December Testers, come here! PLEASE SANTA! BRING US BFP'S! ** 145 Testers, 38 BFPs**

Nov 18-21 AF
Cd5 bd
Cd6 bd
Cd7 bd
Cd8 bd
Cd9 bd, crabby!
Cd10 bd, crabby yet increased sex drive,Ovulation?
Cd11 bd, very minimal cramping while in bed in the p.m. wouldn't even tell if I wasn't paying such close attention
Cd12 bd, same as cd11
Cd13 bd, No out of the ordinary symptoms
Cd14 bd, dizzy spell, light cramping at night
Cd15 bd, cramping more, cervix high and soft, lotion like CM, dizzy spell during the day
Cd16 bd, cervix high and soft, closed? Can barely barely reach it, only can reach it if I push like I'm pooping then I can just feel the tip of my cervix (sorry TMI) cramping on and off all day, pink tinge when wiped in p.m. twice but almost not noticeable, tired yet restless.
Cd17 cervix high, can't tell if it's soft or hard, open or closed because my cervix is too high, slept awful last night with weird dreams, awful hot flashes this morning and irriatable, No bowel movement yet this morning which is odd, usually immediately in the a.m. (sorry TMI), nipples are puffy, dh noticed and oh yes they are definitely puffy, Back spasms, sneezing spells, i actually puked not too long ago but me and dh were arguing, which is not like us.... crabby much? Lol. I hope that was pregnancy puking and not just because we were arging. I never ever ever puke! Some mild cramping... hope everything is okay and a good sign..
Cd18 very stuffy nose today, headache, weird pregnancy dreams- probably due to me thinking about it, woke up a lot throughout the night, my nipples hurt soooo bad- can't even wear a bra, sneezing spells which I never sneeze- no allergies, main thing is my nipples are soooooooo puffy!

Lots of BDing because we are determined.

AF due dec. 15
Nov 18-21 AF
Cd18 very stuffy nose today, headache, weird pregnancy dreams- probably due to me thinking about it, woke up a lot throughout the night, my nipples hurt soooo bad- can't even wear a bra, sneezing spells which I never sneeze- no allergies, main thing is my nipples are soooooooo puffy!

Lots of BDing because we are determined.

AF due dec. 15

aleas - my AF is due Dec 15th, too!

Babydust to us both! <3 The sore nips sound like a great symptom.
I'm dying in the 2ww. I am trying to remain positive but I took a test 6dpo and 7dpo and of course, BFN. I know, I know. Way too early. But still! I have absolutely no symptoms at all! Not even made up ones.

It's now 8dpo (at 3am) and I am not going to test again until 10dpo (Saturday). I really don't want to see AF!

lol dont feel bad about testing early..i think almost everyone does it sometimes. I actually just tested this a.m at 7dpo too lol. It was an 88cent test though and I knew it'd be BFN but I lost control I guess. I was originally planning to test no earlier then tomorrow or Saturday but didn't lol. Good luck! Keep me updated! I def still have hope bcuz it was extremely early! LOTS OF BABY DUST TO YOU!!!

Oh yea, what appeared to be an evap line showed up within 3-5mins of taking the test...can anyone explain more about evap lines to me? I always thought the test had to b dry before evaps show up. I'm not thinking too much into it but just curious about ur personal experiences w evap lines and how long they took to show up..thanks ladies!
Nov 18-21 AF
Cd5 bd
Cd6 bd
Cd7 bd
Cd8 bd
Cd9 bd, crabby!
Cd10 bd, crabby yet increased sex drive,Ovulation?
Cd11 bd, very minimal cramping while in bed in the p.m. wouldn't even tell if I wasn't paying such close attention
Cd12 bd, same as cd11
Cd13 bd, No out of the ordinary symptoms
Cd14 bd, dizzy spell, light cramping at night
Cd15 bd, cramping more, cervix high and soft, lotion like CM, dizzy spell during the day
Cd16 bd, cervix high and soft, closed? Can barely barely reach it, only can reach it if I push like I'm pooping then I can just feel the tip of my cervix (sorry TMI) cramping on and off all day, pink tinge when wiped in p.m. twice but almost not noticeable, tired yet restless.
Cd17 cervix high, can't tell if it's soft or hard, open or closed because my cervix is too high, slept awful last night with weird dreams, awful hot flashes this morning and irriatable, No bowel movement yet this morning which is odd, usually immediately in the a.m. (sorry TMI), nipples are puffy, dh noticed and oh yes they are definitely puffy, Back spasms, sneezing spells, i actually puked not too long ago but me and dh were arguing, which is not like us.... crabby much? Lol. I hope that was pregnancy puking and not just because we were arging. I never ever ever puke! Some mild cramping... hope everything is okay and a good sign..
Cd18 very stuffy nose today, headache, weird pregnancy dreams- probably due to me thinking about it, woke up a lot throughout the night, my nipples hurt soooo bad- can't even wear a bra, sneezing spells which I never sneeze- no allergies, main thing is my nipples are soooooooo puffy!

Lots of BDing because we are determined.

AF due dec. 15

I took a nap at 11am today and had a dream that I got a BFP. Its probably because that's all I can think about but gives me some more hope. Its not fair how close early pregnancy and pms symptoms are!! Its enough to make a woman with baby fever go crazy!! I have a really good feeling about you this month..idk, I just reallyyy do! Keep me posted! Gosh I hope this is out month!
I took a nap at 11am today and had a dream that I got a BFP. Its probably because that's all I can think about but gives me some more hope. Its not fair how close early pregnancy and pms symptoms are!! Its enough to make a woman with baby fever go crazy!! I have a really good feeling about you this month..idk, I just reallyyy do! Keep me posted! Gosh I hope this is out month!
Aidensmommy, i have been thinking of you all day! Do you have any new symptoms? I really hope this is our month! I really have a lot of hope for you too! Seems like we may have did it though. I am on the verge of puking right now... uhhhh. When i had DS i had morning sickness the whoooooooollllllllleeeeeee time! All 9 mo.. everyday, all day. Lets hope that doesnt happen again! When are you going to test?
I'm becoming excited seeing all your ladies signs that i'm forgetting I am meant to be testing myself in the next 4/5 Days if AF doesn't show her ugly face!!

Out of curiosity ladies, what is the earliest someone has got their BFP? I really think when you are pregnant you just have this feeling and you know. I did when I fell with my DD.

I am hoping when it's my turn that we get a blue one to complete the set :blue:

Magic Baby Dust to you ALL.
Not particularly - I've been a little gassy but that's it - I'm only 3DPO so not a lot going on yet. :)
Not particularly - I've been a little gassy but that's it - I'm only 3DPO so not a lot going on yet. :)
I am on cd18. Not sure when i exactly O. I give you tons of baby dust your way! Make sure to catch some! And btw i tend to O very early, approx cd10/11. Pleaase keep us updated with any signs.
wow this thread is moving fast..........
congratulations to all the BFP and hugs to all the ladies the witch has caught,

getting ready for a busy weekend treading my DD to girly weekend and heading to pop concert tomorrow although gales, wind and snow are freaking me as need to get to train station and don't do winter driving :-( be good to get some quality time just me and her though :-)

AFM I am now 9dpo and absolute no symptoms which doesn't really surprise me as not had active month with OH being away did catch day after 'o' but think OH arrived home day too late :-(
what I have had is nice dip in temp then a rise, woke with really bad throat and stuffy nose at 7,8 and 9 dpo ok through day just mainly when i wake then sore throat lingers and last 4 days had creamy cm did also have brown tinge on toilet paper at 7dpo. Did cave in and test with cheapy and of course BFN think will try leave it till monday now and enjoy my weekend.

Good luck ladies,

and any opinions on my chart are greatly appreciated :-)
and just realized my solid line has gone?????
HGsurvivor, Please tell me to bugger off if this is too personal, but may I ask why you decided on such a large age gap before TTC again? Also really sorry to hear you OH wasn't around I don't really know when I ovulated but I don't think we got it in time as my partner has been away alot too.

My test date will probably be Dec 10th or 11th. who else will be doing it around then? I don't think this is the month though. Just a niggly feeling. I'm excited for all you ladies though & my heart goes out to the ones who haven't been lucky this month.
HGsurvivor, Please tell me to bugger off if this is too personal, but may I ask why you decided on such a large age gap before TTC again?

My test date will probably be Dec 10th or 11th. who else will be doing it around then? I don't think this is the month though. Just a niggly feeling. I'm excited for all you ladies though & my heart goes out to the ones who haven't been lucky this month.

Bugger off.........LOL

Course I don't mean it :hugs:

TBH i didn't ever think I would be back. We had the perfect wedding fell pregnant 4th cycle BFP then week after I started puking was hospitalized at 5 wekks then on and off for 9 months I wanted my pregnancy to be so special and I was diagnosed with hyperemisis (eventually) I was treated appallingly told I had morning sickness until late on and was too late as no meds would touch it. I then had really bad labour and had a massive clot again treated poorly,. I was told at one point my liver was so damaged due to sickness it was on a par with an alcoholic but they continued to say it was psychological. For years I couldn't even look at another baby and really detested them, luckily not my daughter :-) anyway its a whole massive story of highs and lows! But last summer I began thinking of babies and how I hate seeing my daughter as an only child she was also becoming aware that all her friends now had siblings and she broke down one day and sobbed her heart out about being an only child. I started reading up on HG and I think self counselling myself in away and we decided we could do this again I know it will be hard but for as hard as these 9 months will be (as pretty much gaurenteed to get it again, and usually worse with every pregnancy!) but we will have years of happiness to make up far it. It is proving more stressful as we are 8 years older and on to cycle 6 and also hubs works away I just want a BFP so I can get on with this pregnancy! I have been on loads of vitamins since Jan, met with my local nurse and midwife at start of the year to talk about my worries although by the sounds of things their knowledge of HG is much the same and she wanted to talk about diet rather than any kind of protocol they would be willing to put in place. At this point in time I am is strong minded as I can be and will set out to take no crap but once HG takes over your pregnancy you sadly loose your fight and determination but fingers crossed :-)

Anyway that's the short story! you will be telling me to bugger off now LOL

Also a close friend of mine who suffered 3 failed IVF and was told they would never conceive naturally and now had 3 bambinos all natural told me to go for it or I may regret not even trying so here we are for round 2!

and ladies anything is possible! x
Reading that gave me goosebumps! What a horrible experience for you. Pregnancy is supposed to be a joyous time and when your struggling through it with so many difficulties then it's hard to enjoy and appreciate it. Really hoping that you don't suffer so bad this time round. But with determination, strength and love from your DD and hubs you can get through anything!

I was told I had gestational diabetes when pregnant with my daughter and had so many tests fortnightly appointments additional scans. They terrified me telling me she was going to be a whopper and she was 6lb 7ozs hahah. Had a horrible ordeal with my midwife who delivered her. The instant I got there she tutted me and told me first babies never come early and just looking at you I can tell this is a false alarm. - sure enough after being examined I was 7cms and she was born within 2 & half hours start to finish!
Looking back now; maybe it was just hormones making me an emotional wreck ;) but here we all are ready to do it again. Hahah.

Really praying for you, when will be your test day? X
I took a nap at 11am today and had a dream that I got a BFP. Its probably because that's all I can think about but gives me some more hope. Its not fair how close early pregnancy and pms symptoms are!! Its enough to make a woman with baby fever go crazy!! I have a really good feeling about you this month..idk, I just reallyyy do! Keep me posted! Gosh I hope this is out month!
Aidensmommy, i have been thinking of you all day! Do you have any new symptoms? I really hope this is our month! I really have a lot of hope for you too! Seems like we may have did it though. I am on the verge of puking right now... uhhhh. When i had DS i had morning sickness the whoooooooollllllllleeeeeee time! All 9 mo.. everyday, all day. Lets hope that doesnt happen again! When are you going to test?

so far today ive had some dull cramps, ALOT better then yest, bbs and nips still really sore and still really hot/sweats. The only new thing going on w me is my fricken cervix confusing me again! It almost feels like a lol tiny O at the opening when it was tightly closed yest but ive read alot about how the position is not reliable for alot of woman so early on so we'll see. I broke down and used a cheapo test today and of course BFN. I'm not down about it tho..i kinda just did it out of impulse and knew what the outcome would b but had a lil wishful thinking lol. I'm going to test again sat a.m with one of my two FRER's. I've been prayin with all ive got! I can't wait for our times to come! (Santa plz make our Christmas one we'll always remember!) oh one more new thing was this a.m woke up with HORRIBLE headache!!
Fingers crossed! xxxxxxxx
I'm becoming excited seeing all your ladies signs that i'm forgetting I am meant to be testing myself in the next 4/5 Days if AF doesn't show her ugly face!!

Out of curiosity ladies, what is the earliest someone has got their BFP? I really think when you are pregnant you just have this feeling and you know. I did when I fell with my DD.
with my son almost 6yrs ago, I found out w a cheapo at 7dpo..if this is my month, it didn't happen this time around (I'm 7dpo and stupidly tested w a cheapo this a.m and of course it was BFN. Statistics show its best to wait until 12dpo but alot of woman on here get theirs at 9-10dpo from what I see but then again my friend took 12wks for it to show up In urine!! So it can most def differ! I wish we could find out the moment it happens! Suck torture! Lol GL!!!
so far today ive had some dull cramps, ALOT better then yest, bbs and nips still really sore and still really hot/sweats. The only new thing going on w me is my fricken cervix confusing me again! It almost feels like a lol tiny O at the opening when it was tightly closed yest but ive read alot about how the position is not reliable for alot of woman so early on so we'll see. I broke down and used a cheapo test today and of course BFN. I'm not down about it tho..i kinda just did it out of impulse and knew what the outcome would b but had a lil wishful thinking lol. I'm going to test again sat a.m with one of my two FRER's. I've been prayin with all ive got! I can't wait for our times to come! (Santa plz make our Christmas one we'll always remember!) oh one more new thing was this a.m woke up with HORRIBLE headache!!
Fingers crossed! xxxxxxxx
Ive had dull cramping too, but also much better! And i really am hoping amd praying for us and everyone else. Maybe we are talking to eachother for a reason. Maybe we will both get bfp's together!! So hopeful! Dh says he has a feeling i am. So who knows... so worried about a bfn... and it keeps feeling like i have af but its just white cm, even when i pee it slowly drips.. tmi. Anyone know if thats a good sign? Aidensmommy please keep me utd. :)
Not too sure about the CM can't remember all of that. I'm getting a pinching cramping coming in waves. Trying not to get too excited about it although I can't help but think what if. Other than the cramps I have flu type symptoms. Lots of broken sleep.

To stop myself impulse testing I made sure that I have none in the house. That way I can't get too excited hahah. X
I also found out with a cheap one quite early on with my Daughter whilst in the toilet in a supermarket :laugh2:
Don't get discouraged! When I was pregnant the firt time I didn't get a positive til I was 2 weeks late! That's why I was so surprised with my positive this time around!

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