Decided today on a home birth. Any tips?


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2011
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Hello there, ive never been in this section before. Id never really thought about a home birth either, but after much discussion with my midwife and OH this morning we have decided to have one if things go to plan. Now my due date is 4 weeks on saturday, so im feeling a bit rushed now and feel i dont have much time to prepare. Midwife said she will drop off a box of things they will need, and gas and air a few weeks before the big event, but what do i need to do at home to prepare? I wont be having a water birth, but what will i need to do/get? What do i do with my bed? Obviously ill need some sort of waterproof sheet, but wont it be uncomfortable and awkward having to change bed after birth etc. See, im totally clueless, so any advice would be gratefully received!!!

Thanks :) x
Hey congratulations on your choice dont worry about preparations thers really not an awful lot thats imperative. Your midwife will be able to help you decide what you need according to the type of birth you decide to have. Have something ready to receive baby-that can get covered in vernix and meconium etc have things you think youd like during labour, music, dvd, discuss with oh who will be in the house who will be in the room for the birth. Most of all stay strong cos you're sure to hear this at least once "dont you realise you're putting the baby in danger" ignore ignore. Have a great birth! X
If you want to birth in bed, make the bed as you would normally (with a waterproof layer first for post partum bleeding if you wish), then put another waterproof sheet (shower curtain or similar) then another (old) sheet over the top, that way your OH or midwife can just remove the top layer after birth and your bed is ready made underneath :)

A pound shop is a good place to get shower curtains :)
hi hun welcome, dont worry about preparation, the midwives generally have everthing u need, jsut get some old towels, a cheap shower curtain like poundland mibbi an old quilt if u prefer, depending where ul be delivering, u culd by those disposable mat things but the midwives bring plenty, i know u feel rushed the now but dont worry the midwives will clue you in thev done it many times xx
Thanks for the advice everyone :) Panicking much less now, midwife is coming round on friday to assess the house and talk about it all. Really looking forward to it now, just hope i dont go so overdue that i have to be induced. Cant wait to have my baby and not have to have the OH leave. Will be so nice that he will get to spend all of her first hours with her, and be in the comfort of our own home :) x
I have just decided that i would like to have a homebirth too but yet to discuss it with my MW. Just wanted to say i have read lots of stories and they all seem very positive:)
woohoo!!! congrats on these big decisions!! :dance:
I am pretty fixed on the idea of a home water birth - love the ida of sitting in a water pool in our kitchen diner looking out over the garden.

Loving this forum

I had a client who decided that she wanted a home birth once she was in established labour and she had a lovely one (and another since), so don't worry, you've got plenty of time!

I recommend having some biscuits on hand for your midwives :thumbup:
Don't worry too much about the prep. Write out your birth preferences and go over with your partner(s) so they can keep the atmosphere how you'd like it and give you the support you want. Have a couple of cheap shower curtains to help protect floor and furniture etc. Apart from that, there's a few essential oils that can be helpful in labour, or maybe you'd like candles or certain music to help you relax. You have a pelvis and a cervix - the rest is gravy :D
My midwife gave me a list of things to have in for my home waterbirth, then a friend who is an independent midwife gave me her list of things to have in, pm me your email address if you would like me to forward it on? Xx
I'm hoping to have a home birth, the only problem I'm occuring at the moment is trying to keep the house clean! That was something I hadn't thought about before! We have lots of pets and it's a constant battle trying to clean up after them (and the husband lol!).

I'm just waiting for the G&A, Oxygen and MW supplies to arrive. I've bought cheap towels, shower curtains, tarpaulin and a birth pool in a box (although the MW said they could supply one, we wanted to test it in advance as our boiler is very old!)
Well i had the midwives drop off their supply box on saturday, and i asked them what i needed to get in, and they said lots of biscuits!!! I asked about waterproof sheets and stuff and they said i can get them if i want but they have big floor pads in the box that are pretty good. So im not going to stress from now on, might get some waterproof sheets for my own peace of mind but if i havent got them by the time of labour i wont be panicking. Im just going to relax and try and enjoy these last few weeks. Biggest problem i have is keeping a big supply of biscuits in the cupboard without the hubby and 2 kids eating them haha!

They told me that when i call the hospital they can be here in 7 minutes which is good, unless it is a match day, then god knows how long they will be stuck in traffic. I live right next to manchester uniteds football ground and there is a home match the day after my due date, so im hoping i go early or a few days late haha. I also took a peek in the box they brought round. Some of the things made me laugh, but i was intrigued by a gigantic tampon the size of a hamster!!! I thought you werent supposed to use tampons after birth?

And thanks freya, ill pm you my email now :) x
A cheapo shower curtain and some cheap towels are a good idea, and yep biccies. LOL

Dont sweat it really, you're in your own home so most things if you decide you want them are there somewhere already.

If you want to birth in bed the Mervs Mum has said a few time strip the bed when you go into labour, make it up with your fave clean sheets, put a water proof and a few towels on top and an old sheet. So then when you have baby and are ready to have a good old cuddle in bed the fussy bits then whip off the waterproof picking up any messy bits inside and bingo one clean fresh bed.
What a fantastic decision to make - one the should be made by more women I think.

Fab advice from the others regarding waterproofing, I've heard it said a lot about changing the sheets when labour begins - clean sheets on the bottom, waterproof layer and then an old sheet. The midwife/doula can then whip the dirty sheet and the showercurtain off after baby is here and there you have a nice clean bed :D
Sarah - I had the same biscuit problem! So I stocked up on loads and hid them.... then on B-Day, I was in very active labour when the first MW arrived..... I found the bscuits a few days later. Poor MWs probably felt very neglected in the biscuit department!!
Oooh - congrats on your home birth decision. Loads of great advice from the other girlies. The bed advice is great and i strongly advise.

i would also have some nice soft warm towels on hand in case the MW's need them for your LO (my MW requested this and used them to rub Noah down prior to him being clothed) and i also had to get a really good desk lamp on a bendy stand - which was to aid lighting should the need for sticking up tears.

However neither of these might be necessary if you MW did not mention them.

I loaded my i pod with my favourite songs, and had candles lit which was lovely xxx
Oooh - congrats on your home birth decision. Loads of great advice from the other girlies. The bed advice is great and i strongly advise.

i would also have some nice soft warm towels on hand in case the MW's need them for your LO (my MW requested this and used them to rub Noah down prior to him being clothed) and i also had to get a really good desk lamp on a bendy stand - which was to aid lighting should the need for sticking up tears.

However neither of these might be necessary if you MW did not mention them.

I loaded my i pod with my favourite songs, and had candles lit which was lovely xxx

Ooh yeah she did mention the lamp actually, best go and buy one. Didn't say anything about towels but ill set some soft ones aside and maybe get a water bottle on them when the time comes so they are nice and warm for her :) Candles are a good idea too!!

Im not sure what room to birth in, i know i probably wont care when in labour. I was thinking bedroom, because obviously got my comfy bed, i have a nice comfy armchair in there too, quite a lot of floor space if i want to bounce/lean over my ball. Its next to the bathroom etc. Im not sure id feel comfy anywhere else either?!?
im debating it too, id love a waterbirth but with being likely it will be a week before christmas either i dont put up my decorations till after baby is born or dont have a pool lol wont fit both in this room with the size of our tree hehe. so thinking bath as its wider at one end would need to check depth though it is rather deep though or bedroom
Find a home birth support group. It was the best thing I did, meeting with people who had been through it and others who were thinking about it. I got loads of tips, suggestions and moral support.

I went to the Bedford Home Birth Support Group, but there are loads all over the UK with a list at the Homebirth web site so you can find a local one.

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