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**December Snowflakes - 2016**

Congratulations MrsRose!

Midwife said baby is 4/5 engaged at my last appointment - apparently that means her head is 1/5 in the pelvis, 4/5 free. I can definitely feel her pressing down more and more. My calves have been achy and cramping like mad today. I feel so heavy and uncomfortable!! I hope she comes on time, I'd hate to still be like this (or in labour!!) on Christmas Day.

I have also felt more tired than usual for the last few days. I'm having really vivid dreams all night and when I wake up I feel like I've not properly rested at all. I am waking about 4 times a night for the loo aswell. Suppose it's my body preparing me for all the night feeds :haha:
Congrats Mrs. Rose! Would love to see a pic if you're comfortable (though I understand if not). Feels just like yesterday you got your very special BFP!!!

Tommyg - just saw your post re: flu. I'll ask my midwife tomorrow. I've probably only ever have flu once in my life, but I don't want to temp fate by assuming I won't get it this time.
I always forget to update here for ladies not on FB.

Yesterday I got checked for my induction consultation. I was shocked to find out I'm already 3cm and effacing! I was approved to go straight to induction without cervical ripening.
I was added to the induction list for today, but depending on the list and how busy the department is, I might be tomorrow or later. But it all depends. I'm anxious and excited knowing I'll be delivering any day now!

38 weeks today!
Congrats Mrs. Rose! Would love to see a pic if you're comfortable (though I understand if not). Feels just like yesterday you got your very special BFP!!!

Tommyg - just saw your post re: flu. I'll ask my midwife tomorrow. I've probably only ever have flu once in my life, but I don't want to temp fate by assuming I won't get it this time.

Thanks!! I know, it does seem like yesterday when we were on the TTC board trying for our BFPs! I can't figure out how to post a pic from my phone so let me know if you know how and I'll do it!

I'm exhausted as I couldn't sleep the two nights leading up to the induction and this little lady isn't a fan of letting us sleep. She loves to cuddle but when we put her down she won't stop crying! Or she won't sleep quietly very long so we pick her up. We're just not sure what to do. Plus the nurses said days 2-3 they cluster feed so it feels like she's been attached to my boob nonstop. Today is day 3 so we're hoping it gets better tomorrow.

If any of the BTDT moms have any tips, I would love your advice on how to get her to sleep without being held!
All of my girls responded well to being set in a rock n play for about 20 mins after eating because they felt snuggled and could digest their milk. I move them to their crib when they're totally asleep and they'll sleep a few hours until their next feeding.

But a lot of it is temperament and the feeding should settle once your milk supply is better established. My mature milk doesn't come in until day 6 or 7! Hang in there mama and try to enjoy the baby snuggles through the sleep deprivation :)
Counting, you're so close! Good luck over the next few days.

Happy Turkey Day! I'm thankful to have all of my girls home for Thanksgiving. Baby A was discharged from the nicu Monday afternoon and we've been adjusting to life at home with a 3 year old and the twins the past few days. Both babies are back up to birth weight and doing well.
MrsRose I can't suggest anything to help you put your baby down to sleep as that's something you will both get the hang of over time, but often parents feel they have to respond to a noisy baby when actually it's totally normal for babies in their light sleep phase to make a bit of noise and move around, sometimes even cry a bit. If you can resist the temptation to pick them up in this phase they will learn to sleep through more than one cycle at a time. You can tell it's not real crying because it shouldn't last very long or escalate, it's more like fussy noises. If they're obviously awake then of course pick them up, this isn't sleep training, but we often see parents at work who think it means their baby is uncomfortable when actually they're still sleeping, and what keeps happening is they're waking their baby up and then struggling to settle them again. If you're not sure what the noises mean try to hold back because either they'll move into a deeper (quieter) sleep phase soon or tell you more obviously that they're awake and need something! Things should be more clear soon as you get to know each other better.
I have no experience with this, so have any of you ladies ever have contractions that felt like gas pains?
Congratulations Mrsrose!

I used to have to wait until DD was in a deep sleep before putting her down but it still didn't always work. It's great that breastfeeding is going well - cluster feeding is normal. The early days are so hard for lack of sleep but she will get there!

Tinylynne - In terms of gas pains, I always find them quite similar to period pains (which is what my early contractions felt like) so I guess yes, they could feel like that!
MRs Rose I think you have to go click on "desktop version" of the website on your phone and then go to "Go Advanced" when posting a message to be able to add pics attachments. But there's been an error with uploading pics recently and I'm not sure if it's fixed.

TinyLynne, I've thought the same re: gas/contraction pains. I **think** so far I've mostly had a LOT of gas, but a couple times it's felt different. I still don't think she will come any time soon for me. And I have to say, I'm glad to see someone else as far along as me who hasn't had their baby yet! I feel like everyone is having their babies that are due around the same time as me or even later, except me! Also, I just realized how you're one day ahead of me but have 9 days to go according to your ticker, whereas I have 14 days to go!? What's up with that? Maybe the O date I must've put in?

Actually, those of you who are having/had inductions, I'm assuming there's some medical reason for it? Like, there were known issues in your pregnancy? I'm struggling to remember.

Counting - good luck! Can't wait to hear of the arrival of your little one!
I've only been in labor once but for what it's worth, if you Google early labor signs, I literally had every one of them the day I had the twins!

I definitely had gas type pains because my bowels were cleaning out but also period like cramps and rectal pressure (which really unnerved me).
Congrats Mrs. Rose! Would love to see a pic if you're comfortable (though I understand if not). Feels just like yesterday you got your very special BFP!!!

Tommyg - just saw your post re: flu. I'll ask my midwife tomorrow. I've probably only ever have flu once in my life, but I don't want to temp fate by assuming I won't get it this time.

Thanks!! I know, it does seem like yesterday when we were on the TTC board trying for our BFPs! I can't figure out how to post a pic from my phone so let me know if you know how and I'll do it!

I'm exhausted as I couldn't sleep the two nights leading up to the induction and this little lady isn't a fan of letting us sleep. She loves to cuddle but when we put her down she won't stop crying! Or she won't sleep quietly very long so we pick her up. We're just not sure what to do. Plus the nurses said days 2-3 they cluster feed so it feels like she's been attached to my boob nonstop. Today is day 3 so we're hoping it gets better tomorrow.

If any of the BTDT moms have any tips, I would love your advice on how to get her to sleep without being held!

Oh you must be shattered xx Do you swaddle your baby? I find they sleep better if they have "no arms" xxx Hope you catch a bit of rest soon xx
Jezika please do ask your MW tomorrow, I'd never had flu until I was pregnant and I've never had it since. I had no idea how serious it could be or that your immune system is oppressed when pregnant.

You also asked about reasons for being induced, my last pregnancy I had a easy water birth after labouring at home in the bath for hours. This time I'm over 40 and a fertility baby they have said on both counts they don't want me going over my date, due to the increased risk of stillbirth. Not looking forward to the idea of being induced but given my luck I think I would be stupid to refuse induction.
MrsRose to be honest I held DS quite a lot when he was newborn. He was very keen on nursing to sleep. For the first couple of weeks I would tear my hair out trying to get him down at night. I found that often, he would fall asleep on DH's chest once I had fed him if I was struggling - if I tried to put him down he would cry for more milk. Once he has relaxed on DH I could usually get him in the Moses basket for a couple of Hours. I also found that if I warmed the sheets up with a hot water bottle (obviously
Removing it before I put him in the basket) that because it wasn't cold, he wouldn't startle. I also used terry material sheets rather than cotton as they seemed to stay a little warmer.

To be honest in the early days I would just do whatever you can to get baby to sleep so you can rest - you can get them used to sleeping well in their own bed and not feeding to sleep when feeding is well established and they get in to more of a pattern. Cluster feeding is very normal and I remember our first few nights home I would be exhausted at 1am when DS was still awake and wanting milk!! I made sure it was light in the day and dark in the night, and after a week or two he started to notice the difference and was better at sleeping although he still woke up a lot for feeds.
And Jezika I won't be induced until around 42 weeks. I am going to try and get a sweep around my due date though purely as I don't want to be in labour for Xmas day for the sake of my son. In the Uk they don't induce before your due date unless there's a medical reason.

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