**December Snowflakes - 2016**

I'm a little envious of you US ladies getting your beta levels done. Here in the UK we don't get betas unless there is real doubt about the pregnancy or if you've had assisted reproduction of some kind. I'm seeing my GP Tuesday, with my Endo history and the constant cramps I'm hoping he'll send me for an early scan - I need to know little bean is ok ASAP.

That's the same as here. I only get beta levels done because I'm at high risk of miscarriage, have unexplained bleeding and I lost a baby in February. I wish I didn't need the levels. Hope your GP gets you in for a scan!
I only get betas because I have had confirmed miscarriages and am considered high-risk because I have a Progesterone deficiency during pregnancy and I also have a friable cervix. Trust me betas are not something I wish I needed...it raises my anxiety a ton to wait on results.
Hi everyone! Hoping I can join this thread. I got my first BFP last week (first preg!!) and due to being super irregular, got in to see my MW right away. By LMP I was 10 weeks, but I had a really off cycle and after 2 BFN, I had no idea where I was. She did a trans-vag US that she said showed I was either really early or had a non-viable pregnancy. She drew betas and I just found out that my HCG went from 990 to 2660 in 48h so she is hopeful that I am just super early! Estimating a due date of 12/10 based on what little she could see, but I go for an U/S next week to confirm dates and viability. After all the uncertainty with the first U/S, I am nervous that there will be even more since I'll only be 6 weeks 3 days for the second U/S. Does anyone have experience with an U/S around 6 weeks? She said if they don't hear a heartbeat, they will just have me come back the next week to check, but she wants to make sure the pregnancy is at least progressing. SO hard not to worry and overanalyze every little thing- especially having never gone through any of this. Reading through this thread has been so helpful though. So far, my only symptoms are sore boobs and cramping for the past 2 weeks (no blood), so really hoping this little bean is sticking good and growing big. Thinking of everyone else waiting for lab results- the waiting is so stressful!
Hi everyone! Hoping I can join this thread. I got my first BFP last week (first preg!!) and due to being super irregular, got in to see my MW right away. By LMP I was 10 weeks, but I had a really off cycle and after 2 BFN, I had no idea where I was. She did a trans-vag US that she said showed I was either really early or had a non-viable pregnancy. She drew betas and I just found out that my HCG went from 990 to 2660 in 48h so she is hopeful that I am just super early! Estimating a due date of 12/10 based on what little she could see, but I go for an U/S next week to confirm dates and viability. After all the uncertainty with the first U/S, I am nervous that there will be even more since I'll only be 6 weeks 3 days for the second U/S. Does anyone have experience with an U/S around 6 weeks? She said if they don't hear a heartbeat, they will just have me come back the next week to check, but she wants to make sure the pregnancy is at least progressing. SO hard not to worry and overanalyze every little thing- especially having never gone through any of this. Reading through this thread has been so helpful though. So far, my only symptoms are sore boobs and cramping for the past 2 weeks (no blood), so really hoping this little bean is sticking good and growing big. Thinking of everyone else waiting for lab results- the waiting is so stressful!

With my oldest son I had an ultrasound at 6w3d. You could see the sac, and a little teeny white blob, my baby boy! I had to hold my breath, but when I did, you could see a slight flickering, which was the heartbeat. Good luck!
Hi everyone! Hoping I can join this thread. I got my first BFP last week (first preg!!) and due to being super irregular, got in to see my MW right away. By LMP I was 10 weeks, but I had a really off cycle and after 2 BFN, I had no idea where I was. She did a trans-vag US that she said showed I was either really early or had a non-viable pregnancy. She drew betas and I just found out that my HCG went from 990 to 2660 in 48h so she is hopeful that I am just super early! Estimating a due date of 12/10 based on what little she could see, but I go for an U/S next week to confirm dates and viability. After all the uncertainty with the first U/S, I am nervous that there will be even more since I'll only be 6 weeks 3 days for the second U/S. Does anyone have experience with an U/S around 6 weeks? She said if they don't hear a heartbeat, they will just have me come back the next week to check, but she wants to make sure the pregnancy is at least progressing. SO hard not to worry and overanalyze every little thing- especially having never gone through any of this. Reading through this thread has been so helpful though. So far, my only symptoms are sore boobs and cramping for the past 2 weeks (no blood), so really hoping this little bean is sticking good and growing big. Thinking of everyone else waiting for lab results- the waiting is so stressful!

Welcome and congrats! I just had a u/s at 6 weeks and we could see the heartbeat! Hopefully you will too :hugs:
Welcome Amari and congrats! I am sure everything will be just fine :)

AFM the MS has most def hit.. I can't even look at meat with out feeling nauseous and all day yesterday I had the feeling like I was going to ralph. I've been trying to eat a lot of fruits and veggies but I need some protein.. can't stand eggs right now either. Haven't been able to sleep the past couple nights despite feeling super tired. I wanted to grab a cheapie hpt from walmart last night just to see how dark the line was but I forgot lol I do like my new prenatals, they didn't seem to upset my stomach like my old ones did which means I don't have to try and remember to take them right before bed, I can take them whenever.

Any girls who had some bleeding have any updates?
DecemberWait I just noticed that your DD was born March 4th 2014, my DD was born March 1st 2014! I didn't realize we had little ones so close in age :)
Hope everyone is doing well. Praying for the ladies who have had bleeding. Please update up when you feel up to it. You are al in my thoughts. My heart breaks to hear such scary news.

Welcome to all the new preggos!! Our little group is not so little anymore! :haha:

I hit 5 weeks today. Yay! A lovely little milestone. I had my first doctors appointment. Really all that happened was he sent me away with a wack of paperwork to get lots of bloodwork done and he told me to come back in 2 weeks and he will send me for my first scan (probably around 8-10weeks)

I'm happy to wait since I really don't want to have it done and not see enough or have them tell me some thing stupid like they can't find a heart beat. I really don't want that stress. Plus by then baby should really look more like a baby and less like a cute blob so should make for awesome scan pictures!

How's everyone else doing? Still no MS for me yet. But my boobs are HUGE!
Hi ladies. I went in to the fertility clinic today for repeat blood work and another scan because the er report was wonky. They did see a sac measuring spot on 5 weeks, but that was it. She said it could be early still and a normal viable pregnancy, it could be a non viable pregnancy trying to miscarry or it could be an ectopic pregnancy with a psuedo sac. We won't know until next week when I go back in for another scan to see the yolk sac and fetal pole.
Hi ladies! I've just got my bfp today so hoping my little bean sticks :) due on 22nd December! So excited. I love Christmas time and what a wonderful gift!
I got my beta results today. At what I guess was 19dpo, my numbers were 1214. At what I guess was 22dpo my numbers were 3170.

They doubled which was great, but the doubling time could have been better, it was about 50 hours. Trying not to stress too much on that.

The doctor at the walk in clinic also referred me for an urgent early ultrasound to investigate bleeding and date the pregnancy. I hopefully will get in within the next 2 weeks. Wish me luck.

I think I'm about 5w3d today. 2 weeks since I found out about the pregnancy.
Good luck counting and Jrepp. It's very stressful to be in limbo, I know. Crossing fingers for you both.

BabyForIris - I had my first doc appt today too (in Toronto, no less) and was given/told the same thing, though my dating u/s is scheduled for next Monday, which puts me at 7 weeks. I was wondering whether the tech will let us see the u/s images. What do you think? Usually they're very secretive about it and don't say/show anything, just send the results to my doc. I'd hate to not be able to see it.

Feeling increasingly nauseous recently to the point where any kind of smell makes me really, really queasy. I just have to push through the nausea and eat anyway, which is usually fine. Really not looking forward to it getting worse, though.
Good luck counting and Jrepp. <3 I hope for the best for all you ladies in limbo right now.

Ashlyn is FINALLY cutting her first tooth! Explains her fussiness the past few nights. So happy. Also found some cute second-hand stuff at a shop I frequent. I may or may not have bought a neutral newborn onesie. :blush: I can't help it, baby clothes are addicting. I'm a little superstitious but I'm not worrying too much about it. We plan on having more regardless and it was $1 so can't complain.

Lower back discomfort is happening more frequently, especially if I stand or walk for a good while. That happened with Ashlyn too. Not a lot of sickness yet, I get waves of nausea but no crazy aversions have developed yet, though I'm not too fond of sweets right now (with Ashlyn they made me gag to even look at!). Very tired of course and still having really vivid dreams.

I can't wait for my scan on the 25th. I will probably have to go alone though; DH will be at work and my mom is going to be busy moving that day. Hopefully it's good news. I really don't want to be alone for bad news...never had a scan this early before either so I'm not sure what to expect.
Good luck counting and Jrepp. It's very stressful to be in limbo, I know. Crossing fingers for you both.

BabyForIris - I had my first doc appt today too (in Toronto, no less) and was given/told the same thing, though my dating u/s is scheduled for next Monday, which puts me at 7 weeks. I was wondering whether the tech will let us see the u/s images. What do you think? Usually they're very secretive about it and don't say/show anything, just send the results to my doc. I'd hate to not be able to see it.

Feeling increasingly nauseous recently to the point where any kind of smell makes me really, really queasy. I just have to push through the nausea and eat anyway, which is usually fine. Really not looking forward to it getting worse, though.

Jez - honestly it was highly anti climatic. He is usually the nicest person and when I told him why I was there he had the most inappropriate response. If it was anyone else and I was any less shocked I might have told him off. :gun:

Anyway, I'm trying to get over it.

I honestly don't know if they will show you. I would sure hope so!! Since it will be the first time you get to hear the heart beat or even see what's happening in there. I know usually (from what I've read) they turn the monior away to check. And if they don't find good news they say nothing or have someone (a dr) come in and give you the bad news. If they find a heart beat and everything is as it should be they call the hubby in and show you. I'm hoping that's the case. I'll make sure I ask my dr when I go back for my scan request.

Sorry MS has kicked in. Did it just start or has it been going on for a while? I haven't had any yet and I can't tell if it's just too early or what. Hang in there. :hugs:
I got my beta results today. At what I guess was 19dpo, my numbers were 1214. At what I guess was 22dpo my numbers were 3170.

They doubled which was great, but the doubling time could have been better, it was about 50 hours. Trying not to stress too much on that.

The doctor at the walk in clinic also referred me for an urgent early ultrasound to investigate bleeding and date the pregnancy. I hopefully will get in within the next 2 weeks. Wish me luck.

I think I'm about 5w3d today. 2 weeks since I found out about the pregnancy.

Hey just letting you know that's actually a great doubling time. Once you get over 1200miu the normal doubling time is 72-96 hours. So you actually beat the average, and the average 22dpo hcg level is 2398 so you are ahead of the average by quite a bit <3 I hope that makes you feel better!
Rose - I forgot to say welcome. Welcome!

Bubbles - congrats on Ashlyn's first tooth and sorry to hear about your back pain. I had terrible back pain a week or two ago and it was so nasty.

BabyForIris - my appt was definitely anti-climactic too. It was almost depressing. Not that I expected balloons, fireworks and a magician, but also didn't expect such a womp-womp either. How was your doc inappropriate? And I hope they will show me at the scan. I wasn't planning on bringing DH, though. Is it weird not to?
I got my beta results today. At what I guess was 19dpo, my numbers were 1214. At what I guess was 22dpo my numbers were 3170.

They doubled which was great, but the doubling time could have been better, it was about 50 hours. Trying not to stress too much on that.

The doctor at the walk in clinic also referred me for an urgent early ultrasound to investigate bleeding and date the pregnancy. I hopefully will get in within the next 2 weeks. Wish me luck.

I think I'm about 5w3d today. 2 weeks since I found out about the pregnancy.

Those numbers are actually really good! Usually when your Hcg is 1200-6000 it takes 3-4 days to double. :hugs:
I got my beta results today. At what I guess was 19dpo, my numbers were 1214. At what I guess was 22dpo my numbers were 3170.

They doubled which was great, but the doubling time could have been better, it was about 50 hours. Trying not to stress too much on that.

The doctor at the walk in clinic also referred me for an urgent early ultrasound to investigate bleeding and date the pregnancy. I hopefully will get in within the next 2 weeks. Wish me luck.

I think I'm about 5w3d today. 2 weeks since I found out about the pregnancy.

Hey just letting you know that's actually a great doubling time. Once you get over 1200miu the normal doubling time is 72-96 hours. So you actually beat the average, and the average 22dpo hcg level is 2398 so you are ahead of the average by quite a bit <3 I hope that makes you feel better!

Lol, jinx! We must have been typing at the same time bc I said the exact same thing!

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