**December Snowflakes - 2016**

I'm not sure about the endo. I do know during labour once baby is coming down and out, the contractions( and pressure and urge to push!) really mask other pain. For instance I've torn but I have never felt the tears. I've also never felt the stitches after. So maybe for you the sensation of labour will override that particular pain.

I would also advise, the sensation of labour is unlikely to be something you can completely prepare yourself for. I found for myself I had to kind of live the moment as it was happening and release my expectations.
Hi everyone, hope everyone is well.

Grace - with regards to labour, I'd say the best thing to do is to go in with an open mind, so many things can change during labour that may need you to deviate from any birth plan etc, and ultimately sets mums up for disappointment that their birth didn't go as they'd planned or intended (That's both from personal and professional experience). Just ask as many questions as you feel you need to, to enable you to make informed choices/decisions. Xx

No more health scares for me, saw my midwife yesterday, baby is measuring 3-4 weeks ahead and is 2-3/5 engaged, she doesn't think I'll go on for very long, have a growth scan booked for wednesday week. I have a feeling my little lady will be here within the next couple of weeks (hopefully toward the end of that timeframe). Still taking the iron tablets and they're still gross, but hopefully they're brining my ferritin levels up (being checked on Friday). Xx
Sorry I've not been about much recently.

Mum of 5 good to hear things are going well.

Counting it's true the sensations of labour are different, esp in the early parts aren't something that is painful (unless I was trying to lie down)

Expat how is your baby girl, did you get into McDonald House?

Grace, truthfully I never bought new knickers or paper ones. I planned to wreck my existing knickers and buy new ones when I was done. Reality I never wrecked any that I can remember.
I never noticed the pain of a tear either, spotted the blood in the pool first.

Laura I wonder if you just don't remember being tired before of if you are just trying to do more.

AFM, got a cold that's bugging me, coughing makes heartburn worse. I'm sure life would be better if I could ditch the bugs. My bump is pulling on a scar that goes down my belly. Just feeling sorry for myself.
Quick check in. Hope you are all still doing well and keeping those babies cooking.

I haven't been saying much, as all I ever want to do right now is complain. Still having a very hard time managing this "eat every two hours, lots of protein" thing. My next appointment isn't until Nov. 2nd, and I think I am going to ask him to put me on maternity leave already. It's WAY earlier than I had intended, but I am just having such a hard time with it I don't know how I can keep going.

But we're almost there! Can't wait to see all the little bundles. :)
That is a good plan Genevevex. It takes a lot to track a diet where you have to eat every couple of hours and be conscious of what it is and how much. It is a job in itself.
I am so tempted to start mat leave early too. But luckily my job is not very physical so actually being there is probably easier physically than being at home with DS!! I just handed in my notice that I'll be leaving on 7th Dec. It's come around so quickly and I am really excited that it's only just over a month to go :D
I've not been posting much just stalking threads really :blush:

I'm 32 weeks today so baby will be here in 9 weeks or under (only allowed to go to 41 weeks max), scary how fast time has gone this pregnancy and I'm still not prepared.

We got our first car last Thursday :happydance: really pleased about that as now hubby can take me to the hospital when have baby rather than getting lifts. We got a great deal on the car and MIL has helped out big time with paying the deposit and first year insurance.

Had my flu vaccine today and I didn't even feel it, a lot better than the whooping cough vaccine which my arm hurt for days.

I hope all of you ladies and babies are doing well, or as well as can be :)
Congrats on the car!

DH got a new-to-us car Monday, something with four wheel drive that we can all fit in because baby is coming in December and you never know in Michigan.

Got my flu shot this morning, I didn't even feel it, but now all of a sudden 3 hours later the area is very sore, which I don't remember from past flu shots. Getting Tdap soon at the grocery store as well as they didn't bring those into work.

Having the worst time trying to get DH to get his shot. I think maybe he is scared of the needle? I mean, I used to be terrified of needles too, but got over that, especially when pregnant, you definitely get used to the needles! I'm not sure what to do about it. He won't talk to me about it. He straight up ignores me or stares at me and says NOTHING when I bring up the flu shot. It's really frustrating after all I have been through with needles on our journey, and now through pregnancy, and with GD and having to deal with needles 4x/day!

Also he hasn't told his family yet that they need the Tdap and flu shot if want to be around him before he is old enough to get vaccines. I am seriously almost in tears over his lack of cooperation.
What is Tdap?
Sorry your DH isn't being cooperative Tiny. Could it be that he's read something worrying about the flu jab and is therefore worried about the jab itself? Or is he just not bothered? I think I'd struggle to get DH to go and get an injection to be honest, he isn't very organised and would probably just keep forgetting.

Jessicasmum congrats on the car! I am sure you will love the freedom of having your own transport :)
Jessica happy driving

Tinylynn they only really bother about the mum having flu & whopping cough here.
I might have given myself more injections than I care to count but that doesn't mean I like seeing bits of metal going into me. Its horrid I'd rather random stuff on clinic room walls than look at it.
TDap has the whooping cough in it here, that is how we get our whooping cough vaccine. I don't enjoy it either, but he won't even talk to me or tell me why he won't do it! I don't like having needles poke me, but I have to do it 4 times a day, plus my shots and other lab blood draws. He is just mentally exhausting me with this game. And I feel so defeated.
My flu jab wasn't a problem at all this time but the whooping cough vaccine hurt my arm for a couple of weeks! My dh had the flu jab but only because his work do them for free.

Jessicasmum - that's great news about the car!

In terms of Mat leave, rose, we are finishing at s similar time as my last day is the 8th December! I agree that it's physically easier to be working than looking after DD full time!

Tommyg - I think you could be right that I'm just doing more this pregnancy. With work and looking after DD, it's hard to get good rest and I'm not sleeping great either. Having said that I do feel a bit better now I'm taking floradix as an iron supplement so I think that's made a difference.

I still can't get motivated to buy things for the baby or pack my hospital bag. We are going on holiday on 5th November for a week so maybe I'll come home from that with a bit more motivation!
I finish that week too. I only work part time so didn't think it would be an issue but having the cold has really taken it's toll on me.

Hospital bag..... I'll do it at some point..... Purchased mat pads yesterday only because they were beside the stretch mark cream in Boots and on 3 for 2. I have an old scar that is bugging me hence looking for the cream.
Baby has 2 baby grows, 1 pram suit, hat & mitts. A massive bag of hand me downs. Really I need to get into it at some point incase I've binned stuff. And get it all washed and sorted.
I'm the same can't look at the needle going in my arm, it's weird because I'm not squimish with other things like I'll watch a lot of documentaries with surgery in it and stuff like that doesn’t bother me but just a weird thing about seeing something stabbed into you. I think hubby is quite a bit squimish though, hates anything medical on TV and tries his upmost to avoid the doctors unless he really has to.

I've not even thought about hospital bag, I've only got a couple of small packs of vest for baby and that's what MIL bought, I really need to make a start getting things very soon, others things just seem to be always taking over though that we buy.
Yip other things seem to be taking priority here too but I think that is somewhere near normal when its not your first.
Ah I see! I never even thought about DH needing the whooping cough or flu jabs to be honest - I assumed that if I'm immune to whooping cough then baby will be and so wherever it comes from, we should be protected. They don't recommend partners have the jabs here, just the pregnant women. I haven't had the flu jab myself as I've never been sure of it, and having balanced the negatives and positives I feel like I'd rather not have it.

TommyG I agree. I feel so disorganised. It is starting to stress me out a bit although I know babies don't actually need much in their first few months anyway so there is no need to have everything ready. I think I have the main bits sorted. Just need to sort out a wardrobe in the spare room with baby's clothes in and then I think I'll feel as ready as I can be!! My main considerations for the next 6-8 weeks are doing lots of
Special things with DS in preparation for Christmas while I am able to, and getting christmas presents ready. I just want to make sure there are as little chores as possible to do once she's here, so we can just enjoy family time for a bit. I've ordered my Christmas food for collection (my mum will collect and eat it if I am unable to!!) and also want to get a cleaner in to do a deep clean of the house before she's here, just so I don't have to notice dust and cobwebs for a month or two :haha: and also I want to have my hair cut just before my due date as that will be my last bit of me time for a very long time.

We are very busy up until Xmas as we are trying to fit in all friends etc for meals etc before baby comes. Then we can concentrate on family once she's arrived
Rose I can fully understand not being sure of the flu jab. Last time round I wasn't sure of it either and delayed until it was too late. I can tell you I have had flu once in my life. It put my and my baby's life on the line at 35 weeks. I've had plenty heavy colds and chest infections but the flu is completely different.

When the hospital eventually got their hands on me, they were considering an emcs "to take the pressure off your lungs" thankfully it didn't come to that but I have often wondered how strong was I to come through the operation?
After working with me for 3 hours in A&E, bloods from both veins & arteries, chest X-ray (lead apron over the bump), hooked up to heart monitor, they eventually told my parents ".....but we think we've got her in time". I ended up being in hospital for a week on oxygen and being pumped full of antibiotics.
My mum remains so traumatised that when I announced this pregnancy in July, she asked about the flu jag within 5 mins.

I'm decked with a cold at the moment but will get whooping cough as soon as I am clear of the cold.

I've started a cleaner for a couple of hours per week, hopefully that should mean the place is clean for Christmas. And if she does the main bits I can sort out cupboards. I'm thinking keeping her on until Easter time it is so stressful trying to keep on top of a house when you have a tiny baby.
If I've already had the actual flu this year, do I still need a flu shot? I should still have that immunity, right? I got really sick with the flu in Feb. I asked a nurse about it and she said she doesn't think I'd need one, but I have yet to ask the Dr. They were offering it to me a month ago, but I was sick with a cold and they said they'd wait til I was healthy to do it.
I can't gt the whooping cough vaccine so I'm trying to encourage all the family who are going to be in contact with Fox to have it.
Dr recommended I get the flu shot... but didn't offer it in office so I'm not even sure where to get it done. I'm pretty anxious about him catching anything especially being as it's such a bad season for illness. My second actually almost died from sepsis at 3.5w. It was the longest 11 days of my life when he was in hospital. We got lucky and I've a healthy, gorgeous little toddler now. Not everyone is that lucky. They attribute his excellent recovery with how fast we recognized something was wrong and got him treatment.
Bubbles re flu jab, I wouldn't take the chance. Yes you will be immune to the one strain you had earlier in the year but not necessarily the ones they expect this winter.
I had a consultants appointment today. Given she'd had a read at my notes and I currently have a cold / chest infection / pulled muscle coughing trying to get out of bed the subject of flu came up.
Apparently every year the causes for maternal deaths (pregnant to one year post birth) are published unvaccinated against flu is one of the top killers.
I also asked the answer to a question that has bugged me for a long time - "If they had given me a EMCS would it have been for my or my babies benefit, as I have often wondered if I was strong enough to have come through the op?"
I cried with the answer "Your benefit, we always put the mum first" I'm crying again they would have put me before my amazing, crazy, full of fun wee boy.
Please don't take the risk.

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