Nov 18-21 AF
Cd5 bd
Cd6 bd
Cd7 bd
Cd8 bd
Cd9 bd, crabby!
Cd10 bd, crabby yet increased sex drive,Ovulation?
Cd11 bd, very minimal cramping while in bed in the p.m. wouldn't even tell if I wasn't paying such close attention
Cd12 bd, same as cd11
Cd13 bd, No out of the ordinary symptoms
Cd14 bd, dizzy spell, light cramping at night
Cd15 bd, cramping more, cervix high and soft, lotion like CM, dizzy spell during the day
Cd16 bd, cervix high and soft, closed? Can barely barely reach it, only can reach it if I push like I'm pooping then I can just feel the tip of my cervix (sorry TMI) cramping on and off all day, pink tinge when wiped in p.m. twice but almost not noticeable, tired yet restless.
Cd17 cervix high, can't tell if it's soft or hard, open or closed because my cervix is too high, slept awful last night with weird dreams, awful hot flashes this morning and irriatable, No bowel movement yet this morning which is odd, usually immediately in the a.m. (sorry TMI), nipples are puffy, dh noticed and oh yes they are definitely puffy, Back spasms, sneezing spells, i actually puked not too long ago but me and dh were arguing, which is not like us.... crabby much? Lol. I hope that was pregnancy puking and not just because we were arging. I never ever ever puke! Some mild cramping... hope everything is okay and a good sign..
Cd18 very stuffy nose today, headache, weird pregnancy dreams- probably due to me thinking about it, woke up a lot throughout the night, my nipples hurt soooo bad- can't even wear a bra, sneezing spells which I never sneeze- no allergies, main thing is my nipples are soooooooo puffy! White cm when going to rr- drips out slow. Awful taste in mouth, and gagging a lot. No bm all day which is strange...
Cd19 very very sore uterus, nips still somewhat sensitive- still no bra, still having sneezing spells. Awful dreams all night, lots of smells are repulsive- even coffee. Haven't drank any in 6 days...

I feel like I can smell everything, BFN with fmu with a cheapie... lots of creamy white CM, cp still very high.
Cd20 no cramps this morning, my uterus is no longer sore, get a random quick pinch like feeling every so often in uterus area- kinda like a cramp but nothing compared to the past several days, have had no appetite for the past several days and now when I woke up I woke up starving, and I woke up twice throughout the night to go to rr and 1 other time I just woke up for no apparent reason, nips still tender but not awful, lots of creamy white CM? which is odd because I usually don't have much CM and when I do its always like water- clear in color, still have that awful stuffy nose but it comes and goes, hair has been greasy for the past 8 days or so- usually wash every other day now it's everyday, kind of like a stray headache- not a headache but it's there (make sense?), cp still high, BFN cb digital
Cd21 legs are cramping, side of boobs sore, lingering mild mild headache, white milky type CM, cp very very high, tired- have been sleeping in a lot which I never do, still haven't had any cappuccino in the past 8 days cause it sounds gross and I always have to have it immediately when I wake up
AF due dec. 15
Was wondering if you ladies could let me know what you think.... please.. kind of going crazy here wondering if these are good signs...


idk idk