Developmental disorders/learning disabilities/genetic syndromes & more support group

Marcus has quite a few words and signs now but he couldn't tell me why he was happy or what he wants most the time. If it's so,ethi g simple that he can say and see eg his dummy he will say "gogo" (dummy) some know but often just depends into guessing.

Any time sequel a or others on eye tests? We had an initial one now the bigger one with drops etc. I'll be on my own and just nervous about the drops as letter says they sting somg thing him still to do it will be fun x
Just a private rant amongst friends...the current 2-2.5 yo knowledge thread on toddlers....seriously?! sometimes I'm glad he's a bit delayed,I get to enjoy the simple stuff with my son we go to the park for fun we bake we giggle (ok all this is on a good day) and I have no need to compete and show off he can sing the blooming alphabet at two! My son is a keen problem solver can unlock a door with a key near enough now, understands magnetism ( his whole magnet obsession is crazy atm) he knows every magnetic surface and non magnetic in the house. Although he cant explain it or verbalise its there. No real point to this just honestly some ppl need to get a grip...,my two year old only knows 1-10 are they really behind......
Just a private rant amongst friends...the current 2-2.5 yo knowledge thread on toddlers....seriously?! sometimes I'm glad he's a bit delayed,I get to enjoy the simple stuff with my son we go to the park for fun we bake we giggle (ok all this is on a good day) and I have no need to compete and show off he can sing the blooming alphabet at two! My son is a keen problem solver can unlock a door with a key near enough now, understands magnetism ( his whole magnet obsession is crazy atm) he knows every magnetic surface and non magnetic in the house. Although he cant explain it or verbalise its there. No real point to this just honestly some ppl need to get a grip...,my two year old only knows 1-10 are they really behind......

With you there :)
Even before I knew my son was autistic I was always secretly chuffed that he was so bloody minded that though he could wave, clap etc he wouldn't do it to order but rather in his own time when he felt the moment.
And knowing now he does have a disability has taken the pressure off a bit. I used to wonder if I was babying him in not introducing cutlery earlier or potty training him but now I know that inside I think I probably knew he wasn't ready.
And now I'm not going to stress that though he can undress himself he's not able to dress himself.
Those threads do make me sad. Most of those kids are 1.5 years younger than Thomas and are doing so much more. I don't think about it too much or I start blaming myself.
Those threads do make me sad. Most of those kids are 1.5 years younger than Thomas and are doing so much more. I don't think about it too much or I start blaming myself.

Hugs to you. I feel the same sometimes seeing my younger son develop. I feel so sad that speech comes so easy to him and I am seeing everything that my older son should have done and didn't.
I feel an idiot for not bloody noticing that my eldest was soooo behind his peers.
But then I get such joy from his tiny progressions and I try to concentrate on that, the small things.
There are so many things that make Esther happy or sad and she try's to tell us but she just doesn't have the words and it makes me sad to think we'll never know what it was.
I ended up having a bit of a blow up on that thread. I can't do this to myself anymore I keep trying to interact like Thomas is 'normal' but he's not and I'm just hurting myself more and more reading threads like that. I so wish Thomas could do all that but he can't I don't know when he will :cry:
Iv never posted on here before but just wanted to say hope your OK sequeena x
I think a thread on what your child can't do at a certain age would be most refreshing and make people, even those with 'normal' children feel distinctly less cr*p about themselves.
I think a thread on what your child can't do at a certain age would be most refreshing and make people, even those with 'normal' children feel distinctly less cr*p about themselves.
Good idea. In some ways Im a bit glad I never realised how delayed my daughter was\is I would have just gave myself even more angst dealing with it now I'd bad enough
:growlmad: I wrote a really long and thought out reply, ran out of batter and. My iPad ate it!!

I backed u up sequeena, not just because your my friend but because I rerally thing it's a bit over the top. Those kids on there seem like Einstein children.marcus is delayed amongst his issues but I'm always advised by nursery the Dr etc it's not by much yet if you compare against those hes like the most behind person ever :haha:

Thomas is normal, all,our children are. We can't think any different as people fight so hard for disability awareness and Inclusion we can't go against it :hugs: Thomas has a gorgeous smile, I love how he sits with his puzzles and books in pictures. I do understand,I feel the same at times. I try to make light of it now, today we went to Costa which he loves...he decided he didn't ant his drink at first and wanted to lick the wall:dohh: he also waded into the sea.., the temp on the car said -2 :nope: this woman was like ohhh he's not right in the head doing that in this cold. She was joking not being rude as he looks like any other child I just laughed and said no he isn't that's why he is in medication and sees lots of drs :haha: she wasn't too sure what to say.

I wish my iPad hadn't died I wrote such a. Nice supportive thing and now I,mio full from profiteroles to remember. X
I know what you all mean. I'm past comparing mine, I never really did anyway, but it still upsets me to read the thread. I sit there and think 'you're querying if your 2.5yo is behind when they can do x, y & z. My 5 yo can't even do any of those things and she's at full time school!'

More fool them I think tbh that they are that taken in by the comparison game that they don't even seem to enjoy their child just as they are. Everything levels out anyway to some extent. I know children who started school and they had always been well ahead of their peers in everything. By the time they finished primary education they were just average.
Wee update from us

Things with ds current nursery have taken a huge nose dive since going back after the Xmas break I've been phoned just about every session to go and get him (his sessions btw are 2 hours) Thursday they said they couldn't stop him running about when I went up he was sitting at the audio player listing to a story so I stayed a good 40 mins he went onto the book section then snack table but today really got me 10 mins after I dropped him off I was phoned again to go get him said he was screaming shouting throwing chairs so when I went I watched from the window no one could see me couldn't hear him or see him at 1st then as he was passing a chair he pulled the back of it so it would fall no one reacted to this it was completely ignored I buzzed the door to get in. The nursery manager starting repeating the same crap she said on the phone at this point junior pulled another chair over so I went over to him to tell him no she said I can stay but I was to pisst off to stay so just went home. I just feel they don't want him there he doesn't fit in with there snobby wee nursery and there not even trying and ive decided I'm not sending him back whilst we wait to hear if he's got the place at the other nursery about 2 weeks away
we've been to visit the new nursery and it's absolutely fantastic really impressed with it and the staff I just really hope he gets that space xx
The nursery situation doesn't sound great. Ours are so good they are very accepting and tolerant even "if" a child was running around etc they just go with it. Fingers crossed for new one.

Sequeena how was your appointment today? X
Sorry about the nursery :(

The appointment went well thanks we didn't meet the geneticist it was with a genetic counsellor. We went through all the family history today - suffice to say they were very interested in my family history!

It's a 3-5 month wait to meet the geneticist
:haha: Andrews would be hilarious as they are such a weird family they don't talk about anything so he would prob answer well I don't know! Them I'd start rambling how I am certain his dad has autism I acutally wonder at times if hubby is slightly aspergers with his general hatred of any social situation not talking. Until 5 and weird obsessions he gets, as a kid it was lego now woodwork! My side would be boring to be fair.

I spoke to an epilepsy specialist and explained how much he has improved and changed since meds apparently it's very common in epilepsy when uncontrolled to regress and basically be a zombie.i never knew that. I think he is a bit of a puzzle but he's come so far in a short time, the play therapist said today how he has a personality now and plays etc when she first met him she said he just stood there refused to play smile engage :thumbup:
Wee update from us

Things with ds current nursery have taken a huge nose dive since going back after the Xmas break I've been phoned just about every session to go and get him (his sessions btw are 2 hours) Thursday they said they couldn't stop him running about when I went up he was sitting at the audio player listing to a story so I stayed a good 40 mins he went onto the book section then snack table but today really got me 10 mins after I dropped him off I was phoned again to go get him said he was screaming shouting throwing chairs so when I went I watched from the window no one could see me couldn't hear him or see him at 1st then as he was passing a chair he pulled the back of it so it would fall no one reacted to this it was completely ignored I buzzed the door to get in. The nursery manager starting repeating the same crap she said on the phone at this point junior pulled another chair over so I went over to him to tell him no she said I can stay but I was to pisst off to stay so just went home. I just feel they don't want him there he doesn't fit in with there snobby wee nursery and there not even trying and ive decided I'm not sending him back whilst we wait to hear if he's got the place at the other nursery about 2 weeks away
we've been to visit the new nursery and it's absolutely fantastic really impressed with it and the staff I just really hope he gets that space xx

what nursery is he at? x
Wee update from us

Things with ds current nursery have taken a huge nose dive since going back after the Xmas break I've been phoned just about every session to go and get him (his sessions btw are 2 hours) Thursday they said they couldn't stop him running about when I went up he was sitting at the audio player listing to a story so I stayed a good 40 mins he went onto the book section then snack table but today really got me 10 mins after I dropped him off I was phoned again to go get him said he was screaming shouting throwing chairs so when I went I watched from the window no one could see me couldn't hear him or see him at 1st then as he was passing a chair he pulled the back of it so it would fall no one reacted to this it was completely ignored I buzzed the door to get in. The nursery manager starting repeating the same crap she said on the phone at this point junior pulled another chair over so I went over to him to tell him no she said I can stay but I was to pisst off to stay so just went home. I just feel they don't want him there he doesn't fit in with there snobby wee nursery and there not even trying and ive decided I'm not sending him back whilst we wait to hear if he's got the place at the other nursery about 2 weeks away
we've been to visit the new nursery and it's absolutely fantastic really impressed with it and the staff I just really hope he gets that space xx

what nursery is he at? x

It's kilbarchan nursery's (in Scotland) x
Wee update from us

Things with ds current nursery have taken a huge nose dive since going back after the Xmas break I've been phoned just about every session to go and get him (his sessions btw are 2 hours) Thursday they said they couldn't stop him running about when I went up he was sitting at the audio player listing to a story so I stayed a good 40 mins he went onto the book section then snack table but today really got me 10 mins after I dropped him off I was phoned again to go get him said he was screaming shouting throwing chairs so when I went I watched from the window no one could see me couldn't hear him or see him at 1st then as he was passing a chair he pulled the back of it so it would fall no one reacted to this it was completely ignored I buzzed the door to get in. The nursery manager starting repeating the same crap she said on the phone at this point junior pulled another chair over so I went over to him to tell him no she said I can stay but I was to pisst off to stay so just went home. I just feel they don't want him there he doesn't fit in with there snobby wee nursery and there not even trying and ive decided I'm not sending him back whilst we wait to hear if he's got the place at the other nursery about 2 weeks away
we've been to visit the new nursery and it's absolutely fantastic really impressed with it and the staff I just really hope he gets that space xx

what nursery is he at? x

It's kilbarchan nursery's (in Scotland) x

my friend lives there! her wee boy goes to hollybush. to be honest after 10 minutes is a complete joke! I would actually complain about the fact they have not even gave him a chance! my daughter used to throw things in Nursery like properly throw things one time a toy landed on top of the fridge :wacko:

never once have the nursery suggested they cant cope with her. only referring her for speech therapy. and also deferring her from starting school this a completely mainstream nursery too x
Wee update from us

Things with ds current nursery have taken a huge nose dive since going back after the Xmas break I've been phoned just about every session to go and get him (his sessions btw are 2 hours) Thursday they said they couldn't stop him running about when I went up he was sitting at the audio player listing to a story so I stayed a good 40 mins he went onto the book section then snack table but today really got me 10 mins after I dropped him off I was phoned again to go get him said he was screaming shouting throwing chairs so when I went I watched from the window no one could see me couldn't hear him or see him at 1st then as he was passing a chair he pulled the back of it so it would fall no one reacted to this it was completely ignored I buzzed the door to get in. The nursery manager starting repeating the same crap she said on the phone at this point junior pulled another chair over so I went over to him to tell him no she said I can stay but I was to pisst off to stay so just went home. I just feel they don't want him there he doesn't fit in with there snobby wee nursery and there not even trying and ive decided I'm not sending him back whilst we wait to hear if he's got the place at the other nursery about 2 weeks away
we've been to visit the new nursery and it's absolutely fantastic really impressed with it and the staff I just really hope he gets that space xx

what nursery is he at? x

It's kilbarchan nursery's (in Scotland) x

my friend lives there! her wee boy goes to hollybush. to be honest after 10 minutes is a complete joke! I would actually complain about the fact they have not even gave him a chance! my daughter used to throw things in Nursery like properly throw things one time a toy landed on top of the fridge :wacko:

never once have the nursery suggested they cant cope with her. only referring her for speech therapy. and also deferring her from starting school this a completely mainstream nursery too x

Ha small world 😊and my boy got the place I just found out today he's going to a nursery that will actually support and encourage him I'm soooo chuffed
I got in touch with the women I met the other week when we had the meeting about putting him forward now I'm not sure what her job title is I just no she was the one putting paper work in for it and works for the local council
I filled her in on the last few weeks at nursery and then about tue and told her the nursery manager said I'd have to stay for ds sessions she was very shocked and not in the least but happy about it she said they shouldn't have been phoning me and I should not have to stay for his sessions they should have been phoning her so that she could implement additional support for my son and even though my son's not going back to the nursery she will be making a visit to discuss what I've told her xx

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