**December Snowflakes - 2016**

Yes very nervous about the birth mainly because they don't want me going over my date. That is the bit that frightens me. They try to make it sound all very "we'll just do the gel, then your waters" but what if that causes baby distress and me a hell of a lot of pain?
I can't stand the thought of a needle in my spine, which doesn't help. Then add to the mix DS was a week late, she tried to suggest inducing early to avoid Christmas which again reduces my odds of baby being ready. Then add to the mix that baby is currently breech. Arrr
So yes I am terrified of giving birth. No nice warm water birth for me this time.

If it helps:

I was induced both times. The second time 2 does of gel put me into labour. I asked to have my water broke but that was because I wanted to speed things up. He was born about 1.5 hours later.totally drug free.

On that note though if your cervix is ripe you can just ask for waters to be broken and no gels to start labour. If you get gels, you can have just gels or just gels and breaking waters and NO drip. You could also choose ro have the balloon and maybe breaking waters. The oxytocin drip is generally what increases pain and chances of baby going into distress. And induction doesnt have to mean drip. Since my baby is 95% chance of being induced and I've been there twice before I know there are options. I think if you look into them you may feel.more in control and comfortable!

And both my babies were delivered prior to due date and both had no issues as a result ( 38 and 39 weeks). Being overdue with #1 doesn't really affect your odds of baby being ready, and it's incredibly rare for a 39 week baby to have any issues from being born at that gestation.
I'm trying not to think too much about labour either. I'm going to try for a vbac but I'm scared it will end in another emergency c section like last time. I have accepted that it is likely I'll need one though and I'm ok with that. I'm more worried about my blood pressure going up and having a premature baby. Trying to just ignore these worries though (mainly unsuccessfully!)

My sister gave birth to her first last week, weirdly on my DD's birthday!
I'm scared that he will be late, and I'm scared that he will be early. I'm scared of the pain from a natural birth, but scared of effects of epidural and analgesics, I'm scared of unexpected Caesarian, but also of vaginal birth.

Maybe it's the wrong approach, but I just try not to think about it because it's another thing out of my control that I get stressed out about. But of course it is impossible not to think about sometimes.

I feel exactly the same way! All of the options scare me so I'm just trying not to think about it. I did read a birthing book which explains all the different options so I feel a bit more prepared, but I don't want to overthink it and scare myself even more.
Oh, and after testing my sugars for a week, my doctor said they look just fine. Phew! Really thought I was going to have a GD diagnosis.
That's great MrsRose :)
I am more anxious about the timing of the birth than the actual birth itself. Last time I really struggled with the pain and exhaustion so I had an epidural. I am so glad I did, it made the rest of my labour so much more enjoyable. I would have one again, but I am hoping that I'll be much quicker this time and won't need one. We will see. I am pretty relaxed about pain relief options. I am just really hoping that she comes on time so that I can be back home for Christmas with DS. I would be so sad to miss out on watching him open his presents and see his Santa sack :(
I'm also worried about pretty much every possible outcome or procedure (apart from epidural - I'm down with that completely), but mainly currently concerned about how I will survive another two months of pregnancy when I'm already miserable and uncomfortable. My DH and I start hypnobirthing classes next week, which I'm excited about because apparently it really helps put you in a calm mindset about labour. Also reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth, which I've heard a lot of good things about. Apparently anxiety can really interfere with the labour process, so I'm all for changing the way I look at it rather than freaking out (my natural mode).

Re: the worry about measuring four weeks ahead and potential excess fluid, I had my scan yesterday. I opened the report to have a look, and from what I can tell from the report that I'm supposed to give to my midwife on Thur, everything seems to be in normal limits. Amniotic fluid is on the higher end of normal but still within the normal limits. Everything else (like current estimated weight - 4lbs, femur length, abdominal circumference, head circumference, heart rate etc.) all seem to be in normal limits. So it's probably just my fibroids and a bit of excess fluid that are causing my big belly and so much discomfort.
Met the last midwife on the practice today. She was the best of them all and I really hope she's on duty when I have my baby! She was very supportive of everything I talked about. She did mention by feeling my stomach (and likely the fact I mentioned kicks down in my groin) that she felt the baby was breech atm but didn't seem concerned. At what point do I need to worry if my baby is still breech you think?
Had a growth scan yesterday and our not so little lady already weighs an impressive 5lb 2oz 😉, guess that's why I'm suffering spd


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Counting you make it sound easy.

Laura fantastic your sis give birth on DDs birthday. I gave birth on my mums!

Rose timing is just another worry. You have a decent chance of being home for Santa.

Jezeka I am a firm believer that anxiety stops labour. I was given a deadline before they would induce me. I could feel the tension in my back. Walked into a beauty room asked for a back massage (I never thought about lying on my front, so lay on my side) I went into labour within a couple of hours.

Caitrin I think its normal for them to turn up to 36 weeks..

Mum 5 lb with 8 weeks to go is big is it not. Were your other babies big?

Afm slowly realising time is slipping away and Christmas & baby will be here before I know it.
I'm 30+2 now and can't believe how exhausted I am! I was don't fine until I went on night shifts last week and even though I finished them a week ago I just haven't recovered at all! I have a new admiration for all of you with LOs at home, I am useless after work (and during)!
I'm also worried about pretty much every possible outcome or procedure (apart from epidural - I'm down with that completely), but mainly currently concerned about how I will survive another two months of pregnancy when I'm already miserable and uncomfortable. My DH and I start hypnobirthing classes next week, which I'm excited about because apparently it really helps put you in a calm mindset about labour. Also reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth, which I've heard a lot of good things about. Apparently anxiety can really interfere with the labour process, so I'm all for changing the way I look at it rather than freaking out (my natural mode).

Re: the worry about measuring four weeks ahead and potential excess fluid, I had my scan yesterday. I opened the report to have a look, and from what I can tell from the report that I'm supposed to give to my midwife on Thur, everything seems to be in normal limits. Amniotic fluid is on the higher end of normal but still within the normal limits. Everything else (like current estimated weight - 4lbs, femur length, abdominal circumference, head circumference, heart rate etc.) all seem to be in normal limits. So it's probably just my fibroids and a bit of excess fluid that are causing my big belly and so much discomfort.

Glad to hear everything is looking normal!
Jezika and Mrs rose - glad everything is going ok!

Mumof5 - wow she's big already! No wonder you're suffering! I hope you get some relief soon from the spd.

Grace - the exhaustion has hit me this week at only 28 weeks. I was doing fine but I'm off work this week and I just want to sleep all the time (not possible with my DD but I am taking advantage of nap time!)

Caitrin, my DD was transverse until about 34 weeks then she went head down after that. I think they can move until at least 36 weeks.
Counting you make it sound easy.

Mum 5 lb with 8 weeks to go is big is it not. Were your other babies big?

Yep it's pretty big for 32 weeks, although there's always a margin of error regarding weight when they scan this late.

None of my others were that big, biggest has been 7lb 13oz, although one of my boys could've been, as he was born weighing 7lb 3oz at 36 weeks. I really dont think I'll get yo full term with her anyways and fully expect her to arrive around 36 weeks x
My internet has been playing up so finding it hard to keep up with posts.

Jezika: That's good that things are looking normal at your scan :)

Mumof5: Yeah I think the scan measurements aren't always accurate in later scans, they are saying my baby is measuring over/big but I know I might be wrong but I just feel that he isn't as big as they are making out.

Catrin: My baby also breech, I think like others have said that by 36 weeks. DD2 was transverse that's why I ended up having C-section but it's because I refused them trying to turn her.

Afm: Had my GTT redone on Wednesday and phoned for results yesterday and all clear again, so let's see what they say again after scan next Friday. I heard a midwife say about another patient while I was there Wednesday saying that the woman had a scan and showing over again and I think she was about 32 weeks, the other midwife said get her to do another GTT. I thought great, they better not say that for me, don't want to do the test for a 3rd time.
Glad you GTT went well again Jessicasmum. I don't think there is as much of a link between baby size and GD as people (doctors) seem to think. I really think it may be more genetic. My friends who had huge babies (9-10+ pounds) didn't have GD, but had family history on one side of large babies. And I failed my GD test and my baby is under average so far, which I expect because DH was really small. Plus I'm measuring small on fundal height and my own weight gain, where friends and family without GD would measure over sometimes. So if they ask you to do it again, I would refuse. You clearly are not insulin resistant. Maybe just genes for a slightly bigger baby, or the measurement can easily be completely wrong on their end! It sounds though like they make people with larger measured babies retake the GTT as a standard? That's no fun.

I'm glad you passed and are over that part.
Thank you TinyLynne, there's quite a few large babies in our family, I was over 9 pounds but I think I was heavier because they weighed me before them pumped my stomach from fluid I'd swollowed, both hubbys sister and brother have had over 10 pound babies and my sister had a 10 pound baby. DD2 was over 9 pounds also. We also have a family history of diabetes and GD in the family too, my dad and both my late grandma's have/had type 2 diabetes, also hubby's dad has it too. Both my sisters had GD in their pregnacies. Obviously I'll have a greater chance of getting diabetes but I've never had a test yet that has shown any concerns.
Wow, I haven't posted in forever. I was originally due 12/31, then 12/29. In the hospital being monitored, looks like a toss up on when I'll have my little one. She might come in November.

Anyone preparing a Christmas outfit for baby pictures?
Wow, I haven't posted in forever. I was originally due 12/31, then 12/29. In the hospital being monitored, looks like a toss up on when I'll have my little one. She might come in November.

Anyone preparing a Christmas outfit for baby pictures?

Oh no - I hope everything is ok. I hadn't really thought about Christmas outfits but good idea!
LoopyLaura - Thanks for your concern. ^^ Baby is safe and snug right now. Of course, mommy gets all the symptoms, but I'd rather deal with them than my precious LO.

I had to be admitted for Pre-Eclampsia. Doctors are trying to keep my blood pressure down and help me start steroid shots for the baby's lungs just in case.

I find out today if I get to go home or if I have to stay until delivery. My hope is to see LO's weight reach up to 5lbs before delivery. So far, she's at 2.5 lbs.

I started thinking about holiday outfits since LO might be born early. :O I think a cute picture showing a healthy condition would be good to send as family Christmas cards. ^^

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