She'll be three in June. My little Aurora. She's got the dreaded threenager attitude already. How about you?
Mine is 3 and a half. Def Miss Independent once she hit the three age. She is pure joy and can't wait to see her with a sibling or more.
She'll be three in June. My little Aurora. She's got the dreaded threenager attitude already. How about you?
The line looks great bubbles.
I just wiped and had some brown blood. only other time I've had blood in my pregnancies it was a chemical.
We had our first scan today!
I was less nervous as I thought I would be so that was great. We had a really tough night last night though so I'm kind of a mess. DH just let me nap and hour and a half while he was with Abigail, and now they're both asleep LOL.
Anyhoo, we have a tiny heartbeat! It was so amazing to see! My doctor this time does things a bit differently than m previous one, so next week we go back to a technician who will give us a date.
I'm pretty sure today I'm 6+4 going by ovulation, we'll see next week.
I think this will be another girl, DH does as well. Can't wait until we get that far! Seems like so far away!
My hcg came back at 1008. I think I am 5w1d but possibly 4w6d as FF gave me dotted crosshairs and this was a long cycle. I know this number is in normal range but I wish it was a bit higher. Will go for follow up blood work in a couple days.
Hi girls! Scan went well and we got to see little peanut's heart beat! I'm measuring 6 weeks and due date is a day later, now Dec 2nd. His heartbeat was 120. I'm so blown away! Really hope this little peanut sticks.
We share a scan day Bubbles!
I think my easy streak is over. Woke up with aversion to all food and slight nausea. Headed into a job interview now and then home to nap! Hopefully I'll eat sometime today.