Baby Henry is 10 days old and I finally have a second to write up my birth story! Henry is doing great, he had some issues with latching and breastfeeding most likely bc he was a bit early, but he is getting the hang of it and growing like a weed!
So for the story: I was originally due Dec. 4. But on the night of Monday Nov 14 I woke up at 5am with contractions. They were about 10 mins apart and steady. They stopped around 7am and I thought it was all over, but I was wrong! That day I started leaking a bit of fluid so the doc wanted me to go in and see if my waters broke. They found they had not broke and I was 2cm dilated 25% effaced. I was sent home.
The whole next day I felt fine, no contractions. But then Tuesday night at 10pm they started again. I timed them and they were between 7-8 mins apart ALL NIGHT LONG. I didn't sleep a wink. They were painful but not unbearable. The next day I continued having them and went to my obgyn who said I was 2cm 75% effaced. She said this might be early labor or it could stop and I might continue with the pregnancy.
Well later that night I took a warm bath to help ease the pain. Contractions were still going about 6-7 mins apart now. Then my husband and i laid in bed and talked. Suddenly I had a very painful contraction that wrapped around my back and then POP! i literally felt my water bag break and when I stood up it was gushing out! We started packing for the hospital and my contractions were now very very painful. We rushed out and drove 10 mins to the hospital. By the time we got there I was in agony!
They checked me and I was 100% effaced but only 2 cm. I was writhing in pain but said I should wait until 3cm for the epidural. Contractions were 2-3 mins apart. I labored naturally for an hour and a half until I was 3cm. Then I got the glorious epidural. It was about midnight at this point. I progressed very quickly after the epidural and by 3am I was 10cm. But they wanted the baby to come down more b4 pushing. So at 5am I started pushing. I pushed for an hour and a half and then baby Henry was born! He was 6lbs 7oz.
Overall the labor and birth was a great experience. I thank God for modern medicine and the epidural though bc I dont know how I could have labored for that long without it. After the waters broke I had back and front labor so it was very painful. Like a belt of knives.
After birth Henry had some trouble with BFing but after seeing a few lactation consultants he is doing great! He has already gained back his birth weight.
I wish all you ladies the best of luck and hope everything goes smoothly. And congrats to everyone who already had their babies!