December Testers, come here! PLEASE SANTA! BRING US BFP'S! ** 145 Testers, 38 BFPs**

Tested today and got a BFN. I knew it would be but my curiousity got the best of my. Feeling out of the race. Guess i'll wait for AF :(
omg, what an emotional night . i really hope its my horomones to blame either an early preg sign or PMS even i dont care at this point.

OH picked the two girls up today and then me and LO and we went to get the girls registered at the doctor. when we got there my son asked my OH "can i go in with you" and OH just grabbed the girls and ran in and my LO started crying and said he was mean and i felt so bad because i didnt want him to feel left out just because the girls were down that i started crying.

and i went in and said "he wanted to go with you" and he said "its 4, i had to be here at 4 i didnt have time to wait for him" and that annoyed me because it would have only taken a second to get my son out of the car

and then i was watching OH with A (his daughtets sister thats not biologically his) and i just started feeling like he loved her more than my son (whose also not biologically his) and my heart broke into a million pieces.

and whenwe got into the car i burst into tears and couldnt stop crying and i didnt want to say anything but he wouldnt stop asking what was wrong and i finally said

"i feel like you love A more than J even though she isnt yours either and i even feel like maybe you love her more than S (his real daughter)" ans then i said "what if i have a baby with you and you love A more than our child too"

and then OH started crying too and mumbling about how he needed his ativan . and finally said to me that its not that he loves her more he jisy feels like he has this special reaponsibility to care for her because she has no one else and that she is HIS daughter even if he didnt make her (which i dont fully understand honestly because he only dated her mom for about five months) and he said he had no way of explaining the bond he has with her. and that i had to support his decision to be her father.

and i said i do ..and theres nohing wrong with him loving her equal but he cant act like he loves her more (which he says was only cause he missed her so much and hes probablu right and im mosy likely being over emotional)

and he was sobbing and saying he loved my son like his own and he loved me more than i could ever know and wantes nothing more than to have a baby with me and have us all be a huge family and then i coulsnt stop crying either.

and then OH went into the store and A started to cry and i picked her up out of her car seat and hugged her and tgen i realized i really do love her too .

idk iit was so emotional. its aloy harder to be with someone who has kids from a past relationship than i thought but . god i love them ..all of them.

sorry.. i really needed to get all tgat off my chest
Well how you feeling now? Remember it takes a strong loving person to love a child unconditionally as though they are their own when there are no biological ties. I hate to say it but please don't be jealous of their relationship. His bond with your son will grow more everyday but it's a working progress. Just show your love and appreciation. His time with the girls is limited so just make it as enjoyable as possible.

Were always here for a rant though. Keep smiling your doing just fine x
I'm dying in the 2ww. I am trying to remain positive but I took a test 6dpo and 7dpo and of course, BFN. I know, I know. Way too early. But still! I have absolutely no symptoms at all! Not even made up ones.

It's now 8dpo (at 3am) and I am not going to test again until 10dpo (Saturday). I really don't want to see AF!

lol dont feel bad about testing early..i think almost everyone does it sometimes. I actually just tested this a.m at 7dpo too lol. It was an 88cent test though and I knew it'd be BFN but I lost control I guess. I was originally planning to test no earlier then tomorrow or Saturday but didn't lol. Good luck! Keep me updated! I def still have hope bcuz it was extremely early! LOTS OF BABY DUST TO YOU!!!

Oh yea, what appeared to be an evap line showed up within 3-5mins of taking the test...can anyone explain more about evap lines to me? I always thought the test had to b dry before evaps show up. I'm not thinking too much into it but just curious about ur personal experiences w evap lines and how long they took to show up..thanks ladies!

Thanks!! I didn't test today, even though I wanted too! Gonna really concentrate on other stuff, like school, before testin again. I go on vacation Saturday, so will test before I leave, and then again on Monday and Wednesday (when AF is due). I usually start spotting soon so I'll be on the lookout for that :-(
Well ladies.. I just got blood results back from my Dr. I went in because I was having heart palpitations. I read that it can be caused by pregnancy due to increased blood flow. Anyway he decided to check my electrolytes and thyroid. I got the call this afternoon that my thyroid is elevated. He wants to do a blood draw again next month. I've been having issues for a couple of years but thyroid was always normal. I am thankful to have somewhat of a diagnosis... but very emotional at the same time. I read it can cause issues when TTC. Hopefully he gets me on some meds and regulated soon so our want for a baby can be a reality. I do still plan to use my OPKs this cycle so I can see if my body is doing anything.

GL to everyone still waiting to test.
Well how you feeling now? Remember it takes a strong loving person to love a child unconditionally as though they are their own when there are no biological ties. I hate to say it but please don't be jealous of their relationship. His bond with your son will grow more everyday but it's a working progress. Just show your love and appreciation. His time with the girls is limited so just make it as enjoyable as possible.

Were always here for a rant though. Keep smiling your doing just fine x

im feeling better. but at first he said he actually feels like he loves A more than his own daughter and that he thinks hes a bad dad because of it. and sometimes thinks he loves my son more than his daughter too. Then he said no, its just that they are older and he has more experience with older kids (his daughters 3 months old) and that he loves them all equally he just more comfortable carinh for the other kids.

And thats fine and all .. but he rarely cares for hisown daughter when theyre here. partially because hes nervous but mostly because A cant be with anyone but him or she cries. (she will come to me but only if hes there. hes her first choice) and idk i feel like he should spend some time bonding with her while shes little because we only see her every third week.

and when i met his daughter i loved her instantly just like she was my own, which i didnt think i was capable of feeling for a baby that wasnt mine but i did.

i dont know ... it was an emptional night as i said. i never felt this way any of the other times the cgildren were down idk what got to me today
so far today ive had some dull cramps, ALOT better then yest, bbs and nips still really sore and still really hot/sweats. The only new thing going on w me is my fricken cervix confusing me again! It almost feels like a lol tiny O at the opening when it was tightly closed yest but ive read alot about how the position is not reliable for alot of woman so early on so we'll see. I broke down and used a cheapo test today and of course BFN. I'm not down about it tho..i kinda just did it out of impulse and knew what the outcome would b but had a lil wishful thinking lol. I'm going to test again sat a.m with one of my two FRER's. I've been prayin with all ive got! I can't wait for our times to come! (Santa plz make our Christmas one we'll always remember!) oh one more new thing was this a.m woke up with HORRIBLE headache!!
Fingers crossed! xxxxxxxx
Ive had dull cramping too, but also much better! And i really am hoping amd praying for us and everyone else. Maybe we are talking to eachother for a reason. Maybe we will both get bfp's together!! So hopeful! Dh says he has a feeling i am. So who knows... so worried about a bfn... and it keeps feeling like i have af but its just white cm, even when i pee it slowly drips.. tmi. Anyone know if thats a good sign? Aidensmommy please keep me utd. :)

I know Its funny how the way we started talking on here and then shortly after we both felt the same way! (plz don't be really early pms!!) and oh my gosh I know what u mean about feeling like AF arrived! Ive been checking myself like every 10mins because of the feeling down there! And its tinted yellow (Which I know can just b from progesterone without pregnancy but still can be a sign! Fx's!) and its been lotion-like texture but other times it'll be EW and then sometimes it'll be kind of tacky I guess would describe it. Its all over the place!! But always moist so I'm not discouraged yet. I really want to not even check my cervix for the rest of my cycle because I heard it can actually cause a miscarriage from it opening due to irritation but I'm wo fricken curious and want to know now! Lol I'm sure all of us ladies in the tww feel the same way. I wonder when science will finally find a way for woman to know almost immediately lol gosh would that be nice! Ha ha
I know Its funny how the way we started talking on here and then shortly after we both felt the same way! (plz don't be really early pms!!) and oh my gosh I know what u mean about feeling like AF arrived! Ive been checking myself like every 10mins because of the feeling down there! And its tinted yellow (Which I know can just b from progesterone without pregnancy but still can be a sign! Fx's!) and its been lotion-like texture but other times it'll be EW and then sometimes it'll be kind of tacky I guess would describe it. Its all over the place!! But always moist so I'm not discouraged yet. I really want to not even check my cervix for the rest of my cycle because I heard it can actually cause a miscarriage from it opening due to irritation but I'm wo fricken curious and want to know now! Lol I'm sure all of us ladies in the tww feel the same way. I wonder when science will finally find a way for woman to know almost immediately lol gosh would that be nice! Ha ha
Im so antsy! I want us both to know right now!!!! :)
Hello ladies!

I will join. I will test on December 18th. AF is due around the 15th. I am 5DPO. FX for everyone to receive their BFP!!!!!:flower:
I know Its funny how the way we started talking on here and then shortly after we both felt the same way! (plz don't be really early pms!!) and oh my gosh I know what u mean about feeling like AF arrived! Ive been checking myself like every 10mins because of the feeling down there! And its tinted yellow (Which I know can just b from progesterone without pregnancy but still can be a sign! Fx's!) and its been lotion-like texture but other times it'll be EW and then sometimes it'll be kind of tacky I guess would describe it. Its all over the place!! But always moist so I'm not discouraged yet. I really want to not even check my cervix for the rest of my cycle because I heard it can actually cause a miscarriage from it opening due to irritation but I'm wo fricken curious and want to know now! Lol I'm sure all of us ladies in the tww feel the same way. I wonder when science will finally find a way for woman to know almost immediately lol gosh would that be nice! Ha ha
Im so antsy! I want us both to know right now!!!! :)

omg believe me I know! I stupidly peaked at my test from this a.m that I threw away and it originally showed up within 3-5mins after testing as what looked like a real really strong evap line, didn't even have to squint, and now there's a pinkish tint to the evap not getting myself excited bcuz I know ur not suppose to read after 10mins but I'm just wondering if you or ANYONE else have had an evap line on a pink dye cheapo test with color to it..? I thought color only showed in the test area if there was hcg present even if many hrs have past..? Weird. IV heard of it happening and have had it happen w blue dye tests but so far never the pink ones. Any experiences would be helpful. Again I know I shouldn't trust these results due to the time frame, I'm just curious if that has happens to anyone and if they were or weren't truly pregnant in the end. I will be testing again saturday for better results. If this some how is a real positive, I'm pretty sure itd show up by sat on a FRER or even the same cheapo that I used today. We shall see! No congrats until I know for sure plz as they get me a bit excited! LOL and I dont want to jinks myself! Fingers cossed!

baby dust to all!!!!
Ashley8806 I had cramps from 1dpo until 5dpo today is 6dpo for me and they are starting to ease a little.
Thanks :flower: can't help but feel I could still have a wacky cycle.. . (No period since March, and technically nobperiod since january 2011 before that when you consoder pregnancy then breastfeesing and mirena) so this has been my first "regular" cycle in a while)
Anyone else entering their fertile week? As soon as DH gets back from work trip we will be BDing tons! Af is due 24th. Anyone else AF due Christmas Eve? I want a BFP so bad! Would be a wonderful birthday gift for DH since his bday is on Christmas Eve. :)
I am entering into my fertile week and am due Christmas Eve :) although I will test earlier because I won't be able to wait that long. I just hope ovulation is on schedule for this weekend!! I'm so nervous/excited! Can't wait for O to be behind me.

Yay!! Good luck!!! I will prob test early too ;)
Well ladies.. I just got blood results back from my Dr. I went in because I was having heart palpitations. I read that it can be caused by pregnancy due to increased blood flow. Anyway he decided to check my electrolytes and thyroid. I got the call this afternoon that my thyroid is elevated. He wants to do a blood draw again next month. I've been having issues for a couple of years but thyroid was always normal. I am thankful to have somewhat of a diagnosis... but very emotional at the same time. I read it can cause issues when TTC. Hopefully he gets me on some meds and regulated soon so our want for a baby can be a reality. I do still plan to use my OPKs this cycle so I can see if my body is doing anything.

GL to everyone still waiting to test.

EMSWife - if you can, be sure they test your thyroid antibodies. I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and it's an autoimmune disease, so your thyroid hormones can look normal for a long while and in the early stages you will swing between hypo an hyper thyroid until eventually your antibodies will shut the thyroid down. So anyway - if you haven't checked those yet (they often don't check the antibodies at all, only the thyroid hormones), I recommend it!

im feeling better. but at first he said he actually feels like he loves A more than his own daughter and that he thinks hes a bad dad because of it. and sometimes thinks he loves my son more than his daughter too. Then he said no, its just that they are older and he has more experience with older kids (his daughters 3 months old) and that he loves them all equally he just more comfortable carinh for the other kids.

And thats fine and all .. but he rarely cares for hisown daughter when theyre here. partially because hes nervous but mostly because A cant be with anyone but him or she cries. (she will come to me but only if hes there. hes her first choice) and idk i feel like he should spend some time bonding with her while shes little because we only see her every third week.

and when i met his daughter i loved her instantly just like she was my own, which i didnt think i was capable of feeling for a baby that wasnt mine but i did.

i dont know ... it was an emptional night as i said. i never felt this way any of the other times the cgildren were down idk what got to me today

I'm so glad you're feeling better! You know, even in a non-blended family sometimes parents have "favorites" - they don't really love those kids more, they just click with them better. It happens. You just have to remember to keep showing lots of love to all and try to behave as equally as possible. It's great he can recognize he just feels more comfortable with the older kids - it's something to work with an grow/develop. :) <3 <3 <3
Anyone else entering their fertile week? As soon as DH gets back from work trip we will be BDing tons! Af is due 24th. Anyone else AF due Christmas Eve? I want a BFP so bad! Would be a wonderful birthday gift for DH since his bday is on Christmas Eve. :)

I'm 3DPO, but my husband's birthday is 12/14 and our anniversary is 12/20, and then of course - CHRISTMAS! My testing date will be 12/14 if i can wait that long (probably not) but anyway... best of luck for a BFP for our DH's birthdays! :D

Ok I'm convinced now! :happydance: Baby dust to you all!! This is a lucky thread!!!


Not much more positive than a YES +

:D :happydance:


ovu and ff agree with me on my O date, and now officially 3DPO :)

babydust to all!


Yay that's so exciting! Hope we can give our DH's
The best gift of all :) good luck!
omg believe me I know! I stupidly peaked at my test from this a.m that I threw away and it originally showed up within 3-5mins after testing as what looked like a real really strong evap line, didn't even have to squint, and now there's a pinkish tint to the evap not getting myself excited bcuz I know ur not suppose to read after 10mins but I'm just wondering if you or ANYONE else have had an evap line on a pink dye cheapo test with color to it..? I thought color only showed in the test area if there was hcg present even if many hrs have past..? Weird. IV heard of it happening and have had it happen w blue dye tests but so far never the pink ones. Any experiences would be helpful. Again I know I shouldn't trust these results due to the time frame, I'm just curious if that has happens to anyone and if they were or weren't truly pregnant in the end. I will be testing again saturday for better results. If this some how is a real positive, I'm pretty sure itd show up by sat on a FRER or even the same cheapo that I used today. We shall see! No congrats until I know for sure plz as they get me a bit excited! LOL and I dont want to jinks myself! Fingers cossed!

baby dust to all!!!!
Secretely jumping for joy! Hehehe
I am a regular 27 day cycle. With my son, I tested positive the day after I was due. Tomorrow will make 5 days late. I've been dying to test, and I finally broke down today and got a....BFN :( So disappointed. I've been super emotional, moody, and crying over stupid things. I feel so bloated, clothes feel tight, boobs feel extremely heavy and even look bigger, my areolas look darker to me too. I've had a couple small bouts of nausea, and cravings for foods I normally don't even eat. I really thought I was pregnant this time. My son is 5 and we've been "not preventing" ever since, and actively trying on and off for the last 3 years. Where is my period?
Biscuitgal -- thanks for the info! I was tested for a ton of autoimmune diseases back a couple of years ago but I doubt he tested my antibodies since my thyroid was normal! I will definitely mention it when I go back. I know we haven't been actively TTC for the last 6 months but it could very well be the reason I haven't gotten pregnant. Thanks again for the info!
Biscuitgal -- thanks for the info! I was tested for a ton of autoimmune diseases back a couple of years ago but I doubt he tested my antibodies since my thyroid was normal! I will definitely mention it when I go back. I know we haven't been actively TTC for the last 6 months but it could very well be the reason I haven't gotten pregnant. Thanks again for the info!

My doctors also could tell my thyroid was doing better based upon the temps on my last BBT chart - so it's definitely all related! :P Stupid thyroids screwing things up! The other thing about Hashimoto's swinging back and forth is that the hormones could be normal when drawn but swinging because of the way it is when it starts out. But antibodies will be high if you have it. Good luck!

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