You may very well be right... It has been three months since we have been ttc and due to wanting to help the sperm along I have been choosing to fall asleep right after. It hasn't been a problem before but it may have irritated me this time. I am completely fine today I am so glad ! It was super uncomfortable at the time !!! Thanks for your advice

fx for you about the nausea !!!
ummm...totally unscientific advice, but try eating lots of plain yogurt and drinking pure cranberry juice just to keep all the "right" kinds of bacteria working well. Otherwise see your doctor about possible yeast infection - I've had them a few times and it's no big deal really. Just treat and move on (but see your doctor first if you've never had one just to be sure). And, yes, I've heard that we are supposed to always go pee after sex and wipe things down, but obviously not when TTC!!!