Well that wasn't bad as I thought. The physical therapist was nice and Hayley liked her. The speech therapist couldn't make it

. We will be doing physical therapy once a week for an hr and speech therapy twice a month with the First Steps program. We will also be doing outpatient therapy at Cardnil Hill (if they will hurry up with the freakin referrals)

This is going to be a scheduling nightmare. Oh well my baby girl is getting the help she needs, finally!
As far as the assessment goes, the type Hayley took doesn't give a developmental age like what T got. They said this is because Hayley already has an established risk with the CP diagnosis. Also the lady didn't bring the copy of the report but said mine was in the mail. Grr. And hubby has the keys to the dang post box so I can't check the mail till he gets home.

I want that report! She said it will show things Hayley is doing and what her peers are doing so we know what to work on.
Oh dear about the speech therapist

Glad the rest went ok though. Did you get the report?
It's quiet in here laddies. I suppose everyone is busy with their kiddos
My referrals went through to get Hayley into outpatient therapy at a nearby rehabilitation hospital

Warm water pools, horse therapy, and awesome facilities here we come

there is a waiting list for some services though. I'll be calling today to schedule
That sounds awesome! Did you get a date set up?
That sounds really great Essie.
It has gone really quiet-we're busy with being back at school.
We are still waiting for Esther's next lot of speech therapy. It's really annoying me now. How can their be any continuity if there is 4 or 5 months between sessions!!!
Esther's settled into having an extra session at Playschool. The only issue we have with her is that the SENco has another girl (she is autistic) now. She's only just started so is clingy. Esther is feeling a bit pushed out. She'll be fine though, once she's used to the new girl. It's not as if she's not had the share the SENco before but last year all the children with special needs started at the same time so she didn't know any different!
I so understand!! Thomas had his last SALT appointment on June 18th. They then decided he's go into non signing group session. I rang them to see what's going on and they don't know when they'll start these sessions??? Really? It's been 3 months now and TBH I'd be surprised if we get a date before Christmas!
Bless Esther

I hope she's not feeling pushed out now.
Back to school here too. Jack is loving pre-school though and it really helps that they are both at the same school. Speech is progressing but seems to be stalling again, next assessment due 9th October and no SLT until then

We too are in the "6 week block ages off" scenario too Rach...just want him to seem to have someone else prioritising him too, surely they could be better organised?
Glad he's enjoying pre-school

Hope the assessment goes well, seems so far away doesn't it.
morning sickness is kicking my ass... and Gabriel insists on doing everything he's not supposed to. like trying to climb my curtains, throw the laptop on the floor, empty the garbage on the floor, get into the cat box/ toilet/etc... where did my ready going toddler go? it's been about a week of non stop tantrums.
we also decided to list our Condo for sale in a week or so. we have to do a major clutter removal, and a super clean...
Poor you

MS with a toddler ust be hard

Good luck with selling your Condo... though I don't even know what that is

is it a house on the beach
Sorry been quiet. Im suffering with PGP pain so badly now. My work has been asked to make reasonable adjustments but it looks likely I'll just be off work entirely soon which has been hard on DD who just wants Mummy to play on the floor with her like usual and doesnt understand why a leg kicking competition laying on my back isn't filling me with joy as it is for her
She's growing so fast and her understanding is really coming on. She said her first 4 word sentence a couple of days ago! (Say byebye to Jojo) In the correct context etc. And now she's learnt the sign for food she's signing for it all the time. Youd think she was starving lol!
Hope the morning sickness isn't going too badly bumpin2012! It's hard with a little one isn't it!
Oh poor you Feathers! That sounds really painful

Well done DD that's fab that she has a 4 word sentence! The signing is great too, is she a bottomless pit or is it just the excitement of learning something new?
I've been AWOL too, sorry. Been a bit busy and now I have a cold

yesterday was really rough. Feeling a bit more human today though.
Welfare Rights came to the house yesterday and now we're in the process of collecting all the evidence we need for the DLA claim. I'm nervous, I know it will be a no first time round.
T has lost all his words including the favourite uh oh... I'll be honest girls I do worry he has autism.