**December Snowflakes - 2016**

Expatmom - I'm so glad everything seemed to go well and the little one's lungs are working all on their own! I believe you're the first of our group to give birth; how exciting! I wish you a speedy recovery and that your little one is strong enough to be discharged soon. Do you have any idea when they might be?

MumOf5 - I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. I honestly can't even begin to imagine what that must be like, especially this late on. May I also ask what happened?
Guys... had a growth scan today at 32+4 to see if baby's growth was being restricted by his single umbilical artery...

Apparently not! He's a little fattie at 4lbs14oz! No more scans needed unless my blood pressure goes up, and he looks just fantastic. What a relief. 7.5 weeks left to go!
ExpatMomKorea - congratulations on the birth of baby Amelia! I'm so pleased her lungs are doing well - I hope she continues to do well and that your recovery is speedy. I have updated the first page with the first birth!

Mumof5 - I'm so sorry about your cousin. That is truly devastating and so scary.

Sophiebabes - welcome! I've added you to the first page.

Counting -glad everything was ok at the scan!
Mom of 5 it's so sad to hear about your cousin. That is just awful. Loosing a baby so close to term is just unthinkable - the sort of thing everybody knows can happen but nobody ever thinks it will happen to them.
Congratulations expatmom! So glad baby is doing well and breathing by herself. I hope it won't be too many more weeks before you can go home.

I have noticed that my baby has been a little quieter than usual the last couple of days. I think she might have moved position as I keep getting little wriggles under my ribs which seem like she's trying to get comfy. I've had a cold drink and she has moved a bit since. I'm going to keep an eye on it and call the midwife if it continues. I do have an appointment tomorrow morning but I'll go sooner if necessary. I remember worrying with DS like this but I never had to go in to be checked. I don't have a very long body so I guess they tend to get a bit squashed in there around this time!!
I've noticed the same thing rose. Little guy was going crazy to the point of hurting me this past weekend when we were out of town for a wedding. And now we are back, and he is still moving but not those giant stabs he wouldn't stop doing a few weeks ago!
Expatmom - Congratulations! Praying that you recover well and that your little one continues to improve and grow!

Ladies, I have been remiss in posting, but I have had the craziest weekend!

On Saturday we took the kids to the local fire station for their open house (my 4 year old currently wants to be a fireman). I woke up, helped get the kids ready, and we went straight to a restaurant where I got some chicken nuggets and a large lemonade. I ate both in the car and we stopped for gas where I also got a LARGE cup of ice. By the time we got to the fire station I had eaten half of the nuggets, most of the lemonade and 3/4 of the cup of ice. I wanted to make sure my sugar would not dip while we were out.

We toured the station, and as we were standing around talking and letting the kids look at the trucks, I started feeling out of breath. I sat down on the EMS truck step to take a break. Then I started feeling really hot and light headed, so I put my head between my knees. At this point, the firefighters started taking notice and asked me if I was alright. Then I felt like I was going to throw up and/or pass out. I asked to sit or lie down on the ground. They immediately got their gear out and took my blood pressure and sugar. My BP was around 83/48. I don't recall what my sugar was.

This was the second time this sort of thing had happened to me in less than a week (it happened at my son's dentist appointment on Monday), so they recommended that I get checked out. So... I got a ride in their EMS truck while my hubby took the kids home. At the ER they gave me a bag of fluids for dehydration. My BP slowly started going back up. They tested and found that I also have a UTI infection and prescribed me some antibiotics.

After several hours they moved me up to labor and delivery to check on the baby. Baby was doing fine, but apparently I was also having cramping (that I didn't even feel). The nurse up there reamed me out about eating more frequently and keeping my fluids up, and how dare I be driving with my kids in the car without eating, which I found rather offensive and upsetting. I had JUST eaten and drank all I could before doing a very low-key activity! But my cervix was still closed, and the doctor said to dismiss me and have me followup on Monday.

Yesterday the doctor seemed to just brush me off, saying I was dehydrated and needed to drink more and that this can happen. Um. Okay? So, since this can "just happen" should I still be working? He didn't seem concerned at all.

Then last night I FINALLY managed to fall asleep, only to wake up less than an hour later in severe pain. Baby had lodged down in my pelvis. It hurt SO bad I was nearly in tears. I tried walking, a warm bath, sitting; the baby would NOT move. Finally I found as comfortable a position as I could on the couch and drifted in and out. About 3/4 hours later she FINALLY shifted, so I went back to bed. Missed my vanpool to work this morning from sleeping.

I don't know how I'm going to keep working for the next almost two months. :( I'm SO tired today, and still hurting somewhat.
Oh Genevevex, sorry you are having such a rough time! That sounds awful! And how DARE that nurse say those things to you?!?! I would make sure her superiors know how she acted. No one like that should be in patient care. You did what you could to the very best of your knowledge to avoid an issue! I'm so sorry she acted like that. I would have been greatly offended too. I hope you are feeling better and that they can resolve the cause of this and it stops happening. I would ask to be taken out if work after that happened again, definitely if it happens a 3rd time.

Take care
We had some good news yesterday! Had our growth scan to check baby to make sure he was growing appropriately with his umbilical cord issue. He is a healthy looking little fattie! 4lb14oz at 32+4!!!
We don't need any other follow up unless something else comes up. I'm so, so relieved!
We had some good news yesterday! Had our growth scan to check baby to make sure he was growing appropriately with his umbilical cord issue. He is a healthy looking little fattie! 4lb14oz at 32+4!!!
We don't need any other follow up unless something else comes up. I'm so, so relieved!

What a relief! I'm so glad your little one is growing fine!
That's fantastic news Counting.

Geneveve, I am so sorry that this crap is going on. Not long until we no longer have to deal with snotty medical professionals. It can't come quick enough at this point. I'm glad baby is okay though and maybe it's time to start maternity leave? Take it as easy as you can and know that I'm sending you positive vibes.
Expatmom congratulations on your early arrival! You're the first of the group to meet your baby. I hope you're both recovering well and that you're able to spend lots of time with her.

He's a little fattie at 4lbs14oz! No more scans needed unless my blood pressure goes up, and he looks just fantastic. What a relief. 7.5 weeks left to go!
Yay counting that's fantastic news!

I have noticed that my baby has been a little quieter than usual the last couple of days. I think she might have moved position as I keep getting little wriggles under my ribs which seem like she's trying to get comfy.
The type of movements will naturally feel different as baby runs out of room, but the frequency of wriggling shouldn't change much. Go with your gut and if you feel something isn't right don't hesitate to call them, it's better to be safe than sorry bad they'll be more than happy to check up on you both just in case.

The nurse up there reamed me out about eating more frequently and keeping my fluids up, and how dare I be driving with my kids in the car without eating, which I found rather offensive and upsetting. I had JUST eaten and drank all I could before doing a very low-key activity
WTF that is so rude!! I've had so many hypos this pregnancy but thankfully mine settled after first trimester, but back then I would nearly pass out 2 hours after breakfast pretty much regardless what I ate. People don't seem to understand that hypos can happen even when you eat properly! I too felt very dismissed when I talked about this. I never went to the ER but only because I knew what to do, it would take ages to pass though and I'd feel awful. Where are you from again? I don't know about where you are but in the uk if you just aren't feeling well enough to work you can always see a doctor to be signed off sick, you can't be made to start maternity leave before 36 weeks unless your baby comes before then. It sounds like you're genuinely suffering and 2 more months might not be manageable so please explore your options. I totally understand the financial pressures though, I know we have it way easier here than in the US.

I'm 32 weeks, baby girl is head down and enjoys sticking her feet right under my ribs on the right which really tickles! I'm still aching and exhausted. Ladies who have been through birth before, can we please talk about your top tips for labour? I've obviously seen loads of checklists for the hospital bag but for example what snacks/drinks did you prefer, what did you wear, do I seriously need paper knickers? I've heard of women using a squeeze bottle when they pee afterwards and things like frozen pads so your advice and experiences would be much appreciated! None of my friends have had babies.
Geneveve, I'm sorry to hear! Sounds really rough. I can't believe that nurse said those things to you! You did all you could. Ugh some people.

Great news, counting!

AFM, I have my 32 weeks appt tomorrow. I've been feeling really down but DH is off at trucking school and I'm alone. I haven't been without him for this long since we started dating so this is really hard. I've had a friend over helping periodically but she isn't my husband and it's not the same. I'm glad for what I can get, but I feel empty. :(
Thanks Grace. She moved a bit more in the afternoon so I didn't feel the need to go in. Must have been having a bit of a growth spurt or conserving energy as she's been non-stop today! Had my midwife appointment and whooping cough vaccine this morning, everything was fine and she is now head down which is good news :) I had suspected so, as I've felt a lot of pressure under my ribs in the last week or so which made me think her bum might now be up there. I remember that sensation with my first.

As far as birth goes, I say keep an open mind and try to ignore other people's horror stories about what they did/didn't like. Every birth and woman is different and what works for you might not for someone else. I was scared of having an epidural because of horror stories, but after a long early labour I was exhausted and just didn't have the energy to keep enduring the pain once I got to 4cm. I hated the gas and air and didn't want pethidine because I didn't want the nauseous/dizzy feeling I was getting with the G&A. I agreed to an epidural and I'm so glad I did. It gave me a good few hours rest before pushing and my labour actually progressed a lot more quickly once I had it. I felt the contractions and was able to feel DS coming out but it wasn't very painful, so I really enjoyed the actual birth itself. Within 2 hours of having him I was up and about having a shower etc. I would definitely have one again if necessary although I'm hoping my labour will be quicker this time and I might be able to have a water birth or similar. But I am definitely open to whatever happens on the day.

I would recommend taking a flannel, you can use it to keep cool during labour and also afterwards while in the shower if you need (dark colour). I didn't like the paper pants but did buy a packet of very large bloomers in black from Asda which I used as 'throw away' pants if my maternity pads leaked - but the pads were pretty good so to be honest my big pants lasted me well :D in my hospital there was a shower with a toilet in it, so if I needed to go for a number 2 I would always use that loo so I could have a quick wash afterwards to save too much wiping. I found that wees were fine, I took cotton wool with me and used it with water to dab clean rather than wipe. After a day or two I was fine with normal loo paper, I healed quite quickly. I think having a good wash with water a couple of times a day really helped. I guess it depends on how you tear. I did have a 2nd degree tear but it was mostly inside so luckily didn't get irritated too much. It certainly wasn't anywhere near as bad as I was expecting.

During labour I had lucozade sport but it sat in my stomach and I threw it all up after the birth so I don't think I'll have it this time. Probably just some cold water and snacks if necessary. You might want to pack a snack for afterwards,'as by the time I had DS I hadn't eaten for almost a whole day and was starving. Once I had thrown up the lucozade and eaten some toast I was fine :)

I would pack lots of maternity pads, at least 2/3 packs it's crazy how many you get through. After a week I switched to standard sanitary pads (always night with wings).

During labour I just wore a Tshirt and knickers
:haha: I was boiling hot and so uncomfortable. I packed a nightie and did wear it to nurse but this time I'll probably just wear a strap top and pj bottoms. I was too hot to wear a dressing gown in the hospital and used a cheap pair of slippers that I threw away when I left.
Thank you for the congratulations, everyone. :) It really warms my heart. I admit, she's a feisty little princess. Every day is a blessing. I didn't even realize I was the first mom in the group to meet her little one. Everything happened so fast.

So far, she is having issues with her stomach so they might have to start a PICC line on her. Met with a social worker to help me figure out everything I need to get through this process.

I get discharged tomorrow so I'm hoping to have a room at the Ronald McDonald House so I can stay close and send milk to my baby girl on a steady basis.

@Genevevex: Bless your heart, having to go through that. Shame on that nurse. She had no right to assume or make any such comment. I had the same problem during my pregnancy. I'd eat a big meal before going anywhere and still end up plopped on the floor. We cannot always predict how much energy our little ones need. You did your best and it's not your fault. I hope you're feeling better. I'm surprised you're still working so close to the end. Most of my coworkers usually took leave at 32-36 weeks and didn't come back until baby was 2-4 months along. I hope your work place isn't one of those slave driving ones that isn't understanding of these types of situations. <.<; You sound like you need your rest.

@counting: Your baby's growth is such great news! Congrats on your healthy little miracle. Already over 4lbs! That's awesome! I'm glad there are no more issues with the umbilical cord. Many blessings for you and your baby.

@rose: I hope your little one is nice and snuggled in for the last stretch. My little Amelia quieted down as she started to run out of room. Then, she discovered extra space by squishing my bladder. lol. All the best on your check ups, I'm sure your precious one is just getting cozy before the big, holiday celebration at the end of the road.

Even though I had an emergency C-section, a lot of what the hospital did was similar to care after a vaginal birth. I would double check with your perinatal ward, but mine provided the squeeze bottle, cotton pads and gauze knickers. I was very well taken care of by my nurses. They got me transferred, bathed, clothed and changed out constantly. I originally brought my own nightgown, but didn't use it because the hospital provided a nice one that was perfect for nursing. I would definitely bring some snacks. I always kept almonds around. That little bit of extra protein was a nice pick me up during the difficult moments. Definitely have some fuzzy socks just in case the OR ones aren't as satisfactory.

Bubbles1088: I hope your appointment was wonderful :) And I hope you cheer up soon. I understand your feelings. It's hard to go through any part of pregnancy when your husband isn't available. Keep anything that reminds you of him nearby, especially anything sensory like smell. I'm fortunate enough to see my husband in my daughter's looks so it soothes me until he can come to the U.S. Every bit helps. :)
Expatmom, my second son had a picc. I was incredibly nervous about it, but the procedure went really well and we never had any issues. They put his in his head and it made it really easy to do skin to skin because the line didn't get in the way. Of course he had a crazy nicu haircut/ mohawk for quite a while! I'm really glad to hear your little girl is doing so well.
Thanks, everyone, for your kind words. I'm still struggling. Called the doctor yesterday morning from work in tears because I felt so bad. They told me to drink more water and get some protein; to have a coworker go get it for me and then call back later to let them know how I was.

I called at the end of the day to let them know that it DID help, but I still felt winded every time I had to walk around and I just felt plain exhausted. They recommended I go to the hospital to be checked out. I didn't want to hear another lecture about drinking water, so I didn't go last night. I'm feeling a little better today, so maybe I'm keeping up a little better or something.

So, here are my thoughts/advice about labor and delivery & the recovery. Both of my labors were inductions. I had wanted to try without an epidural, but after 12 hours of back labor with my son, I was exhausted and in such pain I was practically begging for it. So glad I got it; it made the rest of the delivery so much nicer. I probably could have gone without with my daughter, but I was so paranoid about getting the back pain again I asked for it anyway.

I had very minor tears. Only one was outside with my second labor. I have to say, I personally LOVE the stretchy gauze undies they give you in the hospital afterward. They aren't too tight and are very comfortable. After my first labor I was so swollen down there it felt like I was sitting on a football! It really scared me, but my midwife said that was perfectly normal. The giant pads they give you at the hospital are really nice, too, especially for the first couple of days. I was pretty disappointed to get home and switch to regular pads. The giant cushy-ness of the hospital ones gave my lady parts a bit of a cushion to rest on when I sat, which was nice. I enjoyed them the most with my first labor, but found I didn't need them as much for my second.

I actually have already pre-bought a few extra squeeze bottles for after the delivery at home this time. I didn't like how regular toilet paper stuck to me as I healed, and using the squeeze bottles after going to the bathroom both kept me nice and clean, and the warm water was very soothing. I also bought myself extra witch hazel wipes/sheets, as I quickly ran out of the ones given at the hospital. They feel SO good. After each bathroom trip I would rinse with the bottle and then pat dry, put a new pad in whatever undies I had, and then put a witch hazel sheet on top of that. (the first few days I would also spray myself with the spray they gave me from the hospital as well) I never tried a "padsicle"--for the most part, what I stated above seemed to work fine for me.
The peri bottles are amazing..I've torn both times, mostly internal tears, I was stitched but the recovery the second time wasn't so bad. Worst was with my first was a little tear on my labia ( along with the internal tearing which healed up much nicer) as it really stung for a while. Swelling was shocking with my first. It was pretty bad the second time too but I was expecting it. First time time mom's, seriously the swelling can be pretty exaggerated, like almost comically doesn't seem realistic bad, but it's totally normal and everything does go back to how it should be.
I personally had one labour with an epidural at 7cm. And the epidural worked well, I napped at 10cm dilated to get some rest before pushing ( which wasnt the extended hard pushing some people experience with an epidural) and my recovery was pretty easy though I was super puffy from the iv fluids.
I had one completely natural, no epi or medical pain relief, and the pain was really really brutal tbh, but my recovery was amazing, I felt sooo good after because of all the endorphins!

Hoping for another natural birth this time, but if things are very very long and I feel like I need it, I'd consider the epidural. There's no one right way to give birth!

Though I'm really hoping to catch my baby again this time, as I loved that, and I'm really hoping to cut the cord myself!
ExpatMomKorea - I wish Amelia all the best and hope the stomach problems are resolved soon.

Genevevex - I'm glad you started to feel a bit better. Hope it continues.

Rose - I'm glad baby is moving again! It's always worrying when they have quieter days.

AFM I'm just really exhausted all the time. I really don't remember this last time. As we are having a loft extension done, we took the decision to put my DD in childcare 5 days a week (she's usually there for 4) because I don't think she'll nap at home and it's so noisy and not very nice here. I offered work to increase my hours to full time for the 6 weeks and they accepted! Regretting that now as I could have just got a day off a week! I guess the extra money will come in handy.

In terms of labour tips, I definitely second having a flannel to help cool you down during labour. I had an epidural and would have it again as it made it much more enjoyable. However it did end in an emergency c section. I just wore big pants and the large sanitary pads and was fine. Make sure you take clothes which are loose just in case you do end up with a c section as you won't want anything rubbing on the scar. I just wore a long t shirt during labour. They kept checking my dilation so it didn't seem worth putting pants back on!!! In terms of snacks, I think I just had fruit and haribo! I did have some toast later on too as I was being sick and just felt empty.
Wow great tips!! We're planning for a home waterbirth but I understand things don't always go to plan. We've done a home hypnobirthing course and so many people say that makes a huge difference even if birth doesn't go to plan and they need interventions, it's just supposed to help you feel calm and in control whatever happens. I might be naive but I think I'll be able to handle contractions, I've been in plenty of pain over the years. What I'm nervous about is that I have a patch of scar tissue on the outside of my rectum from endometriosis which, sorry if this is TMI, causes me sudden excruciating pain every time a poo goes past it. Its the only pain that didn't resolve with pregnancy. It's not when I actually go but a minute or so before, I have to deep breathe and relax through it but it's pretty severe and has nearly reduced me to tears more than once. Thankfully with a poo it's all over pretty fast. It's only just occurred to me that a baby going past there could be horrendously painful and tip me over the edge to not coping during birth, but maybe I would feel that pain as baby engages and so know before birth if this is likely to be an issue? Basically I'm mentally prepared for a healthy Labour but not one where Endo causes me additional, abnormal pain. Any thoughts on this?

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