He did it!

I heard him go to the potty during the night and he was totally dry in the morning. I guess he had put his diaper back on during his night time potty trip because the diaper wasn't there anymore (he had left in in the bathroom before bed) but it was totally dry when we got up. I'm going to try sending him to bed without a diaper again tonight. I was nervous because he had tried taking his diaper off in the past but then would wet himself so I thought he wasn't physically ready to wake up when he had to go.
We have his second speech therapy appointment this morning. I had told the SLP that I wanted to focus more on conversational skills and expressing emotions as his labeling language is actually pretty decent. When he is motivated enough he can say what he wants or point things out. I would really like to have a conversation with him. We are also going to see if he is ready to work on annunciation. Even his scripting is hard to decipher and we usually have to translate him to others.
alibaba - DH is doing better accepting the diagnosis but is still very resistant to signing him up for any therapies. Very little is covered and the little that is will only be for a short time. I know we don't have much money but it doesn't change the fact DS NEEDS therapy. I think he thinks we can get away without therapy. So right now, unless it's free or very, very cheap I can't convince him to let me sign DS up. It's really stressing me out. My son seems to have a rather high functionality but in order to push him to have that independent life we have to help him. I feel like he has the chance to have everything but we're just sitting here and not doing anything and it is slipping away.
How is your little girl doing?