I don't know what to say in these circumstances. Even though your kid hasn't done anything hugely wrong or disturbing do you tell everyone 'he's autistic'?
I don't know what to say in these circumstances. Even though your kid hasn't done anything hugely wrong or disturbing do you tell everyone 'he's autistic'?
My son doesn't have a diagnosis as of yet other than speech delay but yeah I just come out with it he has speech and language delay and will tell them if he gets a diagnosis of autism. It's people and there pure ignorance and judgmental way of thinking that makes these situations very difficult for special needs parents xx
Almost 3 and about 100 words? She sounds like She is doing great to mekids can mispronounce things for ages. Her understanding sounds great. I'm sure She will be fine and will pick up loads at scholl x
Hello ...
I am new to this thread.. my daughter is 2 year 10months today... she just have more or less 100 words of vocabulary..she understands and follows a very few instructions like put it on table, bring it ,give it ,stand up, sit down,jump,dance....I am very much worried about her speech delay. even the words she speaks are very unclear... I read books to her ,talk to her a lot of time,show her baby videos on tv.. have no idea what else I should do? and to the brighter side she is potty trained...
I am a SHAM... and from this september (after she turns 3)goes to full time preschool..