**December Snowflakes - 2016**

I'm right there with you ladies on being hungry all the time! I gained 60lbs with DD and only lost 30-40 of it so I'm being very careful this time. It's so hard though when I can't feel like I can get enough! I'll take this over nausea any day though.
Does anyone here take DHA? I ran out of prenatals and went to the store and noticed some have DHA added to the vitamin. I asked a friend who just had a baby and she said she took DHA but just wondering if anyone here does?
Hey haven't been around much lately. Been moving and it's all consuming! Still haven't announced as we haven't had time to get the pics we want but it's gonna happen this week...I hope! Hope you all are well, can't believe we are all entering second tri!!! :happydance:

I know, I can't believe the second trimester is just about here! I'm confused on the cutoff for second tri--I've read 13.3 weeks and 14 weeks. I think I'll officially consider myself in the second tri on Friday when I'll be 14 weeks.

My uterus has been really achey lately and that and my hips feel like they've been having growing pains. It's picked up over the last several days so I'm hoping that means I'll be getting a legitimate bump soon! We told my MIL over the weekend and she touched my belly and said I'm starting to show already. And I was like, well the baby is much lower than that right now--that's just fat and bloat!

I've counted trimesters at 13 weeks 3 days each, so the second trimester starts at 13+3 and the third trimester starts at 26+6. Otherwise you have a 13 week trimester, a 14 week trimester and then a 13 week trimester. The inconsistency drives me crazy.

So... For some reason I'm really hesitant to join a thread like this, though I'm not certain why. I guess I've never made pregnancy friend attachments in my previous two pregnancies, and though I want to, I'm really nervous about it. And the thread is already over 100 pages...

So, Hi. I'm pregnant with my third. You might have noticed me lurking through the first trimester forum lately. I'm currently due Dec. 3rd. Though it's a bit flexible, apparently, as my first due date was Nov. 24th. I guess they will firm up the date at my next scan.

This pregnancy was a COMPLETE surprise, as I was on birth control pills at the time. Yet here I am.

Hi, and welcome. Joining a group like this is always scary because of so many people going through so many things. When is your next scan?

One day I was the same last night!! Nightmare. I am finding it so hard to get a good nights sleep at the moment. It feels like I'm never properly asleep as I keep waking up needing a wee or feeling uncomfortable. I've woken up with a really sore throat today so im worried about how I'll manage while feeling rubbish due to being ill and pregnant at the same time. I am so tired!

Me too! Between my 10 month old waking multiple times at night, a husband who wakes me up snoring and waking to pee, I think I only get about 4 hours of sleep. I've had a sore throat the past few days too. I wonder if its a hormone switch from first to second trimester.

Measuring 12+2 exactly and absolutely perfect ❤️. Seeing this little one wave and bounce around has absolutely melted my heart. Beyond excited now!

Awwww hi baby!

Welcome, Geneveve!

Wonderful scan, Grace!

So I think my nausea is pretty much gone now! Every once in awhile I feel a little sick, but the worst is definitely over. I can stomach sweets again and have had a few cravings even. Such a relief! I hope you ladies are starting to feel better too!

So jealous. I'm still hard core puking with no end in sight.

My OB's office called and I have a UTI. I thought I might but wasn't sure. Also been so stressed lately with the move and unpacking that I'm worried sick about the baby. I am sure it is irrational but I so wish I could see in there to check on the little sprout. :( Anxiety sucks!

Sorry about the UTI. Watch out for a yeast infection soon too. I told my husband I wanted to buy an ultrasound machine so I could check on the little bundle whenever I wanted to.

Great scan pic grace! Glad lots of you are feeling better.

Jezika - sorry your spotting has returned. That must be frustrating but baby has been fine up to this point so I'm sure everything will be fine.

Afm my symptoms of nausea have all gone which makes me think something bad has happened. I have no symptoms at all. I think 10 weeks is too early for that to happen. I have a scan tomorrow and so this day is going to drag.

It's such a double edged sword. You don't like it when the symptoms are there, but then freak out when they disappear. I do know of tons of women whose symptoms start fading at about 10 weeks and then pick back up later. Do you have a doppler at home to check on the wee one when you are nervous? How did the scan go?

Today is officially the start of the second trimester for me!! I have a scan on Monday, and if all goes well I'm going to announce to my co-workers on Tuesday. FX everything is still okay in there. The worry never stops, does it?

I admire you for holding on until 14 weeks!
I caved and told everyone on Tuesday.
The kids at school have started asking if I'm pregnant because the bloat is RIDICULOUS.

I told everyone on April 3rd after our second beta. I didn't want to wait in case something happened. When I was working the kids were asking me why I was getting fat LOL

Just wanted to check in and let you know I am having a healthy baby boy :) We got our NIPT results back and everything looks perfect <3

Congratulations! Boys are awesome

Thanks for the reassurance, guys. I ended up bleeding again in the evening and it was more than before so I paged my midwife today and she got me in for an ultrasound. Baby looked fine, growing as it should (two days ahead, actually), so that was a relief. They even printed me more pics. But I'm still anxious of course! I wish I knew the cause.

December - congrats!!!

Did they look for a subchorionic hematoma and check to make sure the placenta wasn't covering the cervix? Those are two very common reasons for bleeding in the first trimester.

Great scan counting! And glad everything is fine jezika. It must be very scary to be bleeding but reassuring to know it doesn't mean anything bad. Having said that I hope the bleeding stops soon.

Afm I had my scan this morning and it went really well! Baby was measuring right on track at 10 weeks 1 day and it was waving at us! So relieved as I was convinced something had happened as my symptoms went. I guess I'm just lucky! Here's a little pic I took with my toddler in it too!

That is adorable, and I may steal the idea for tomorrow.

Glad all is ok Laura.

My symptoms have gone too I feel it's very early with DS I was still feeling rough at 15/16 weeks. I finally have date for MW week on Thursday being fair they could have made it this Thursday but next Thursday suits better with work.

I have a hen do next weekend, need a blinking good excuse not to drink. Any really good ideas?

You could say that you have a UTI and can't drink while taking the antibiotics. Or that you are on a detox and are avoiding alcohol for a bit.

We announced on Facebook today! These are the pics we used! :)

That's adorable!

Joy that is a super cute idea! Also can you believe we are about to have one year olds?? So crazy!

Me too (well in 2 months......Luke was born late)

Bubbles, I really can't believe it. Where has this year gone?! It's kinda scary to think how fast time is going to fly once we have two.:wacko:

Right?!?!?! You already live basically in a few hour increments.....now those are going to be doubled and time is going to fly.

I was wondering what a hen do was too haha! Thank you for the explanation. In the US we call it a bachelorette party.

So I just about had a heart attack this morning - I cautiously stepped on the scale (which I've been avoiding cause I'm eating like a pig) and I've already gained 8.5 lbs. Holy cow, how did this happen?! I gained 50 Lbs with my son & luckily I lost it all but I'm on track to gain the same amount if not more this pregnancy. I've been insanely hungry so I guess I shouldn't be that shocked, it's just scary to actually see the numbers on the scale.:dohh:

Hahah. I totally don't really worry about the scale too much. Your body knows what it's doing and is going to gain the amount of weight you need for a healthy pregnancy and postpartum needs.

I'm right there with you ladies on being hungry all the time! I gained 60lbs with DD and only lost 30-40 of it so I'm being very careful this time. It's so hard though when I can't feel like I can get enough! I'll take this over nausea any day though.

I totally gained a bunch with Luke too. I lost 15 pounds in the first trimester, and wound up with an extra 48 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight. With this little tot, I was still 17 pounds above my original pre pregnancy weight gained like 4 pounds and then lost that and 10 more (so 14 pounds lost total). It'll all work out in the end.

Does anyone here take DHA? I ran out of prenatals and went to the store and noticed some have DHA added to the vitamin. I asked a friend who just had a baby and she said she took DHA but just wondering if anyone here does?

I don't because of an allergy, but most prenatals do have DHA in them. To be honest I don't take prenatals at all.

AFM: Had my NT scan on Friday and the baby was in a horrible position again so we couldn't get the measurement. The ultrasound tech was horrible and did nothing but jiggle my stomach ad then threw a hissy fit to check the placental location. She didn't do the scan she was supposed to to check out the cord and all that either. So I have to go back tomorrow at 11 to try for the 5th time to get the nuchal measurement. If baby isn't in a good position we are going to call it and just throw in additional testing in the second trimester.
Fortunately I haven't gained any weight so far. I am about 30lb heavier than I was when I fell pregnant with DS. So hoping to gain baby and not much more.

After this baby is born I will be using my mat leave to walk and loose the extra pounds I can't cart them about forever.
Ugh I'm sorry to hear your nausea is still bad and they are having so much trouble with the nuchal measurement, Jrepp. I hope they get it this time. And I really hope you stop getting sick soon, that really is the worst. :(
Does anyone here take DHA? I ran out of prenatals and went to the store and noticed some have DHA added to the vitamin. I asked a friend who just had a baby and she said she took DHA but just wondering if anyone here does?

My prenatal vitamins come from CVS and are a pack of 2 bottles, 1 pill of each bottle everyday. First pill is a multivitamin and multimeral complex, second pill is DHA (200mg). Hope this helps
Hi, and welcome. Joining a group like this is always scary because of so many people going through so many things. When is your next scan?

I'm still hard core puking with no end in sight.

I still don't have another scan date yet. Last pregnancy they did scans at 12 weeks and 21 weeks, but they seem to have skipped over my 12 week scan this time. I have an appointment scheduled for this Friday (June 10th), so hopefully they will schedule me one for very soon after.

...also, I'm with you on the puking thing. I've spent most of the day at work today trying REALLY hard not to throw up, meanwhile EVERYTHING makes me start gagging... ug. I really hope this goes away soon.
So, I posted this over on the Second Trimester board, but it's not getting responses, and I am so needy and upset right now.

I have an hour ride to work each day, and an hour ride back. Last pregnancy I had issues with my hips and had to go out of work early (only 2 weeks) because I couldn't sit in one position for that long without moving.

Well, this morning I'm riding to work and literally CRYING from my hips hurting the whole way in. And I'm only at 14 weeks. I'm so upset and not sure what to do.
Hi ladies, I had my second scan today and everything looked great! Measured on track and was moving all around, heart rate was 170.


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Genevevex, in my last pregnancy I had severe hip and pelvic pain at around 18 weeks. It literally felt like my hips were out of alignment and it was extremely painful to sit, stand or lay down for long periods of time. The only thing that helped relieve the pain was icing the area, but it was tough to get to cause the pain was so deep in my pelvic bone. I practically had to sit on the ice pack to get to the right spot.

I was terrified that the pain would last through my whole pregnancy but it eventually passed after a few weeks. I think the baby was just in a funny position and finally moved. I hope it gets better for you too. If not then I would definitely mention it to your dr. I think they have support belts that can help relieve the pressure on your hips.
Jrepp - I don't have a Doppler and not sure it would be a good idea for me as if just panic if I couldn't find the heartbeat and make it worse! Luckily the scan went fine so it gave me confidence that symptoms don't mean an awful lot. I hope you get somewhere with the nuchal measurement.

I really feel for all of you still suffering from sickness. I had nausea but wasn't actually sick so I guess I'm lucky. I hope you all feel better very soon. It's good that we are all moving on with the pregnancies though so it should subside soon!

Scoobydrip - congrats on a great scan! Glad everything went well!

Genevevex - I don't really have any advice but I really hope the hip pain is short lived. From what I hear, symptoms like that come and go so I'm sure you will get some relief soon. I know that's not very encouraging when you're in agony.
So, I posted this over on the Second Trimester board, but it's not getting responses, and I am so needy and upset right now.

I have an hour ride to work each day, and an hour ride back. Last pregnancy I had issues with my hips and had to go out of work early (only 2 weeks) because I couldn't sit in one position for that long without moving.

Well, this morning I'm riding to work and literally CRYING from my hips hurting the whole way in. And I'm only at 14 weeks. I'm so upset and not sure what to do.

Have you been to a chiropractor? I go every couple weeks to one that specializes in prenatal care.
Jrepp - I don't have a Doppler and not sure it would be a good idea for me as if just panic if I couldn't find the heartbeat and make it worse! Luckily the scan went fine so it gave me confidence that symptoms don't mean an awful lot. I hope you get somewhere with the nuchal measurement.

I really feel for all of you still suffering from sickness. I had nausea but wasn't actually sick so I guess I'm lucky. I hope you all feel better very soon. It's good that we are all moving on with the pregnancies though so it should subside soon!

Scoobydrip - congrats on a great scan! Glad everything went well!

Genevevex - I don't really have any advice but I really hope the hip pain is short lived. From what I hear, symptoms like that come and go so I'm sure you will get some relief soon. I know that's not very encouraging when you're in agony.

I have a Doppler and haven't ever been able to find the heartbeat, which has caused tons of anxiety! I tried this morning before my scan and got nothing but she was doing just fine on the ultrasound. Not sure I'll be using mine anytime soon. Not sure why I can't find the hb--it's really frustrating!
I am going to get my Doppler this week. I won't use it until the day of my scan though just in case I can't find the HB as its still early. I know I'll just panic all week otherwise!

I felt a bit better today and then threw up my dinner.. Argh!! Luckily, hubby didn't finish his so I finished it for him :haha: it's so weird this sickness - I didn't even feel that sick but could feel I was going to be, and afterwards I was hungry again. I remember having a few dinners like that with my first pregnancy.

The weather is so hot today, I really struggled at work. Although I love nice warm weather it sucks when you're stuck in a hot office!
I've been humming hawing over buying a doppler. Do you guys think it is worth it?
I bought one and have been using it everyday from week 12 or so. The first few times I used it I had a hard time finding the heartbeat, but now I can find it in a few seconds. I find it works better if I use a ton of lube and I am lying down flat on my back. I also figured out that you have to kind of move the doppler around even in one place - like turn it sideways or angle it a tiny bit. Even just a tenth of an inch difference in angle can mean the difference between hearing and not hearing the HB. Also make sure you are low on your stomach, you would be surprised how low baby is right now he is way below your belly button and close to the public bone.

Maybe you can try bringing the doppler with you to the doctor and they can show you how to find the HB with it at the office.

Hope that helps anyone trying to use one!
I'm sure getting a heart beat before 18 weeks is very might work, might not. By then you might be able to find some movement.

I've also experienced a wm pick up what sounded like a HB to me, no that's your pulse.

I was hospitalized for a week towards the end of my last pregnancy. To avoid spreading my bugs they left a doppier in my room never was I actually tempted to try using it alone. Too scared of panicking over nothing. So no I honestly can't see me being tempted to buy one.
MrsRose, that's one reason I won't get a Doppler. I would love one, but I'd freak out hardcore if I couldn't find a hb!
MrsRose, that's one reason I won't get a Doppler. I would love one, but I'd freak out hardcore if I couldn't find a hb!

Yep, I promised myself I wouldn't freak out if I couldn't find it but that's just impossible to do. So for now, I'm putting it away! :dohh:
I have a doppler and used one for last pregnancy as well. I couldn't honestly handle pregnancy without one. Before 12 weeks the heartbeat can be tricky, but I use it daily and I am actually better at finding the heart beat than obgyn and nurses. They struggle... last pregnancy they started handing it to me at heartbeat checks....haha(anterior placenta made finding it extremely tricky)

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