be early. I'm scared of the pain from a natural birth, but scared of effects of epidural and analgesics, I'm scared of unexpected Caesarian, but also of vaginal birth.

Maybe it's the wrong approach, but I just try not to think about it because it's another thing out of my control that I get stressed out about. But of course it is impossible not to think about sometimes.
Anxious because I had a bad PPH last time. It was very scary.

Counting if you've had a pph before then they'll actively manage your third stage this time and have the drugs there ready to give you, they'll probably give you 40iu of syntocinon iv as precaution anyway. Try not to worry xx

It's just so hard not to. They tried so many different meds last time and nothing was working. Eventually breastfeeding actually ended up really helping. They had me nurse while I was getting the oxytocin iv and doing uterine massage.

Last time I was worried about having baby get shoulders stuck again like baby #1. My second didn't and now I'm not worried about that, I'm worried about pph. And complications because of the cord issue. Plus worry about how I'm going to handle.labour!

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