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**December Snowflakes - 2016**

Ugh I'm soooo uncomfortable. 3 nights in a row I've tried to go to bed before 10pm and stayed awake until after midnight. Every time I move an inch I need to get up to go to the toilet. I think baby must be pretty low. I guess this is the end of sleep for some time! I'm doing a 7 hour round trip for work today and am panicking about going into labour but I'm only 35+3 so I'm hoping she will behave today!
Laura I feel your pain, I've been like that the last few nights. Strangely last night I only woke up once I think - I still felt just as exhausted this morning though. A 7 hour round trip sounds horrible, hope you get the chance to stop and stretch your legs regularly - and hope baby behaves!!
Sounds like we are all in the same, uncomfortable boat! :haha: I feel you Laura on not sleeping well and every time you move you have to pee. Not fun.

Last night I did not sleep well at all. I fell asleep for a few minutes and woke up feeling really nauseous. I had some trapped gas and it gradually came out both ends all night. Yuck. I feel better this morning but so tired and not hungry to eat anything at all. I feel like I must have eaten too much yesterday or something (Thanksgiving). Also I kept having contractions, though they were extremely spaced out. But I was feeling them very low and they weren't super painful but definitely hurt and I had a lot of pelvic pressure with them.

If she doesn't come this next week, I've come to terms with it. It's ok. My c-section is only 10 days away. I can make it 10 more days if I need to. It would be nice to go within the next few days though as DH is home for a long weekend (haven't seen him for well over a month...almost two months!) He's asleep still but he got choked up last night talking about seeing DD again (she was already in bed when he got back last night). I'm really excited to see their reunion. :)
Bubbles - that sounds really tough. That's a long time not to see dh. I bet the reunion is lovely! Fingers crossed baby makes an appearance soon but it's good you know you have a deadline of 10 days - hopefully it makes it more bearable!

Hope you feel better after your bad night.
Well ladies, labor pains CAN be like gas pains! Baby B was born at 6:45 pm last night. Our little Thanksgiving turkey. 39 weeks (I never updated my ticker to the correct due date) and 5 lbs 11oz.
Awww congratulations TinyLynne! Loving all the baby news.

Bubbles I'm sorry you're so uncomfortable, this stage is really tough. I hope your baby makes an appearance while your DH is around, being apart must be tough on you xx
Tiny congratulations, babies are coming very fast now and we aren't even into December yet.

Bubbles hope you get comfy soon.
Ahh congratulations Tiny!! That was quick! :)

Bubbles sounds like things might be happening for you - fingers crossed! It must be so tough not having DH around when you're so heavily pregnant and have your daughter to look after too.
Fox Archer Quinn was born at 2:43 am on November 25th! 38w1d.

He is a big strong boy, 7lb9oz and 50.5cm long. He's a sweet little thing, with a bit of dark hair and a dimpled chin like his mama. He is loving his mama milk and is an absolute joy.

Induction was very, very rough, but his delivery was smooth, breathed him down and I caught him myself and I even cut his cord myself.

Good luck ladies with your babies!

Ps. Pm me your info if you are interested in joining the FB group!
Congratulations counting! Sorry to hear about the rough induction but happy to hear it was successful. Enjoy those early baby cuddles :)
Congrats TinyLynne and Counting (love the pics in Facebook by the way!).

I can't believe how many December babies have ended up being November babies! There's so little happening on my end I feel like mine will be a January baby ;)
Congratulations Counting!!

Jezika I feel the same :haha: although I still have quite a lot to do so I don't mind waiting a few more weeks. As long as I'm not in hospital for Xmas day I don't really mind when she comes.

I've washed the Moses basket bedding and got it all set up :) now all that's really important and left to do is fit the car seat and pack my hospital bag. I have one and a half weeks left at work, maybe I'll get the bag done tomorrow but the rest I'll sort out once I'm on Mat leave. I also have a few presents to wrap but that won't take long.
Oh wow congrats counting and tinylynne, slightly envious of u all having your babies now, this little girly is hanging on, the only one I carried this long is my eldest, 19.5 years ago! 😳. Can't believe she's not here already. Xxx
Whoever it was that said being full term is like being back in the TWW is SO right, omg I am symptom spotting like crazy now! Every little change has me wondering if this means the baby is coming soon. Every day things seem to ramp up a little more. I have loads of strong braxton hicks now that are worse when I move around and for some reason in the evening. I seem to be opening my bowels more often and feeling very gassy and crampy in a way that makes me think I'm going to have diarrhoea but then it's actually normal, today I've even been feeling nauseous with it. I'm getting more discharge but no mucous plug and no show yet. OH and I had some sexy time last night and he said my cervix is super low now and that there almost wasn't room for him too! I know all this can go on for weeks but I also know things could ramp up anytime and it's driving me craaaazy! I'm so ready to meet this baby now.
I hear ya, Grace, though I'm not even bothering symptom spotting right now. I'm accepting the fact that it's most likely I'll be a week late (statistically speaking for first time baby, anyway), which is another two weeks away. That's 3.5 weeks away for you! Doesn't that feel like forever?!

MumOfFive - glad there's someone due before me who's not had baby yet, ha, though I do hope it happens for you soon. She's obviously super comfy in there.

Rose - you're so patient and organized!

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