Will they do genetic testing on him? It would be worth a look. It will help you know exactly what you are dealing with and how to best treat it. He's a miracle for sure

We will find out next week if Hayley gets specs like your little guy. I hope she doesn't need them, but honestly I've known her eyes were bad for a few weeks now. Her dads are really bad, hes worn glasses since he was a child. I'm wondering though, how in the world do you get him to keep them on? Hayley will not wear sunglasses at all. I'm afraid if she needs them this will be a War.
We have had 2 previous fetuses tested for genetic abnormalities and they have found none. This really makes me focus on either birth trauma or ASD as a cause of her delays. Unless her vision is holding her back. But honestly everyone I've shown the birth video to has gasped when he's pulling her out. Her neck was contorted in such a way and she was lifeless. But then it was like BAM she had rallied and was scoring good on apgar and all was "normal". She was colicky for about 3.5 months. We searched every possible cause to be told either, "baby's just cry", or" its colic, it will go away around 3 months". Thinking back now, I think her neck hurt.

Her first pediatrician, the one who seen her the day she was born was aware of her birth and was helping me to work with hayleys neck as her head was off shape (mild plageocephaly) sp. We used different exercises and positioning techniques to help keep her off one side of her head. Ok fast forward to hayleys 6month appt and this doc is just gone from the clinic. Wtf. Ok go into this whole spill about her birth and plagio and she's growing good and cooing up a storm but not moving much.... she was about 6 weeks behind. New doc says no biggie, her head will reshape on its own when she's sitting more and shes fine give it time, blah blah blah. Ok so by her next visit 9mos she's sitting well. Needs help getting that way sometimes but can sit unsupported for a lil while. Doc says that's OK. She was standing with my help quite well but her ankles turned in weird. Asked Doc for a referral to a orthopedic and he says she just needs to learn how to control the muscles give it time. Ok. Fast forward to 12 mos, still no walking and needs support to stand. Head shape is getting a little better. She jabbers a lot and has mama and papa down. Has tone and inflection changes but words are unclear. Doc says that's OK. Asked again about the orthopedic referral and after looking at DDs legs for a bit agrees to give me one. Hmmmmm, could have done that 3 months sooner. Couldn't get into ortho until MAY! Ok.... Finally get to the orthopedic and he says after a few xrays that her bone structure is fine and that her ankles are just real flexible still. He says that will change in 6mos but she needs to see a pediatric neurologist for her head shape and speach delay! Hold up! What!? Her pediatrician says she's fine! Omg I realize I've been duped. She's not fine. She's behind like I thought. So her next appointment with her regular pediatrician is coming up.....nope not going back to him. Scheduled her into another clinic, she was diagnosed immediately as developmentally delayed. Doc says continue on with the neurology appointment, start First Steps and show the neurologist the birth video

But as of now... she's semi running with me holding her hands. She's unsteady and all toes but laughs herself silly trying. She will fall to her knees after about 45 ft. Some times she goes farther. She's trying to draw but most movements are choppy and uncontrolled. She still ends up getting the crayon on the paper and several other surfaces

can hold a sippy cup although a bit unsteady, crawls well, cruises pretty good. Is very affectionate with me, papa, her grannys. Hugs and kisses on her terms, lol. Good eye contact. Can't use a spoon and pincer grasp isn't great. She tries like crazy but drops stuff. Honestly I'm so confused. Just hoping the neurologist will shead some light. Sorry for the rant.