December Testers, come here! PLEASE SANTA! BRING US BFP'S! ** 145 Testers, 38 BFPs**

Kit and aleas: cd 4 for me. Should be finished with af by the end of tomorrow. Praying all of this baby making material arrives in the mail within the next few days so we can use it in time lol! We have literally had sex every single day after af for three months stopping a week before af so not sure what to think. Hoping the ov and temping can pin point when the heck I'm ovulating and I don't ever have cm other than creamy after ov so thinking pre seed might help.

Agreed about missionary. I honestly don't enjoy it all that much( which doesn't help) plus I feel like it isn't as "deep" TMI as doggie style. Who knows !?!???

Nice to have someone so close to my cd. Guess I know who to follow!

Good luck :-) I am only CD2 so have another 3 or 4 days of AF yet, but ill start taking CBFM test sticks soon and keep an eye out for the peak :-)

Plan this month is just to BD as much as possible around when I expect to ovulate and I might order some preseed too - I've used it before, but at the min I don't seem to be getting EWCM so maybe it'll help.

I don't temp because my temps are too erratic for it to work, but I've had a success with the CBFM before so fingers crossed!

We usually prefer doggie style too, maybe ill try the pillow under the bum for 30 mins afterwards method though lol :haha:

If I do ovulate early enough we might be able to start testing in this month still - ill update when I know ovulation date :-)

I definitely agree it's best to relax!! My fiancé and I just had fun with it, did it whenever we wanted. It just turns out we did it the most around ovulation. I'm taking the digital tomorrow because I just can't wait lol. I'm hoping my fiancé has enough service down in West Virginia so he can FaceTime with me because I can't wait to tell him lol.

We mostly do doggie as well. I think it feels the best anyway. And I wouldn't worry about waiting either. I never did, maybe a couple minutes, just because I hate that feeling hahah. I usually rush to the bathroom right away to clean up.
Keep calm ladies. Maybe it would do us all good to just relax. I have decided that I'm not going to chart etc as I feel it will make me go crazy. Just plan on keeping an eye on periods and expected ovulation dates and DTD when possible.
Really praying for you all for Christmas miracles . Can't wait for testing days, it's nice to know regardless of the outcome we aren't going through this alone and it's an honour to be part of people journies x

besides writing notes In my journal, I didn't track anything using opks or temping. After 2chemicals, I figured maybe that was just adding stress and making things worse for me. I went by my norm O dates and what my O calendar said and just made sure I bd'ed every other day for my fertile period. Hope this works! One thing I know is I have never felt better during a cycle. I am so positive and hopeful and I even have it in my mind that if this isn't my month, next month will be (bcuz my next O date would be Christmas!) lol so I know I won't feel as let down as usual. This month just feels good. GL and baby dust to u!
Aidensmommy..... Im sorry im so f`ing irritated right now, i just wrote a whole thing to you and my phone freaked out and lost everything i wrote. So heres my update... cause im too irritated to write everything again right now.... sorry :(

Nov 18-21 AF
Cd5 bd
Cd6 bd
Cd7 bd
Cd8 bd
Cd9 bd, crabby!
Cd10 bd, crabby yet increased sex drive,Ovulation?
Cd11 bd, very minimal cramping while in bed in the p.m. wouldn't even tell if I wasn't paying such close attention
Cd12 bd, same as cd11
Cd13 bd, No out of the ordinary symptoms
Cd14 bd, dizzy spell, light cramping at night
Cd15 bd, cramping more, cervix high and soft, lotion like CM, dizzy spell during the day
Cd16 bd, cervix high and soft, closed? Can barely barely reach it, only can reach it if I push like I'm pooping then I can just feel the tip of my cervix (sorry TMI) cramping on and off all day, pink tinge when wiped in p.m. twice but almost not noticeable, tired yet restless.
Cd17 cervix high, can't tell if it's soft or hard, open or closed because my cervix is too high, slept awful last night with weird dreams, awful hot flashes this morning and irriatable, No bowel movement yet this morning which is odd, usually immediately in the a.m. (sorry TMI), nipples are puffy, dh noticed and oh yes they are definitely puffy, Back spasms..

i actually puked not too long ago but me and dh were arguing, which is not like us.... crabby much?Lol. shortly after i just broke into tears.. idk whats going on,.. I hope that was pregnancy puking and not just because we were arging. I never ever ever puke! Some mild cramping... hope everything is okay and a good sign. I am just soooooooooooooooo irritated... idk why, this isnt like me...

ive been crying over happy movies! Its def weird! I hope u feel better and that its for a good reason!! And omg I k ow what u mean. I come on here w my phone too and sometimes it'll die after I write a fricken book! Sooo annoying! I really hope the irratation goes away soon but then again, irritability is a sign of pregnancy! Fingers crossed!!
I just know it'll be all time consuming for me and all I think about and besides I don't want my OH to only feel like a baby maker hahah.
Oh I'm glad your feeling so positive - Defintely makes things easier!

My friend said to me once - Dream, Believe, Receive! And I try to live by this now.

Oh my god - Good luck and keep us updated. I agree with Doggie and also cleaning up can't stand it hahah. Big gloppy sticky mess hahah. X
Joining this thread! I will be trying to hold out testing until the 10th/11th of December. Af due the 13th Right now I am 5dpo. Have had cramps since 3dpo on and off and headaches and been tired! Also constipated and very gassy. (Sorry tmi)
Hi all updates to Page 95 written down. Will update after my ultrasound tomorrow.
Joining this thread! I will be trying to hold out testing until the 10th/11th of December. Af due the 13th Right now I am 5dpo. Have had cramps since 3dpo on and off and headaches and been tired! Also constipated and very gassy. (Sorry tmi)

There is no TMI in the TWW! :D hehehehe

<---gassy also, 2DPO
Joining this thread! I will be trying to hold out testing until the 10th/11th of December. Af due the 13th Right now I am 5dpo. Have had cramps since 3dpo on and off and headaches and been tired! Also constipated and very gassy. (Sorry tmi)

:rofl: we are a very candid group of people. There is nothing off limits here. Welcome btw, and good luck!
Hello :) I'd like to join in on this thread if possible?

Hope this is the right place to maybe find some comfort and someone to talk to, don't want to speak to my other half just yet as if I am pregnant, it'll be a xmas surprise for him :)

Not really sure how to go about this as this is my first ever post on here so hope I've done this correctly! I'm due on December 9th but it's really taking all my willpower not to cave and test early. The past 5-6 days have been increasingly unusual for me, heavy and tender tingly feeling breasts, sore throat, random waves of nausea, acid reflux, HICCUPS?! Everyday at least once a day! and on top of that, no matter how much I sleep... I'm knackered!

Hope some of you lovely ladies can tell me how this is sounding so far as I'm completely clueless! And of course I hope everyone gets their xmas BFPs :) xx
Hello :) I'd like to join in on this thread if possible?

Hope this is the right place to maybe find some comfort and someone to talk to, don't want to speak to my other half just yet as if I am pregnant, it'll be a xmas surprise for him :)

Not really sure how to go about this as this is my first ever post on here so hope I've done this correctly! I'm due on December 9th but it's really taking all my willpower not to cave and test early. The past 5-6 days have been increasingly unusual for me, heavy and tender tingly feeling breasts, sore throat, random waves of nausea, acid reflux, HICCUPS?! Everyday at least once a day! and on top of that, no matter how much I sleep... I'm knackered!

Hope some of you lovely ladies can tell me how this is sounding so far as I'm completely clueless! And of course I hope everyone gets their xmas BFPs :) xx

Doing great so far! Welcome :happydance: it sounds pretty promising. What all did you do in ttc this month?
hi ladies have a quick question??? so the dip a couple days ago look like an implantation dip??? I am 10dpo
My Ovulation Chart
hi ladies have a quick question??? so the dip a couple days ago look like an implantation dip??? I am 10dpo
My Ovulation Chart

Ooooh! :) Looks like it could be!
Hello :) I'd like to join in on this thread if possible?

Hope this is the right place to maybe find some comfort and someone to talk to, don't want to speak to my other half just yet as if I am pregnant, it'll be a xmas surprise for him :)

Not really sure how to go about this as this is my first ever post on here so hope I've done this correctly! I'm due on December 9th but it's really taking all my willpower not to cave and test early. The past 5-6 days have been increasingly unusual for me, heavy and tender tingly feeling breasts, sore throat, random waves of nausea, acid reflux, HICCUPS?! Everyday at least once a day! and on top of that, no matter how much I sleep... I'm knackered!

Hope some of you lovely ladies can tell me how this is sounding so far as I'm completely clueless! And of course I hope everyone gets their xmas BFPs :) xx

Doing great so far! Welcome :happydance: it sounds pretty promising. What all did you do in ttc this month?

Thanks :) We've just relaxed the whole thing, tried not to think about it and DTD every day or so. We're very active in that sense (TMI haha) :blush: how is your baby journey coming along?
hi ladies have a quick question??? so the dip a couple days ago look like an implantation dip??? I am 10dpo
My Ovulation Chart

Ooooh! :) Looks like it could be!

so excited to hear that as I have never really had anything like that. AF is do today and so far no sign of her, but I ovulated late so I'm not sure if that extends the length of my cycle

also if it was an implantation dip when would it be able to show up on hpt???
Hello :) I'd like to join in on this thread if possible?

Hope this is the right place to maybe find some comfort and someone to talk to, don't want to speak to my other half just yet as if I am pregnant, it'll be a xmas surprise for him :)

Not really sure how to go about this as this is my first ever post on here so hope I've done this correctly! I'm due on December 9th but it's really taking all my willpower not to cave and test early. The past 5-6 days have been increasingly unusual for me, heavy and tender tingly feeling breasts, sore throat, random waves of nausea, acid reflux, HICCUPS?! Everyday at least once a day! and on top of that, no matter how much I sleep... I'm knackered!

Hope some of you lovely ladies can tell me how this is sounding so far as I'm completely clueless! And of course I hope everyone gets their xmas BFPs :) xx

Doing great so far! Welcome :happydance: it sounds pretty promising. What all did you do in ttc this month?

Thanks :) We've just relaxed the whole thing, tried not to think about it and DTD every day or so. We're very active in that sense (TMI haha) :blush: how is your baby journey coming along?

Lol. It seems we are all pretty active in the :sex: department! My baby journey has been a whirlwind. I've been ttc since June. Had miscarriages in July and technically October (conception occurred September 26, miscarried October 18). I started using progesterone dream OTC today at 3dpo, and hope this will solve my problem sustaining a pregnancy. How long have you been trying?
hi ladies have a quick question??? so the dip a couple days ago look like an implantation dip??? I am 10dpo
My Ovulation Chart

Ooooh! :) Looks like it could be!

so excited to hear that as I have never really had anything like that. AF is do today and so far no sign of her, but I ovulated late so I'm not sure if that extends the length of my cycle

also if it was an implantation dip when would it be able to show up on hpt???

Your luteal phase is consistent, so if you ovulated late, your period would arrive late if you aren't pregnant. In my experiences, I got a positive 4 days after my second rise. It takes 2-3 days after implantation to show positive on a blood test and another 2-3 days for a urine test, so between 4 and 6 days.
Thank you ladies! I'm gonna test again Thursday and Saturday. My fiancé will probably be home from the gas wells on Sunday and I plan on taking a FRER for him to see :) I'm gonna be cautious this time an try to keep it to myself. We went crazy last time and told the whole world and I miscarried :( so it was very difficult for us. Looks like is be due in August so I'll be about 6 1/2 months pregnant at my wedding lol

Congratulations and good luck!!! :happydance:
Hello :) I'd like to join in on this thread if possible?

Hope this is the right place to maybe find some comfort and someone to talk to, don't want to speak to my other half just yet as if I am pregnant, it'll be a xmas surprise for him :)

Not really sure how to go about this as this is my first ever post on here so hope I've done this correctly! I'm due on December 9th but it's really taking all my willpower not to cave and test early. The past 5-6 days have been increasingly unusual for me, heavy and tender tingly feeling breasts, sore throat, random waves of nausea, acid reflux, HICCUPS?! Everyday at least once a day! and on top of that, no matter how much I sleep... I'm knackered!

Hope some of you lovely ladies can tell me how this is sounding so far as I'm completely clueless! And of course I hope everyone gets their xmas BFPs :) xx

Doing great so far! Welcome :happydance: it sounds pretty promising. What all did you do in ttc this month?

Thanks :) We've just relaxed the whole thing, tried not to think about it and DTD every day or so. We're very active in that sense (TMI haha) :blush: how is your baby journey coming along?

Lol. It seems we are all pretty active in the :sex: department! My baby journey has been a whirlwind. I've been ttc since June. Had miscarriages in July and technically October (conception occurred September 26, miscarried October 18). I started using progesterone dream OTC today at 3dpo, and hope this will solve my problem sustaining a pregnancy. How long have you been trying?

I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriages, I'll have my fingers crossed for you that you'll have a sticky little one in your next pregnancy! :thumbup:

We've been trying since August to no avail, the only thing that's been changing is AF has been lighter and shorter in every cycle since September so it's been a bit confusing but never had that BFP. :(

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