Two more days and my son's speech therapy starts. Looking forward to it and hope to get things going. He has come so far since his assessment in November. So far no real sign of chicken pox. He has fine rashy patches on parts where he sweats a bit but it looks like eczema. I have had eczema patches just like his on my arms since I was 14. Today I did find a more definite spot/bump on his bottom so holding my breath a bit but am hopeful it's nothing. My daughter has had no signs and she's the one without the vaccination. We're now in the prime incubation period. (I read it usually appears after 10 to 21 days and we're on day 14 from the last day of exposure).
We started music therapy last weekend and it went quite well. My son had a lot of fun. It was difficult in a way to see a room full of kids with autism. I found it highlighted my own denial. Some kids seemed so obviously autistic and I caught myself thinking "My son is not like that". Then I had to face....he IS like that. He has autism. OK, he's not severe, but he is a swirly, twirly, flapping, toe-stepping boy.
And by the end I felt much more comfortable. And then I realized, I was not being judged and he was not being judged. My son could wander off and bang on the window and no one looked at either of us strangely. No one blinked when he made 4 escape attempts in the 45 minute class (he is a runner). It felt wonderful not having to apologize for my son or scold him endlessly just so the other parents wouldn't think I was "OK" with his 'bad' behaviour. All the other kids were the same. Everyone understood. I never knew how much I apologized--how nervous I was out in public and even with friends--until I was in a safe space where others understood.