Fab news Lynn. So glad your boy got the nursery place
Wondering your take on this. You'll probably all remember the horrible time my son had at his first nursery. At the time we didn't know he was asd but they picked it up in his first week and bullied me into removing him. I complained and so forth. And had let it go as I'd got nowhere when the equality commission who'd I'd consulted re my ds's treatment, got in touch to see how it was going.
When I told them they said they could write a letter to the school pointing out they were in breach of the equality act but that quite often schools don't reply. I said yeah and thought nothing of it.
Now the equality commission has been back in touch saying the council's legal consul has contacted them.
Do you think it's a negative thing they've got lawyers involved or a positive thing. I can't make it out. The last action by the school was from the governor who claimed all kinds of lies, such as I'd been given many other options other than removing my son from the nursery. And I've never had the written apology they promised me back in September.
I don't know.
Wouldn't it be a dream though if they admitted they'd breached the act and actually said sorry. Think that is a dream though.
that is a good thing about the lawyers hopefully everything they lied about will come out I think it's disgusting how your lo was treated.
Lynne that's wonderful news I'm so pleased he's doing well good luck with the testing xx
Thomas had his last speech therapy today he only got 4 sessions Instead of 5. We had a tiny break through though he said kay whilst holding a piece of cake
I'm at my aunts now babysitting my cousins 5 year old whilst she takes her 2 year old to the doctor. Thomas loves his cousin and hasn't left him alone he keeps laying on him or stroking his hair or trying to get his face as Close to his etc bless my.cousin he's very tolerant of Thomas' spd
We have a ne word and action and it's driving me mad!! Hubby and little one wqtching Sesame Street...now he says "cookie" in this weird low deep monster tone said more like "cooookey" whilst cramming food of any description into his mouth some eats toast then exclaims "cooooookey"'and Rams it in like the Cookie Monster